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Other urls found in this thread:

>slept naked with my gran for 8 years
>bathed with her for about the same amount of time

Let a male friend blow me while I was with a girl, she never knew. Felt bad about it after.

I've dated a woman who's been married before. Her ex-husband was molesting her daughter.
It left the girl with huge issues... and she was real sex freak


I borrowed my dad's camera and found naked pics of my mom posing for him...
And of my sister, too.

Feel left out?

mind sharing?

Got the pics user?

You can't share a lie.

After the initial freak out of seeing my naked mom and my little sister both posing on our parents bed... yeah, a bit, actualy

I put the camera in place as soon as I saw them, since I wasn't really supposed to "borrow" it in the first place.
When I figured out I could make a copy of them, the memory card had been cleaned up

i've had a friend jokingly tell me i should wear some dress we passed by as we shopped with his gf. Little does he know.

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Been getting nudes from my aunt for 2 weeks now she invited me to come over for drinks soon. Tits are nice(related) but other then that not much going on

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Share the rest


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How old is the sister?

Not a big one but oh well
>Used to be the school bully, around my 10s
>That's literally it

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See what I mean

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She was 11 at that time, and I think the pics were recent enough so she was probably 11 on them too

How did you get her to send you nudes? How did that come up?
How old is she? How old are you? Mom's sister or your dad's? Is she married?

We always clicked even when I was younger she is 43 I'm 22

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Wickr tabooperv15 for dark and twisted chats

Literally she sent me this pic out of the blue and I addressed it as did you know if it was me she sent to and she said yes. So I rolled with it. She is my mom's sister

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I'd go to town on that.

She is married yes

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That's fucked up.

Im on the fence about it like I'll happily take a bj to start and see where it goes and after a few drinks on sure I'll be ready I'm out of pics now

I spoon my nose


found out the mom of some guy I know from school used to be a hardcore slut streamer. Fapped to her many many times

Totally different secret, but went to Germany today and found a second world war Mauser rifle and pistol. Took m over the border home. Now cleaning the rifle.

Hence why I freaked out seeing them

pic related

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>be me 20yo M unifag
>have loving gf, all going well
>this year
>get accepted at Todai for master's degree
>"it's OK user, follow your dreams, I'll wait here for you"
>leave Paris promising myself to call her every week
>arrive in Tokyo
>start studying
>nip classmates invite me to party
>meet cute japanese girl
>meet her again at subsequent parties
>ultimately get drunk enough to make out with her
>massive sense of guilt hits me as soon as I kiss her lips

I held my girlfriend’s hand after our date. God have mercy on my degenerate soul

The girl had been abused from younger than she remembered until she was 10, when her mother divorced her father (who then left the country)

I started dating her mother when she was 12. About two months later, when I was driving the girl to school, just the two of us in the car, she casualy asked me how good of a fuck her mom was, and if I wanted to fuck her for comparison. My mind went blank, I was speechless, I don't even know how I managed to keep driving, but I still delivered her to school safely. I found out parking my car later that she had left her panties on the backseat too.

Bruh.. how did she compare?

Gods damn that takes me back to my childhood.

When I was 17 I got a 14 year old girl pregnant.
When I found out I ghosted her and, in the ten years since, have not been contacted for child support.

> late 20's
> hooked up with single mom
> she was pretty hot but crazy as fuck
> had an 8yo daughter
> the father was some try-hard drop out
> never accomplished anything and anhero'd in a fit of depression
> mother and daughter have abandonment issues
> for almost six months I played the good bf
> took the cucked roll
> aquarium, zoo, even helped with school supplies
> then the sex tapered off
> she was never in the mood anymore
> one day I got off work early due to an electrical outage
> swung by her place unannounced mid-day
> caught her banging an "ex" fwb
> that was it.. I was done
> almost six years later I'd pretty much sworn off seriously dating
> having a coffee at the mall
> this vaguely familiar tween says "hi"
> ffs it's her daughter.. She seemed anxious and blurted out that she'd missed me
> wanted to know where I'd gone
> I told her about her mom cheating
> she wasn't surprised by it
> we caught up, and since we were in the mall, even did some lite shopping because I felt a little guilty about abandoning her (not her mom)
> she added me on FB, and Snapchat
> we kept in contact and I kept up that supportive role
> we met up just before her 14th bday so she could pick out a gift
> after we're in my car she leans across the console for a hug
> that's sweet.. Then she kisses me
> it was just a peck at first.. I was a bit surprised
> but then she actually kissed me full on the mouth
> I really really shouldn't have allowed it but we got into a crazy make out session in the parking lot
> I drove to my place instead of dropping her off home
> she just followed me in without saying anything
> as soon as the door closed behind us she was all over me
> I'm not particularly proud if what I've done..
> ..but she comes by every other day after school now
> it may not have been planned but in my case it's a definite fringe benefit to having dated a single mom

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I drugged a girl at my local bar and raped her in an alleyway i got all of my cream out of her goo and put it in a bag that i destroyed later, cleaned her from head to toe and took all of her clothes with me
And i didn't get caught!

