Why isnt anyone talking about the more serious crime commited by rep. katie hill? her bong is fucking dirty as fuck...

why isnt anyone talking about the more serious crime commited by rep. katie hill? her bong is fucking dirty as fuck, looks like its never been cleaned before....fucking disgusting! LOCK HER UP!

Attached: katie hill.jpg (634x913, 75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Trap thread?

weed thread if anything...get your faggot shit out of here.

Unedited version pls

I’m curious to see the rest of the photos...

I read about this yesterday. What made me laugh is that people aren't upset about the affair or how she's using drugs on camera. The democrats are mad about the photos being leaked and want the person who leaked it arrested. It's beyond pathetic given these are the same people who complained about Trump having sex with a pornstar.

that tattoo

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we should really see how dank the bud was she was smoking...if it was fire high grade then maybe she can get a pass this time, but if it was some boof mids then lock her up!

Also she’s an alphabet person and as such is as degenerate as you might imagine.

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i doubt she is an alphabet girl... waayyyy to sloppy. if she is a glowie than maybe humanity really does still have a chance to break free from our chains

Anyone got the uncensored?

I think he meant that she's part of the LGBQTI or whatever it is group. As she's openly "bisexual" and has a "husband".

Low life Republicans are going to have a field day with this. Everyone smokes fucking weed. Everyone gets naked. Everyone has consenting relationships with other consenting adults. Fuck Republicans and their bullshit manufactured outrage. They can (and will) all burn in hell.

here's her ass

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Did you say this when your team was bitching about Trump and Stormy Daniels? Probably not


Posted this on twitter and was immediately locked out of my account

I don't have a team you god damned low IQ piece of shit. Unlike you I don't decide who I agree with based on what letter they put next to their name.

>I don't have a team
Is that because you're not old enough to vote yet sunny? If so maybe you should wait until your balls drop first before opening your retarded pre-teen mouth about politics.

You whine about manufactured outrage whilst having a mental breakdown about something that hasn't even happened yet, it's rather cute.

Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Your lack of GED is showing, cupcake.

However you're missing the fact that the other "consenting adult" was her staff member who she denied doing anything with her and now naked pictures of her with her staff member came out so kind it's of a big deal

You don't need to have a team, you dipshit. The point is, you're not on Trumps team, obviously. But your double standard assed view points didn't give the same benefit of the doubt that Trump had with Stormy Daniels.

Being the way you're all outraged. You're most likely a government dependent for the rest of your life. Won't surprise me that you're some mask wearing Antifa idiot.

for a 32 year old she's got a real bad body

Pot is legal in California.

Are there unedited pics?
Shes ok looking at best, but I could definitely fap to her nude shame.

That was exactly my point. We had to hear for fucking months about Trump having an "affair" with a fucking pornstar before he was even a goddamn politician. But then this bitch gets caught having sex with someone who was an "aide" while being married, using drugs, and we're all just suppose to ignore the double standard? Get the fuck out of here. The funny part is that most republicans don't even care about this and it's hardly being reported on at all. But I just think it's rather funny how it's only an issue when it's someone who isn't on the Democrat team. By the way how old is this "aide" anyway?

Trump was also was a private citizen then, not in office when this happened and she wasn't someone who worked for him

for what?

I just want to know why the fuck the uncensored photos aren't out. What's the point of releasing this shit? If you want to humiliate and end her, don't be a faggot, release the good shit.

Dems don't care about drugs because only Repubs give a shit about rooting around in people's private lives. The sort of applies to the affair thing, too, although the bigger factor is that when Dems do shit like cheating or convining their GFs to get abortions, they're not also pretending to be paragons of moral virtue and getting fundies to vote for them based on some holier than thou attitude.

Nice try finding something to whine about, though!

Not in 2017 when that picture was taken

where the nudes at

Not lock her up, but she should step down
Lying about it happening, using drugs and sleeping with a someone on her staff for starters

Oh it's a politics thing. Everyone thinks that you can arrest politicians now for anything.

so glad you made this thread, was just looking for one.

Anybody have the uncensored pics? Need to see her tits

It's not just Trump. That 12 year old retard is whining about republicans in general. So apparently it's okay to cheat on your spouse and have sex with staff members and use drugs, as long as you have the right letter after your name. Literally the same fucking people who demanded Trump be impeached for fucking a pornstar more than 10 years ago, and actively trying to sweep this under the rug. Oh and find out who leaked it so they can be sued and arrested. All while we ignore the substance of the photos themselves.


Need to see her pussy! Looks like she doesn't have tits. It's just her shoulder blades point to the front.

Agreed... but they're too busy being partisan cunts to care about tits.

Trump has never claimed to be a messiah of moral values either though. Of course you left out this minor detail. And if all of that was true then why did they bitch for months on end about Trump fucking a porn star? But this situation is all good despite being far worse.

