Alright, somebody explain to me how this wouldn’t work

Alright, somebody explain to me how this wouldn’t work.
Fly to a rich Eurofag country like Sweden or France.
Renounce your citizenship at a US embassy.
Go the local authorities and ask for “protection” because you are now stateless, maybe act a little mentally ill to sweeten your case.
Those guilty Europeans take you in and give you free housing and a job.
Anybody ever done this?

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Yes. They're called Mexicans


The Mexicans just come right in and we let them stay. I feel like the Europeans would be keen to deport an illegal American immigrant.

because fraud doesn't work

Or maybe become stateless.
Sounds like a good plan.

Yeah, this won't work any more than if I came to the US and tried to do the same.

renouncing US citizenship just means you cannot buy firearms any more. and thats pretty much the only effect of the procedure. you still pay US taxes, you still get sent back wherever you came from if you fail to qualify for a permit in your destination country.

EU countries could not care less about the US allowing their citizens to renounce (or many other countries not allowing that). it is simply of zero importance to them.

Why tf would you want to leave the us for sweden?
Btw if you really really really want to, arry me(no homo) and I'll try and help you get citizenship, if you help me get US citizenship.

Maybe if you were to be a muslim, or a black fellow, maybe then we wouLd take you

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it won't work because renunciation is a process that takes considerable time. you cannot live in the US embassy for months, nor could you remain somewhere else for long enough with such a stated intent of such a scheme.

I mean you could also just move to Sweden or France without having to convince them you're mentally ill.
You probably don't need to get $30,000.00 in student debt to be eligible for a job that can pay enough to afford rent over there.

You have to have something they want to get permanent residence. Like money or a skill.

Renouncing U.S. citizenship doesn't free you from U.S. tax obligations and means that even after the renunciation, the IRS could still audit and assess taxes and penalties. There is an Exit Tax imposed on people who meet any of the following criteria: If your average net annual income tax liability is over $162,000.

You can not get a US passport if you owe the IRS any money, if you have defaulted student loans, or if you owe back child support. Iron curtain of debt slavery.

Who cares if you owe the USA money, literally no country will extradict over money

The USA cares. You can't just yell in the air I'm not a U.S. citizen anymore and it is legal. It's not magic. Also, do you really think a foreign embassy wont ship you back to america?

you can't *just* renounce your only citizenship; normally you need to have proof of already being a citizen of other country or at least that you're in the process of obtaining one. otherwise millions of people yearly would do just what the OP wrote.

alternatively though, you can just try to apply for refuge\asylum in said country, but you'd need to have a pretty strong case to give you one since US isn't Russia\Syria\Iran and is on a 'safe countries' list

1 debt isn't a crime
2 why would America pay money to have someone shipped back for owing money

Btw we don't want fucking Americans in Scandinavia. So yeah go to France instead and good luck.


Thanks for exposing your niggerism. Mexicants don't get in that easy, you fucking faggot.

>1 debt isn't a crime
It's not debt. It's the price you pay for renouncing your citizenship. If you don't pay that. Then legally you are still an American. Just because you say it isn't so doesn't make it true.
>why would America pay money to have someone shipped back for owing money
You would be shipped back by the foreign country because you are an illegal alien. Owing money to the IRS and not paying them is a crime and plenty of places extradite U.S. criminals to the U.S.

>spotted the incel

>leftist faggots can't meme.

Police effort doesn't go into hunting down debtors. If they ever let you leave the airport it's because you attained a visa.

Police effort goes into hunting down illegal aliens. Do you think America is the only country that does that?

Illegal aliens don't fly through the airport. If you fail to qualify for a visa you can't leave airport. Thus you aren't illegal, unless you overstay.

How are you this retarded? You know what I encourage you to try this and see what happens.

I don't think simply declaring yourself "stateless" works.

most Amerifats are descendents from eurofags so they can get a European citizenship if they have some kind proof, fucking Americans dont even need to learn the language they just need to come up with something like "oh yeah my great great great grandfather is from itally" or "my great great great grandmother is fom Germany" BOOM fucking ciizenship you guys are worst than niggers and sand niggers because they atleast need (to pretend) to learn the fucking language if they want to stay you guys come here and want us to learn english and wave the american flag.
fucking sandniggers have at least the descency to kill us in terrorist atacks when they invade
we dont have imigrants fom mexico they are mostly from africa or the near east