I was fuckin this girl years ago, blew my load in her on accident because the jimmy broke. Come to find she got preggers so i split. Fuck being responsible right? Turns out it was OPs mom and the kid turned out to be the degenerate i knew he would become, asking people about their secrets and shit. So proud.

the mother was a solid 7/10, good body, dedicated lover. Rather on the tame side of things, but not a prude.

The daughter was into some heavy stuff like rape fetish, group sex, serious bondage... I clearly had more limits than her...

>I'm not particularly proud if what I've done..

I had a girlfriend that was sexually abused as a child.. she was the same way; sexually voracious.

Pic related?

Dont be a pussy
Live lifes experiences but be smart dont catch diseases.
Take it to your grave.
The world isnt fucking black and white, how do you know shes not getting railed too.
You arent the only human to exist to he tempted.
I dont know whats more naive your story or the fact you think she wont go through her own shit.
Kids these fuckin days and their LDRs and promises.

If it were do you honestly think he'd admit it?

thats what my mom did when she thought I was at school

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10/10 would read again

I can't say we're all like that. but csa really makes a lot of us like that.

I can't remeber the last time I was in a csa support group that didnt end up descending into an advertisement for sex addiction.

so should I just disappear from my GF?
should I act like i'm gone for good, and carry on with the nip qt?
I'm not a chad, I have no idea what to do.

i once managed to have sex with a hyena, nothing too fancy but overall still sex, i can share my story if there's interest

When I was in 6th grade, I stole a kid's iPod.

Later that week, he killed himself...

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Was it a female that mounted you?

No just bury it in a box and lock it in your mind.
Think rationally, are you prepared to get dual citizenship and stay in Japan?
If so then sure ghost her and marry that nip cuz honestly they need to fuckin make some kids arent they endangered or someshit at the rate their population is dwindling.
I heard they cant even five houses away with how vacant they are these days.

Anyway take things as they come and stop worrying about it.
You sound mormon or something.
I swear youth is wasted on the young.

voracious is quite an apt term...
she quickly made it clear to me after the car talk that she was pretty much never wearing patnies to school and would have sex with anyone. She got a few of her schoolgirl friends to sleep over and she was... quite happy to have them in her bed, those girls didn't get much sleep for sure.

And what always amazed me: her mother never noticed. She knew some inapropriate stuff went down with the father but never to what extent or how fucked up her daughter was. Maybe she was refusing to see it, but I think the girl was pretty good at hiding it and keeping an innocent facade too

no, it was me mounting her, she was laying down

I found out ppl that kill themselves made that decision a long time ago and theres nothing you could have done or said to stop it.
They made that resolve on their own.
>Source years of therapy blaming myself for a suicide

yes pls greentext

are you a cumdumpster?

I have a fetish for balloons and inflatable pool toys.

Thats not how sex with female hyenas works you lying piece of shit

I've never been sexually abused.. but I'm thinking I want to attend such a group anyway.

After my brother’s funeral I was hanging out with his gf (wanted to smoke me up) which I was keen on because obviously sad. gave me Valium and benZos, basically got too fucked up to do anything, she then mounted me and fucked me on her couch.

Weirdest feeling the next day, never talk to her again, she never reached out to me either.

>Maybe she was refusing to see it
It's how most csa gets overlooked.
Mine went on for eleven years.


nah I was just a nerd. My parents wouldn't let me go out so I didn't have many friends -> autist behaviour.

she aborted it brain genius

Nicee one Elon Musky...

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I try and tell myself that, but it's all people talked about in school afterwards. He did have other problems, but he seriously lost his shit over the stolen iPod.

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Nothing gets me more sexual pleasure than to see pics of girls I know circulating around.
Boners so hard they hurt, blowing so hard my vision becomes blurry.
Fucking love shit like this so much.
And their innocence to it all. Oh my god it’s so hot
That fact that when I talk to them I can barely get my mind off posts about them getting fucked like dogs, is so goddamn amazing.

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I mean, you gotta put the time in, going for months sometime. And you usually get frowned upon, if not outright kicked out.

But yeah, my contact list is basically 90 percent fwbs with severe issues and matching lusts.