The things that poor goat has been subjected to... just awful

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Fuck me, he used campaign funds to pay her off...which is a crime. Before you libtard my ass know, I’m a republican, hate Hillary and can’t believe you fucks fall for Orange Julius Caesar’s bull shit. A president shouldn’t have to pay a porn stat with campaign funds to keep her quiet you knuckle dragging Alabamans. The highest elected office in the land should have some Integrity, not some reality TV spectacle grifter.

Holy fuck just shut the fuck up

She seems like the kind of girl I’d date. Like weird pets? Poly? Plays a little vidya? This only improves my opinion of her

Ha! Don't post anything derogatory about the old hag Nancy Pelosi or you'll be sent to Siberia and forced to have lunch with Adam Schiff.

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And yet amazingly this "crime" is not only NOT talked about anymore by your team, but they can't even prove that he used campaign funds. Keep on drinking that kool-aid though. And yes I'm sure you're a "republican", fuck outta here. Probably one of those retards who thinks because he agrees with 1-2 conservative issues he's a moderate, but then turns around and lock steps with every democrat and all their bullshit demands.

But he has claimed to be a man of God many times, talked about his good morals and all that jazz.

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no she def needs to be locked up... having a bong that dirty is a serious party foul aka (rich mans felony)

throw her in gitmo for fucks sake, how dare she let her bong get that dirty

The democrats do the same fucking shit. Anything else you need to be schooled on kiddo?

stop using whataboutism

You're the one who brought up democrats being degenerates to begin with, retard. But sure, lets get back on the subject at hand. Explain why your team doesn't care one of it's players did what they bitched about Trump doing, except with a staff member who is god knows what age AND using drugs that was federally illegal, all while being a politician. You mind explaining that?

Dude you're as dumb as a pile of bricks if you think you can teach me that politicians suck. But you said Trump never claimed to have good morals you fuckwit, just showing that you're wrong about that.

You honestly see voting based on the letter next to their name as a sign of maturity? Unironically kill yourself, if you can figure out how to work a gun or tie a rope before you die of natural causes.

You really think Republicans aren't going to bitch and moan about this for weeks on end? I'd bet anything that Trump tweets about this within 24 hours.

And why does this matter? Use your fucking brain. If they're both adults and they both consent, there is nothing wrong with it. At all. As for denying it, any public figure would and should deny it, because it isn't anyone else's fucking business except for theirs.

Still waiting fo the uncensored one

So, I Wonder How Many More Democrats have a Iron Cross Tattoo.....?

>Orange Julius Caesar

STFU about politics. Just want to see her pussy.

No I said he never claimed to be a fucking messiah of moral values. Plus he wasn't a fucking politician when he had sex with Stormy. Are you this fucking stupid you can't tell the difference between that and this situation?

Since you're a literal brain dead retard I'll explain it to you. Since you or whoever it was came in here and instantly started bitching about republicans, my point was that person obviously sees politics as a team sport. You all caught up now genius?

Also funny that NOW you people wanna pull out the fucking "consenting adults" card. But when it was Trump and Stormy you weren't saying this bullshit. And we're suppose to just overlook how this was a fucking person who worked for her campaign and this was an affair on her husband. And you think it's acceptable to lie about the affair. So yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and guess you also view politics as a team sport, champ.

No one ever gave a shit that he fucked story you half brained dumb fucks. It was that he used campaign fund for hush money, which is illegal. don't forget how much Trump denied the whole thing too. What also is illegal is weed on federal level, so its a double standard if she's allowed and no other low life government worker isn't. It's a stretch to say that tattoo is a nazi white supremacy tattoo. Lets not forget about all the R's who were on the KKK lost that came out a year or two ago.

Overall, at best, she smoked weed and had sex. big fucking deal.

Why is nobody moderate or level headed logical thinker anymore. Fucking embarrassing.



It's a 4-leaf clover. Is that a nazi thing now?

Fucked Stormy***


Get back on Sup Forums fucktard.

>comparing this to the stormy daniels scandal
Are you really this fucking retarded? The reason that was a scandal was because it was a campaign finance violation, not because they fucked.

>It was that he used campaign fund for hush money, which is illegal.
Again, where's the evidence? And please give me a fucking break that no one "gave a shit" because for MONTHS we had to hear all of this bullshit about Trump having an affair and his "moral character", but somehow this situation is different. Give me a motherfucking break. All I'm saying is that don't have this bullshit double standard when all of a sudden it's someone on your team that gets caught doing the same shit you were bitching about not even a fucking year ago.

>Trump has never claimed to be a messiah of moral values either though. Of course you left out this minor detail.

Because it's irrelevant. It's actually one of the few areas where Trump comes off more honest than the average Republican, despite being so narcissistic overall, and most progressives would agree on that. What's bugs progressives about it is the fundies who support him despite being so judgmental about it in people like Katie Hill. It's called hypocrisy.

>And if all of that was true then why did they bitch for months on end about Trump fucking a porn star?

1) they bitched about fundies and conservatives supporting him despite that, and despite pretending to be so concerned about monogamy and all that shit

2) it was the hush funds from campaign money that was the bigger deal there. The only people surprised about Trump cheating with porn stars were the dumb fuck conservatives who voted for him without knowing anything about his past.

