Cringe thread

Cringe thread

Attached: E5DEAFA7-EA81-4067-B080-5D8675EA94A8.jpg (750x1203, 431K)

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That's not really cringe, just gothy.


Oh fuck off retard, that's cringey.

being gay isn't cringe worthy
kek fag

What? you weren't a dumb youth once? Get older and stop cringing at every little thing


Thats prrtty cringe, and gay as fuck. Just goes to show how spineless and gay your generation is.

that is cringe reataed

It's not cool, but definitely not cringe. Cringe would be if he had an extra 100 pounds on him and crying about girls not liking him. This is dorky at best.

God this websites gone to shit


waste my good gif's on this shit
PISS on you

Attached: 512bc03eae5c0.gif (300x205, 967K)

It’s cringe. What do you not understand?

It has always been shit.

It's one dorky sentence. What is there to cringe about?

Attached: Mean while at OPs House.webm (640x360, 1.93M)

>Mean while at OPs House
Yip seems legit as fuck
ops house
being gay is not cringe

If you would have said "Right bucko, the situation is two casualties on your side, which would make you the last person on it. Now you know you're outnumbered, so let's do the right thing here and come out of hiding."

- Bucko: "Reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight of gonorrhea."

Tomato tomahto

Attached: cringe.png (778x221, 64K)

I bet there's anal sex in their futures

Attached: il_fullxfull.862779839_l01h.jpg (1500x1184, 268K)

This whole thread is cringe



You got me there


Anybody have the pic of the guy putting shit up his urethra with the syringe? Will dump good porn if supplied

Attached: 1412104572574.jpg (404x402, 70K)

The game

wow edgy as fuk anons

Attached: parasite-trypanorhyncha.jpg (3264x2448, 1.29M)

Attached: 1561180172669m.jpg (683x1024, 66K)

Oh wow. Haven't seen that in a while

I had to put antique insurance on it. Only take it out a few days a month, can't afford any repairs if something was to happen to the old girl.
