I have about 20 codeine pills. Is this enough to overdose with? Also what will I feel? Will drinking alcohol help?

I have about 20 codeine pills. Is this enough to overdose with? Also what will I feel? Will drinking alcohol help?

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what mil?

you suck so bad at life you need advice on how to kill yourself lmao

suicide is NEVER the answer

No idea.


Please don't kill yourself.

Fuck off, user. You've gone soft.

Not worth it bud.

No, drinking alcohol will not help. It will slow down the effects, they might find you unconscious. Either just drink the alcohol and get fucked up or take the 20pills that u don’t know the mil to.
Hope things go well user

Not worth it bruh

Suicide can be the answer

can you fucks go one day without trying to kill yourselves. what exactly is so bad in your lives. are you a tranny?

Please don't user. Take care of yourself in a positive way.

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Nigger I have Ian Curtis levels of epilepsy and I've got too many responsibilites to kill myself. If I don't get to, you sure as shit don't get to

Best wishes, user. Adios.

Just have enough to get a high and live another day and just become an addict.

It hurts really bad...

still here user?

Up your butt


thats not a fun way to die

Who names their daughter john-bennet?

Come on John Bennet, you little cutie, time to put your dress on john bennet