

Attached: 1442218406280.png (700x600, 53K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>heya, nice to meet you. i think we haven't met before. I'm Mano. do you have any nickname? and does your ava has name?
Hello there! The character and I go by Veng around here.

I stopped doing rerequests due to some bad people ruining the thread. Sorry

Attached: vengdraws.png (800x600, 107K)

Requesting Papi, entirely nude and tied up, bent over a small coffee table, and raped by a large dog while being forced to suck the dick of a man. Have his hand pushing her head down to his dick as he cums inside her mouth, all while the dog cums inside her pussy at the same time, with a little thing to the side showing impregnation. And to give a more rapey feel, if you like, have a gun sitting next to him on the table or pointed towards her head and have her crying

If possible, color would be appreciated

More references can be provided if asked for. Thank you!

Attached: EMG_Papi_51.png (1488x2105, 1.7M)

Requestin Cathyl getting fucked by a horse. Impregnation and overflowing with his cum. X-ray view showing the inside of the womb being filled would be nice. And then also have her sucking the dick of a man who is also cumming inside her mouth, cum flowing out the sides of her mouth.

If possible, color would be appreciated

More references can be provided if asked for. Thank you!

Attached: EMG_Cathyl_14.png (468x1376, 672K)

Requesting Saane, from Monster Musume getting fucked doggystyle and impregnated by a large dog. Give it either a rape-like or mindbreak feel to it.

If possible, color would be appreciated

More references can be provided if asked for. Thank you

Attached: EMG_Saane_1.jpg (850x1202, 117K)

you fucking nigger

One last try
Requesting her getting impregnated by some bottom of the barrel, lowlife scum of a man. Basically, any man that would be degrading/humiliating to fuck, maybe in an alleyway.

Attached: image.png (1000x1115, 772K)

>Hello there! The character and I go by Veng around here.
cool! my pal is Miderenm, Mid is fine too. strange that we haven't met before. nice to see people getting around a bit more
>reposting because too tired for scribbles

Attached: heyoooo.png (500x500, 149K)

you guys are faggots and deserve death

Attached: 1565988840217.jpg (638x647, 66K)

Not them,just a random guy.

Me:That's rude

Exposed slut (ex-gf) at imgur.com/o6auWN2

literally who

Please roleplay with these avatarfags, you pathetic goon. You wouldn't even talk to a person in real life.

It me again.

Attached: 1571951032219.png (1024x1024, 80K)

Hey what’s good bean?

>He shitscribbles his oc
>roleplays with anons when no one is around
>the one to get ignored by "better" avatarfags
>pitifully circlejerks with ones below him
>all for free

Attached: 322165165.png (225x225, 6K)

Touch birdy tail!!!

Attached: 69EA5B5A-5D5A-49CF-862A-AB5C8305154E.png (2046x1535, 622K)

Heyy! he was behind of this..!

Attached: 5591570616124045.jpg (1586x1157, 134K)

Might I remind you how much of a faggot you are?

Attached: shadow.png (1806x876, 725K)

Requesting Ichirin Kumoi getting knotted and impregnated by a wolf

Attached: image.jpg (705x1000, 613K)

Ima b home in a bit.
Thats p good.
Wats gud wit u.
Im really not sure wat u mean.
>>the one to get ignored by "better" avatarfags
That ones p tru.
Ppl stop talking to me and take me off their friends list once they realize i aint shit.

Attached: 1571951404497.png (1024x1024, 73K)

On break. Gonna head back to work in a minute. Later.

Where the hell are these goy's fans, anons? what could possibly happen today?

Attached: Soy.png (572x693, 10K)

Can someone draw Sup Forums as a waifu

Take care.
Ay good question.

Attached: 1571951730179.png (1024x1024, 66K)

I assume the YV wagon left yesterday, but dropped a couple of nobodies along

The amusement never ends, though
how long till the party bus comes back?

Attached: Soy.png (784x953, 245K)

Idk wat that means.
I wouldnt kno, iv never been part of anything like that.
The ignored thing is p accurate.
Anyway take care.

Attached: 1571952061837.png (1024x1024, 28K)

Requesting officer bean.


Requesting Shirley Sunshine in either one of the two poses on the bottom of the reference

Attached: 1571874281018.jpg (1274x1538, 336K)

Requesting her getting trapped in a snare and then getting cooked by hunters.

Thanks for the compliment. I am indeed that.


Popopoka... POPOPOKA!!

Attached: n2elc9-b781278574z.120140313184617000guc1iu9ri.1.jpg (600x361, 42K)

>user injects ketamine into his testicles

i am here to heal all of your everything

Attached: IMG_20191024_232014-01.jpg (751x751, 53K)

goons detected

Times really have changed i suppose.

