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Other urls found in this thread:


wtf that looks depressing as fuck

Fuck man, you're kind of a dick... Take a wholesome meme.

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fuck you OP now I have feels

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egdy as fuck. Is it summer already?

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I chuckled

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I know but I don't have that much time to go through my Archive of photos maybe after dinner I'll put something better

This is sad and depressing. You are one edgy tryhard fuck if you find this funny.

Attached: 1571359124244m.jpg (755x1024, 133K)

u know it was terrible but u still post it u fucking faggot

Go back to tumblr

Attached: video_2019-10-17_23-09-51.webm (854x480, 1.46M)

this is the saddest thing i've seen in a while. fuck you for thinking it's funny. you edgy low iq piece of dog shit

that's not funny bro, he had no idea it was going to actually kill him

Gibbs me dat

and I saved it so I can repost it later

Goddamn it this got me. How the fuck did this get me.

Do you have story details?

Nicee one Elon Musky...

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Oh my! How very edgy of you l'il internet tuff guy!

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There’s a lot of Reddit tier shit in this thread. God damn Sup Forums has gone downhill over the years.

This is sad as fuck, you're one edgy faggot. Go back to middle school and leave Sup Forums to adults

Attached: 1558760703081.jpg (1400x1050, 182K)

Livestream dare. Thought he unloaded the gun, one left in the chamber.

Why OP, try not to cut yourself on all that edge

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This thread is pure shit.

lol, you fucking new? Sup Forums took a hit when trump supporters thought Sup Forums was their safe space. Tons more users and nothing to show for except a huge hit in quality. I can't even name the last meme or 'anonymous' like thing Sup Forums has done since the 2015/2016 trumpets showed up.

Holy shit. That's disturbing. This is why you don't play with guns.

that faggot is messing with you, he did intend to suicide

Aren't you a sad little fuck?

Attached: 1562607770106.jpg (638x480, 57K)

>lol, you fucking new?
No I just rarely browse this board. Used to actively be here in like 2014 but left when all of the trap and loli fags rolled in.


No he sucided unintentionally

Attached: 1571883188363.jpg (682x682, 64K)

You both must be new. This place has been downgrading the last decade every time it makes major news. Shit like Anonymous, Fappening, etc. Every 15 minutes of fame makes this place shittier and shittier while mods tighten their grip on newfags.

shut up faggot


Take a second to imagine the mind of the OP.
This picture is of the dead kids older brother. The little boy died when he was 7, and his brother goes to play trucks with him from time to time.
Just... fuck OP, what happened to you

Attached: Trump's US map.jpg (900x675, 119K)

>imagine the mind of the OP
an edgy 12 year old?

I agree

He wanted to get replies for his thread and you gave him one. The only way to win the game is not to play, you dumb fucking faggot.

Attached: E020FB48-4E5F-4147-A2DB-8D1552B279A8.jpg (640x432, 36K)

oooh so edgy!

he was so tense... he just needed to relax

user are you fucking retarded
Did you forget to send this via telepathic mind meld? You posted here too.

Yes but it’s gotten way worse over the past few years. Like it’s gotten rundown at an insane rate.

I laugh at some fucked up shit but thats not even funny. It’s just sad as hell.

What if OP gets off by being degraded, so that's why he posted some unfunny BS? What if there is OPs that get off being called fags on the internet and we are just playing their game?


I first saw that image on truth_is_our_religion's account. Funny.

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I thought everyone hated niggers. What makes this kid so special that everyone suddenly sympathizes with him

It made me chuckle.

you are the worst type of person on this site

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You idiots do realise that the clip in question was entirely out of context and not intended to be taken literally, correct? This is just zoomer irony, right?

this isn't a cringe thread

this would probably make me kek and not jump

Can i save it?

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Thinking you need to explain a joke shows how retarded you are.

what was his point then?

you mean the Sup Forums that sits around jerking off to traps,ponies,lolis, and pretty much every object known to mankind. All while complaining about how society is declining? That super adult like board? take notes from that video. Dipshit monkey see, Dipshit monkey do. gogogogo

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish.

why do these threads always suck so much

As in: Gibbs me dat

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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

No gun is unloaded. You treat every gun you handle as if it is loaded

Kys faggot incel

"To not argue with those that want to be fooled or tricked rather than taught is true happiness."

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What is all this?

Babylon fading

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ok boomer

that's not funny

I saw a guy do this with a pistol in the army. He thought it wasn't loaded. It was his birthday and he was making a joke about having to work.

Very disturbing. Not funny.

Autism speaks yet again. Say retarded faggot lol.

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Anyone who does this is a fucking retard who didn’t have have the proper training and/or respect for a firearm.
When I was in I saw some numbnut shoot himself the foot trying to clear a double feed in an ar.

Aw shit

>explaining retardation this hard

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That's hilarious

so edgy. good job.

Guy suicided, not mistake or dare.

You know it, I know it. It's only going to get worse so fuck it.

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Whoops wrong one guys.

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