ITT we talk like white people, then chimp out when someone rolls trips. Trips again and we go back to white...

ITT we talk like white people, then chimp out when someone rolls trips. Trips again and we go back to white, then chimp out again, etc.

>Good morning gentlemen, how do you do?

Attached: 7DAEDA56-E9FB-450A-9C8A-A58AAA5ACE58.jpg (225x225, 15K)

well, hello there. Doing fine, and how are you doing ?

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Well, thank you very much. It’s a mighty fine day outside, is it not?

Giving this thread the ol' bumperino!:)

Who wants to grill and pay taxes?

Sounds great to me!

what a splendid idea, lets invite the neighbors

Well slap my wife's buscuit and butter my balls howya doin fellas?

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Mighty fine fellas!

doing well, my good man. mildly affronted by the raciness of your language

Sorry there bud! Just feeling extra chipper today!

How's the family user? Get down with any grilling lately? Enjoy a bud lite with pops?

How's your wife's boyfriend treating you?

nibba penis


I'm doing well user, the other day he brought me his Nintendo switch just for me!

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Don't worry pal Tyrone and DeShaun are taking care of the ole wifeys, so we have all the dang ole time in the world to keep a posting till we get there!

quite understandable, the weather has been sublime for autumn

nigga im drop a homie on the south side nigga gonna pop his ass with a gmy glock nigga

Ah yessir indeed! Such a lovely time of year. Crisp apples and pies of all sort! Really makes yah love livin in white suburbia don't it?

Anyone interested in golf and a well done steak?


Woah man easy on the gangster talk. We don't talk that way in this part of town.

Well that sounds like quite the splendid idea, my friend. Shall we?

Honestly, how many of you fellow crackers can actually compete with our brown brothas? They have WAY bigger penises than us...

You see friend, while we let our wives be entertained we are allowed the better pleasures in life, like intellectual endeavors and the like. Leaving the rest hard up for resources, we've no need to have bigger members, as our brains are bigger. So let em have their fun bud! We have more important things to do!

I'm thinking about buying my third vehicle. Any good recommendations? Looking for something with at least 4 cup holders.