I may as well draw with others while waiting for requests. Besides the repost requesters. Thanks for the post i suppose.

Life goes on, just practicing some art.

Attached: vengdraws.png (800x600, 355K)

Why tho?

>Repeat requesters

appears that you are existing once more
>cum to yoda's mouth, he must
>ketamine, yoda can have
bruh how the fuck are these free brushes
i find gems from DA
can you pirate brushes lol

really should sleep rn
time zone differences suck aight

Attached: bruh2.png (294x340, 78K)

that my name !!

Attached: popopoka.png (741x836, 591K)

There is a limit to where these threads can go. Don't forget these people are who draw your art yet talk with an avatar. If you want to actually draw, there are more serious places, but if you want the feel of actual drawings and deliveries, there are boards like /h/ and /trash/. Things will stay the same on the Sup Forums drawthreads. A shitfilled place of hatred, drama, and anger. And that mixed with anons who yet realize this, but roleplay with avatars despite being a tool for these people.
Nobody cares about your avatar, nor your name. We only care about content. Remember to dilate, you faggots.

Attached: 1568595994233.jpg (600x450, 30K)

>those trips
I owe you my life, you truly are the king of kings

Attached: 1035533.jpg (640x480, 33K)

Sup fag, doing reqs?
Draw a slutty nun pls

That’s beautiful, P.

actual samefag

Attached: 1571864968585.jpg (365x346, 16K)

No fag I just want a slutty nun and rider doesn't deliver


Maybe, just maybe, because thats shit?

I'm gonna break it down for you simpletons.

Sup Forums drawthreads are shit. Seldom do drawfags come here. The only people that really populate these threads are retarded spergs, requesters, and avatarfags that pretend that they're drawfags. You can largely blame the latter for the state of these threads. They see this place as a chatroom where they draw reaction images of their avatars, not a place for requesting and creative drawing. Avatarfags actively scare off drawfags when they do happen across these threads, whether through excessive attention whoring, forced namefagging, or shitting all over them because "they did the wrong request." Not to mention you have to deal with them pretending like they know anything about art.

All other boards' drawthreads have a clean format that encourages deliveries and creativity. Even /trash/ drawthreads are in a better state than Sup Forums drawthreads, and honestly, that's fucking sad. Avatarfagging lands you a ban, and namefagging is extremely minimal. All drawfags are thanked greatly for their work by the requester and other anons. Good deliveries get the honor of being included in the next drawthread OP. Some of them even offer critiques and constructive criticism when warranted by other drawfags.

In brief, Sup Forums drawthreads focus around the individuals that FORCE identification on its posters. All other board's drawthreads focus around the content in the threads.

The root of the problem is the avatarfags. They're the ones that force the identification, not only on themselves but on other posters. They only care about the persona. Take away the avatarfags and you lose this corrupted culture. Things will return to the norm that is traditional imageboard culture, the focus on content rather than the user. Not to mention the corruption proceeding the future of these threads with anons directly roleplaying with these people.

You can naysay all you like, but it doesn't change the fact of the matter.

Attached: 1558627844685.png (436x536, 143K)

Ketamine cum

Heh, nah shit I want a slutty nun

Wait a minute, that's Merula Snyde!

Waiter! This pasta is too stale!

Attached: image.jpg (731x1000, 615K)

No anime shit, the western kind

Attached: VenusFly-Tri.png (450x450, 107K)

she's a nun though

these colours are S+ mang
great work overall
two Yoda's basic needs in one: nutrients and ketamine
>multitask, it is

off to bed now

Attached: judenavatar.png (500x500, 64K)

/r/ A Zombie girl doing goatse

welcome back boss

Update your accounts faggot


I shit you not, that's Merula Snyde, google it

i love u decapf

Attached: IMG_20191024_234826-01.jpg (771x771, 70K)

Who are you?

bun? what you doing fam

Attached: VenusFly-Tri.png (450x450, 121K)

who's asking?

not bun

Attached: IMG_20191024_235444-01.jpg (617x617, 90K)

In that case spit out a fucking lung nigger


been here longer than you, faggot

not gonna deny that the majority of Sup Forums drawthread residents are spergs, retards and avatarfags but

avatarfags dont scare off drawfags. doxxing, lame/repetitive requests, lack of a good archive and just the fact that not many artists enjoy doing requests to begin with is why theres a lack of drawfags.

if you had a perfect ban on all avatarfagging, you wouldnt have more request takers. you would just have less people drawing.