God I hope so.

alright, i'll give out the story in a second
how come?, explain.

worked at a zoo in america, won't specify any details since i don't want to risk the off chance that a guy actually gets me in trouble, i wasn't anything special but i occasionally helped the tamer,a few months into the job i had the chance to get in with him into the hyena enclosure, was pretty scared at first, but he said that since they've been with humans all their lives, it should be fairly safe, and he can always mace them if something goes wrong, but ensured me that nothing would happen, i went in with him and the hyena pounced on me, my heart dropped and the tamer got scared, but she was just playing around and started licking my face, she acted kind of like a dog, helped him feed the hyenas and we went out, later that evening i was on closing duty, making sure everything is okay, i knew where the office kept the backup keys to all the enclosures, so i decided to do an idiotic thing and sneak to the hyena enclosure, i managed to get in and i spotted the hyena that was really friendly, the others were sleeping or playing around, i got closer to her, she was laying on her back, so i slowly petted her belly and moved downward, got to her pussy and tried slipping a finger in, it fit, slipped another one and that fit aswell, i didn't want to try my luck and slip another 2, since i'm all alone with something that can rip me apart, i pulled down my pants and stuck my dick in her, she didn't really resist and she seemed half interested, as she didn't really care to move, so i kept going, that pussy was gripping my dick like crazy but was wet, i busted a nut in about 2 minutes, she started panicking so i pulled out afterwards and she began licking her pussy out, my mind being cleared by nutting, realized what a dumb thing i did, so i dashed out and continued doing my work, no one found out, and i quit the job a few weeks later, i asked the tamer about the hyena, he said her name was Jasiri, and she was the cutest of them all

yeah, I get that a mother would not *want* to notice it, and the girl was really putting on an innocent face and an angelic smile...
But at the same time, she was also taking huge risks all the time. No panties. Sneaking around to spy on her mom fucking. Actualy got me involved into bondage with her (I do love bondage, I was weak to give in...), and I tied her up at her request in very risky places... sometimes it was like she was begging her mom to catch her

Since we're talking about childhood sexual abuse as well, I must mention my ex. Whom I caught fucking her brother.. because the eldest brother had abused them both (and the younger sisyer) as kid's and although he got in shit, they continued to enjoy it on their own.

the hyena's pseudopenis retracts back when shes aroused, if thats what you're wondering, read up on it in wikipedia

>And you usually get frowned upon, if not outright kicked out
Isn't that what lying is for? I'd claim I was molested if it put me in touch with a bunch of horny ass Sup Forumsitches...

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Life is a sequence of experiences how you act as a person may or may not put you in a negative or positive situation.
If you really really feel like shit about it in the end its your life and the choice is yours.
Write your story bro.
>Sincerely stoned user

Damn. Ever take it further?
How long ago was this?

I have a rape fetish

thanks for the advice, stoned user. I appreciate it.

How longs this been going on?
Who was better in bed?
And what’s the end game?

>Be a decent looking guy
>routinely called 8/10
I prefer dating girls who’re not attractive, and skinny like Krystal Boyd.
>they worship you
>will let you do whatever you want to them
>don’t seed torrents

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>sometimes it was like she was begging her mom to catch her

Yeah, you could drop the "like". Its a cry for help from someone incapable of reconciliation with expectation vs reality. It sucks. A lot. But I got some great memories out of it.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to fuck my boss. We're both married with kids and we're in the military so it's probably going to end poorly, but oh well.

Vanilla sex got boring to me after awhile. So i started to do crazy weird sex shit with this girl who i think had issues. This girl took me to a whole different level of sexual exploration. One day she tased me just as i nutted and i swear i had tunnel vision as i flew into outer space. The next day this bitch let me put grapes in her butthole and she squeezed grape juice into a cup. Sadly enough, one day i had her hooked up to a bed frame butt nekked with a car battery on standby when her teenage son walks in... He freaks out and runs out crying. I never saw her again. Come to find, the kid is now OP and i blame myself for him asking people about their secrets and shit.

You know I normally doubt most things on here, but I know hyenas can be really friendly with people, even wild ones. And this is far too specific to be a made up tale.

You frighten me user

>I have a rape fetish
Committing or receiving?

You're fucked up in the head. You literally put your cock into an animal and came, wtf.

quite a long while ago. I don't want to be too specific there.
After a few months of tease from her, I gave in, yeah. She was into some serious stuff, including bondage, and I just couldn't resist trying to tie her up

that pussy was really crazy man, i had sex with 4 different woman and so far none of them compare to hyena pussy

i probably would've came a lot sooner but i had already jacked off before going to work

also have this

You misunderstand. There's some groups who even welcome supporters.
I mean having sex with the group members is frowned upon. Its still done, just frowned on.


Committing and I'm not proud of it

I have a big belly fetish and a pregnant fetish, and I fucking hate it cuz I also find thinner girls attractive, but I can't get as aroused by them making it hard to stay with females.

i know it wasn't normal, but the hyena truly didn't mind, so no harm done, right?