Finally, after 23 years of being on this planet I finally found a woman that wants to fuck me...

Finally, after 23 years of being on this planet I finally found a woman that wants to fuck me. Tonight’s the night I finally get to climb into adulthood, any tips or tricks guys? >pic related, the pussy I have the pleasure of fucking tonight

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Other urls found in this thread:

>don't drink alcohol before fucking
>go watch a few videos on how to eat pussy
>clean your junk before fucking
>wear a condom if you're not planning on paying child support for 18 years
>if you're planning on fingering her, trim your nails

lick it good

This, plus don't cry after you cum

Also genuinely have fun with it. Don't worry about cumming to early, women appreciate the hability of going multiple times more than enduring a long time fucking. Bitches dry up if you take your time.

Be clean. Use a condom (and practice putting one on before you actually do the deed...). Read the room, do foreplay. Moan and let your breath out when it feels good. Kiss and lick the body.

Tip: at 23, women are flaky as fuck. Don't let it crush you if she absolutely just ghosts you tonight or blows you off to do something else. I've had it happen to me so many times and you have either know going into it or learn that people are often fickle as fuck.

Foreplay is your friend, user. Make sure she's nice and wet before you jam it in.

Also wear a damn condom

dont be afraid to make sounds!!
quiet guys are scary. do noises :3 make her know it feels good and relax. make her cum

Try not posting her pussy on the internet you weirdo wtf no wonder you're a virgin

Check em, and prepare to be underwhelmed.

Ky makes a lidocaine spray. Put that on, wipe off the excess especially around the base, put a condom on top. Bang Thot for hours. Feel like a man.

Or you will bust a nut so fat shell never see you again

the very first thing you'll do is sticking your finger up her ass as hard as you can. she'll love it op

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That's it boys archive units thread. user finally got good advice about slaying on bee

>Or you will bust a nut so fat shell never see you again
If she happens to know he's a virgin and is ok with it, she might be forgiving if he busts too early. Though if she's expecting him to be experienced, then you're definitely right.

One tip from me. Dont be afraid to cum. My first time we fucked like for an hour and I was so afraid of cumming too early that in the end I couldnt even do it. The second time was much better for both of us

Only sensible answer in the thread.

y tho?

Not him but the first time usually sucks balls. Once you find out how to vibe with the other person it gets interesting. Fucking like animals and shit

chicks are crazy for this

Oh the way you talk about it makes me think you'll talk her out of it. Don't get all needy and desperate about having sex tonight.

If she's into you, move it forward but take your time (on the other hand don't take all day either). Move things forward a bit, pull it back, move things forward, pull it back - try to get her horny rather than being too excited about the fact that you got a step further and trying to continue to push. If you feel things tense up - pull back a bit and chill before starting the process again.

Biggest thing is if it doesn't happen, remain cool, don't get to attached or feel down on it, and try again another time, possibly even with a different girl. Sometimes girls will pull back and pretend it won't happen, and guys sometimes fuck it up there by clearly having it affect them. Just act like it's not a big deal either way, and move things forward. Honestly just be happy that you're getting further along than you typically do and keep looking for chances to get laid if you don't here.

her fingers seem swollen im guessing shes a fat cunt?

My usual routine with my gf of 3 years.

69 for 10 mins (if we want the sex to be longer)
Missionary, with legs above 1 shoulder ~ 3 mins
Normal missionary ~ 5 mins
Fall back and fuck both kind of up, on our forearms. ~ 5 mins
Further back, let her ride me for a couple of mins.
Usually, I also make her squat and fuck her beneath her. ~ 2 mins
Finally, pull my dick out to go doggy
Doggy for about 10 to 15 mins.

She can cum all throughout this, she usually cums about Doggy or when she's riding. She says she has to get 'warmed up'

Try to sneak stuff into her bootyhole before she figures out what you're doing. Fingers, dick, beer can, whatever you want, as long as it's a surprise. Bitches love surprises. And if she doesn't, it's still always easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

stick ur finger in her butthole

Hit her in the bum with a 2x4. It's the best way to check for bees

>thinks becoming an adult means getting laid

OP dun goofed.

>See This New Chan-Board. Your Opinion about design please ?.

no thanks

Thanks for all the responses guys, I’ll keep some of them in mind and I’ll follow up the following day with how it went