>>Not to mention the corruption proceeding the future of these threads with anons directly roleplaying with these people.
It's been a trend for 2 days now, user. We can't stop the pain train

>You think men like YV ever think about what it's like to be someone like me? To be somebody but themselves? They don't. They think that we'll just sit there and take it, like good little boys! That we won't werewolf, and shitpost wild!
>You finished? I mean, there's so much self-pity, user, it sounds like you're making excuses for posting those cunny posts. Not everybody, and I'll tell you this, not everyone is awful.
>You're awful, Roleplayer.
>Me? I'm awful? Oh yeah, how am I awful?
>Posting your cringe roleplay. Taking away drawfag attention. You just want to stop my funposting. You're just like the rest of them!
>You don't know the first thing about me, pal. Look what happened because of what you did. What it led to. There are off-topic posts out there. Two avatarfags are crying in their Discord, and you're laughing. You're laughing. An avatarfag was Sneedposted today, and because of what you did.
>I know! ... How about another post, Roleplayfag?
>No, I think we've had enough of your posts.
>What do you get...
>No, I don't think so.
>...when you cross a based and redpilled shitposter... with a drawthread that HATES ANONS and TREATS HIM LIKE TRASH?!
>Call the avatars, Gene! Call the avatars!
>I'll tell you what you get! You get what you FUCKING DESERVE!

Attached: 1571870306446.png (497x499, 300K)

Requesting Sigma from Overwatch with hyper balls like in the image to the right.
Preferably with a foreskin for accuracy to his Greek nationality.

Let’s do it for the meme boyos

Attached: DDCD3399-3BB4-481D-A3F9-63B14BF1A82A.png (639x480, 477K)

this one still makes me laugh

Taking pixel requests
It's funny how much I've been starting to draw requests from here for about a week now and all the threads are is drama being dug up and a never-ending battle between avatars and people who loathe them.

All in all it's still a fun place to take requests and have that one user keep requesting me Halo shit to draw.

Attached: dotpict_20191020_004422.png (384x384, 2K)

>Haha what? Doing requests on a drawthread? What a weird idea!

yeah, it is
go pay your fucking fav artist and get your oc

draw this as a pixel art

Attached: ad421d55875fc7bced79c5799d6e8a23.jpg (800x416, 22K)

i never knew trips could have so much power,
check these then

mmh, i'm not sure about the lewds tonight,
i wanna draw wholesome,
or just sleep, i wanna sleep, bad

danke schon

damn u right, who's that dood, she even have the orange thing in the hair

ey, thank you, autumn colors are nice colors,
good nightt

Attached: popopoka.png (816x667, 283K)

>this man crosses your path
>you recognize him
>it's the man you roleplay with
>he wants you to suck his dick
What do you do

Attached: leaf guy.png (722x827, 655K)

Could you please draw sad bird doing "twik twik twik"?

Attached: tweetd.jpg (2674x1080, 481K)

show butt, I can already see vagoo from the see-through skirt.

>she even have the orange thing in the hair
Yeah right? that's fucking creepy. like the universe messing around with u.


>i wanna draw wholesome,
Draw your favourite 2 female cuties sleeping next to each other.

r/ing cooch cuddling with her pink fren

Attached: 1570741304180.png (974x1544, 867K)


The avatarfags don't samefag per se. What they do is reply to eachother with and without their avatars to make it seem like that more people are engaging with them. Ironically enough, they also post without their avatars when they want to start drama and spew hate at eachother because of jelous or some sort of grudge. All in all though, it's just one, big, disfunctional circlejerk.

It's understandable why they do it though. If you take a stroll through their tumblrs and twitters whatnot, they have no more than 5-10 followers, half of which are other avatarfags they friended. Even if they have more than 100, They still have a follower to like ratio of jackshit. Why do you think they have 1-30 likes minimum? No one wants to see their shit. They can't develop a following on any real art-sharing website, so they come here to scrape the bottom of the barrel for the errant (You) some clueless user may mistakenly give them.

Now, there are some non-avatarfag, non-drawfag orbiters that do interact, but they're few and far between. Most true anons are here for request deliveries and nothing more.

Attached: saveyourfamily.jpg (469x750, 115K)


Fuck off you’re scaring the avatars away, I wanna get my request done

Counter requesting cooch giving the person at the stand a blowjob to explain how she got the pink gorilla.

She just stole it and killed the guy, she did the same for a soda and popcorn in one of their episodes

Doin stupid little requests like this is fun and I just improve my art

Attached: dotpict_20191024_171827.png (1024x1024, 7K)

it is not hard to get followers, if they have that little engagement they are either really inexperienced with social media or theyre just not trying to get followers on that account

PPPK do gigantamax Felix the Cat

Attached: 4.png (497x280, 125K)