I fucking hate my job and my boss at work is a faggot who fired me for no reason other than He has a grudge against me...

I fucking hate my job and my boss at work is a faggot who fired me for no reason other than He has a grudge against me after I said something that he saw as me critisising somthing he did at work so I now call on you Sup Forums to fuck up his email adress I stole with as much filth as possible. [email protected] please fill this bastards inbox with shit so he gets fired

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Why don't you just shoot him? That'll teach him.


Where I live you cant carry guns, Plus I want one of those pro revenge style revenges. or just /r/petty revenge

>prob constantly late
>poor work ethic
>doesnt catch on quick
>introvert faggot who makes everyone feel weird
>always crying about things

If these are the things your manager has against you then yes the grudge is logical and glad he fired your faggot ass

fuck you, pay me

Shuddup you fucking niggerfag snowflake and go jump a bridge.

>I fucking hate my job and my boss at work is a faggot

You ain't got a job, nigger! Problem solved...

lol in a nut shell. also go back to redit ,like /r/pettyrevenge never actually happens. stoopid ass normie

user, stop acting like an asshurt nigger. There's plenty of jobs available. Having a faggot boss happens occasionally. Just move on to the next job. My last job was as a security guard at a shit security post with a retarded 20 year old nigger chick as a supervisor that just sat on her ass all shift talking on the phone while I did the security rounds. When I was at the security desk, all she did was cry to me about how horrible her baby daddy is & saying she wished she ended up having a baby with a "good white boy" like me instead. Shit made my skin crawl and I coulda gotten her fired for sex harassment. But it wasn't worth the hassle. I ended up quitting after working there for a lil over 2 years & now I make $7 more an hour then I did there - $16 an hour now - sitting on my ass in my car for 12 hours a day, 3 days a week, watching over a car dealership while playing video games on my phone , playing video games, etc. Shit's the easiest, best paying job I ever had.

TL;DR - if a stoner lazy cunt like me can find a good paying fun job, then a whiny faggot like you can too.

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Meh Im still kinda butthurt that this Manager is still in his job after what he did to me and on other colleague the guy is a strait up creep when I defended my colleague he just made my life hell. I cant go out lying down like you, fucking beta trash.

I dare you to do what you are asking us to do, we aint doing it so go back to tumbler or what ever and begg there im sure some fucking sjw's will come rushing to help you.

Top Kek for denying op who is clearly a based cuck

The user you're responding to is right Sup Forumsruh. You got out of a bad situation with a retard boss. Assuming you live in the U.S., the job market's stronger now then it has been in decades. Go find a good paying gig & enjoy life. Hell, I just got hired on at our local factory here in town as a line assemblyman making 24 bucks an hour. I'm making more now than most the SJW dipshits I graduated high school with that now have a shit load of student & barely get paid minimum wage. Stop whining and go make something of yourself.

This thread is a shit hole of self pitty and millennial narcissism. Jannies do your thing for free.

Dont waste your breath my dude, Millennials are as stoopid as boomers

back to rebbit with you


*now have a shit load of student debt, that is.

Yeah, true. Just crazy people wanna bitch when there's now hiring signs on practically every business and they're basically throwing money at potential employees as long as you can pass a criminal background check & clean drug test.

Just the thought fuels my depression at how stupid society has become but, let them be stupid they will kill them self's off that way.

Same. Got a $3500 bonus + a $4/hour pay increase after completing my 90 day new hire probationary period. Work at the local automotive plant. Job's actually so easy & dull, a trained monkey could do it. Just that so many people here are hooked on drugs or have a criminal record, they have problems finding employees. Used the bonus check to pay off the last of my mortgage. Own my home outright now and no debt for once in my fuckin life. Shit's liberating ass fuck.

Your not working at Fort McCormick in Canada by any chance they have a huge drug problem there.

I fucking love my life on a more positive note fuck thoses wasters who moan about things not being good, I just got some ones email off this site and fucking signed them up to gay porn, medical journals ect ftw.