I got positive on a HIV-test, planning to end my life tomorrow

I got positive on a HIV-test, planning to end my life tomorrow
Ask me anything you want

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what country? just so i can know where not to have unprotected sex

Spread it retard, your havin a good time

did you get aids from fucking in the butt?

AIDS? If not, hold off, HIV alone is pretty manageable these days, albeit no sex sucks.

Russia. If you ever plan to go here, don't ever have a hookup in S. Petersburg

and you know theres medicine for that nowadays

Why kill yourself over something that's easily managed? Now you can be a gay bug chasing bareback bottom.

You do know that the medicine is so effective nowadays that you can literally have unprotected sex without passing it on, right?

Good decision would do the same

you already ded in 2017

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Who did you get it from?

I did, he went raw on me. Promised that he doesn't have any STDs, but then texted me a few days later that he has HIV

What tips do you have for young people if you could do it again what would have you done better ? What regrets do you have ?

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you think people would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

Good find user, OP is such a gimp.


sorry go ahead with it m8

Are you fucking stupid? Ending your life over that? A few months of medication and you can't even infect anyone. Side effects are for almost everyone to live with.

Give it some time..

Why not right now and stream it

What is your full name when translated from cryllic lettering? The cursive isn't clear enough to make it out.

Got nudes of any of the women that you have hooked up with?

I can't afford to buy any medication, and my insurance doesn't cover it.

He’s Russian and has AIDS.. Clearly he’s sucking cock.

dint you sterilize your pee pee with vodka after sex

It was a guy


2hk says the document is forged and is a shitty larp. Fuck off