Seriously, your thinking here is fairly addled and confused, you need to read up on this stuff more and consider your positions better

In prison, yes it is

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>democrats complained about Trump having sex with a pornstar
this didn't happen
>democrats complained about using campaign money to shut up a porn star
this is what happened, and it sent people to jail.

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No the fuck it was not. The only reason this bullshit was invented by the democrats was because they quickly realized not a single person who voted for Trump gives a fuck he had sex with a fucking porn star. But this bitch has an affair with her own staff member who is an "aide", a literal made up position and that's no big deal?

>Since you or whoever it was came in here and instantly started bitching about republicans, my point was that person obviously sees politics as a team sport.
You don't have to be on any team to see that the vast majority of office-holding Republicans are corrupt pieces of shit.
>But when it was Trump and Stormy you weren't saying this bullshit
Well the Katie Hill thing isn't based on a campaign finance violation you nigger. The Stormy Daniels thing had nothing to do with the fact that they fucked.
>And we're suppose to just overlook how this was a fucking person who worked for her campaign
Completely irrelevant if they both are consenting adults.
>and this was an affair on her husband
It has been reported for a while now that this was a consensual three-way relationship, not an affair. Try again, dipshit.
>So yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and guess you also view politics as a team sport, champ.
I genuinely can't even imagine being as braindead as you. How do you even survive?

>Again, where's the evidence?
Trump's lawyer literally admitted to it and is in fucking prison right now.

Who is that ugly cunt? Titless and a flabby ass. GTFO, bitch.

>No the fuck it was not
It was though. Saying "nuh-uh" doesn't mean it wasn't. This article breaks it down in retard speak for people like you if you want to stop sucking your orange god's cock for thirty seconds to read it: usatoday.com/story/news/2018/12/14/michael-cohen-explaining-why-hush-money-illegal-donation/2287647002/

Again with the team bull shit, I don't have a team first of all. I thought I alluded to that when I said the moderate thing, but I guess that went over your head.

He tweeted about it and Cohen and just basically blamed Cohen because he's his lawyer and he should know the law and that's why they get paid because they are responsible. So after lying for months about not knowing and claiming he had no idea about it. He then admits he told Cohen to pay her off, whether Trump knew about the funds and where it came from is a different story. However, he is still responsible since they are his campaign funds.

So give me a fucking break you blind, spineless, conspiracy sheep dumb ass. And yeah clearly Trump has no morals, but clearly no Rep. cares about that either. Clearly you don't either.

So why aren't the same people upset over this? Because it's not a republican? That's basically what you're saying

Manafort wasn't sent to jail for that you stupid fucking moron. Why do fags like you love to pretend everyone is as stupid and lazy as you that they can't look that up?

Again, you fucking idiot, the issue at hand isn't whether they were consenting, even though you retards weren't saying this shit when it was Trump and Stormy. The problem is that there is a blatant double standard here and the democrats, instead of addressing the substance at hand, want to sweep it under the rug and arrest and sue the person who leaked it. Why isn't Coach Pelosi demanding she step the fuck down? Because she plays for the same team?

Show me the court document that is what he was charged with, not this bullshit from USAtoday

Yup, another fake "republican" who lock steps with the democrats but pretends he's conservative. Fucking called it.

Nicee one Elon Musky...

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What? Can you reword that.

you are asking the right questions
but we are denied

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Id do that body in a second. Most 30 yo chicks are fat and disgusting.

Fucks sake you worthless newfags. Where the fuck are the nudes?

Look at you all, fighting over the dumbest shit. This country is fucked. Why don't you for once get your head out of your asses and enjoy the smaller things in life instead of hiding behind the screen and shit posting. grow up.

>s-stop f-fighting
>on my p-porn board

we need to put are autism together and find the uncensored pics. Oldest post I found was from 5 days ago, but it was censored. COME ON BOYS

Worthless shit board more like. Not even one fucking titty.

Best I found

Attached: 20138948-7609835-image-m-210_1571930433668.jpg (634x800, 54K)

congrats, you can dailymail... worthless

>Again, you fucking idiot, the issue at hand isn't whether they were consenting, even though you retards weren't saying this shit when it was Trump and Stormy
Again, it was NOT the fact that Trump and Stormy fucked, it was the illegal campaign donation. Holy shit you're like a fucking broken record.
>Show me the court document that is what he was charged with, not this bullshit from USAtoday

Better picture than you came up with

Oh, and so your dumb ass can't cry "FAKE NEWS" here is a link to the same document from the US Department of Justice's website: justice.gov/usao-sdny/press-release/file/1088966/download

I've been hoping for this for days. Where are the goods!

Great, now show me where it says Trump told him to use Campaign funds to bury the story. I'm not seeing that anywhere in these faggy court documents.

These aren't the leaks i wanted from you Sup Forums. I'm very disappointed.

This is her porn account. Can anyone find deleted posts? Or maybe this username on other platforms?
