Tell us the most degrading thing you’ve done to a woman AND the most degrading thing a man has done to you

Tell us the most degrading thing you’ve done to a woman AND the most degrading thing a man has done to you.

Not one or the other, only both.

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My male friend once called me a fag

I guess a guy saw me and my gf fucking and jacked off to my girl being fucked. That's probably the most degrading thing a man has done to me.

And I've fucked a girl outside and made her kneel down naked in the middle of the road, and I came in her face.

her cat had just died and she was crying nonstop, i was horny, i fucked her while she was crying, she never stoped, i came and left.

I wiped my dick on a girls face after sex during her period. A man took pics of me on my knees with his dick in my mouth

Raggedy deepthroat in the kitchen on Christmas Eve right before her parents showed up

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I paid my step daughter to have rough sex with me. I tied her up n blind folded her. Then licked n teased her till she was begging me to fuck her raw. I then put a gag in her mouth n had her gangbanged by 12 strangers i had pimped her out to. I then fucked her raw n came inside her. I also got her addicted to drugs which forced her stay quite n kept her cumming back for my dick.

Throat fucked a girl then came down her throat but she was the one who begged me to do it. Had a girl “squirt” on my chest. She really just pissed on my chest while fingering herself and moaning but fuck me if the thought of that doesn’t get me rock hard to this day.

I made a girl blow her son and lick his ass for me. Hes like 7 and she loves it. She also hurts herself for me.

I punished my girlfriend by only fucking her ass for a month and telling our friend about it.

I took a pair of another girlfriends dirty panties to a older man’s house and sucked him while he looked at her nudes.

Violent butt rape.
Violent butt rape.

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I fucked my wife before she went out of town, didnt shower and went over to my side girls place and made her suck my cock, and fucked the shit out of her.

hey user what's the sauce on that OP pic?

Sorry user repost from Sup Forums

you have neither a wife nor a side girl

i told a woman she was beautiful

Fucked her with my Dick soft, came in 3 moves she wanted cudle and shit, got my pants then leave

the most degrading thing I've done to a girl was break up with my ex by sending her a video of her best friend and 15 year old sister sucking my dick in her bed

I let two BBC's piss in my ass while giving me double anal

When I was about 9 or 10, a couple of laughing girls put a live hamster on my head. It fell down my back and scratched me till I bled all over the back of my shirt. Pic related.

There was a kid(boy) who called me "fat pig" for like 5 years. Every day.

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Was depressed edgy faggot back in highschool, only living for pussy. Hooked up with this virgin Christian girl and fucked her raw and hard at her parents' house. She was sobbing by the end of it. Nutted, got dressed, left. Hated myself for it for years.

Five years later she posts a picture of her and her daughter on insta. Pretty sure she's mine.

I don’t think you are reading the rules

Saw female prisoners get stripped naked together and humiliated. They had to show literally every inch of their bodies.
The most humiliating thing a guy has done to me was probably when a guy stole my towel from the bench while I was showering in the dorm showers, so I had to walk to the RA's room still naked and wet. I was seen by both girls and guys, and I heard giggling.

Nice LARP incel faggot

Interesting take in both directions user.

most degrading thing done to a woman: undid some bitch's bikini bra knot while swimming, she deserved it.

most degrading thing a man has done to you: getting my ass and tits felt up by my ballet physio, who claimed it was to check for muscle damage.

>managed to get my hand in her pussy and my cock in her ass and rubbed my knob inside her
>guy I worked with got head from my (ex)gf

Titty muscles! Have some dignity and say no for once user.

Apparently he does that to all the dancers, and he's pretty well connected. No one really dares to call him out on it.

Just let him fuck you or don’t. You don’t have to make a big thing out of anything.

stop being a bitch and just take it, he's a doctor he knows what he's doing

Just think, you could save the others and take one for the team. This is on you user.

>Tell us the most degrading thing you’ve done to a woman
>done TO a woman

Them watching you die slowly in the hands of a hamster was prob pretty degrading even to them.


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>degrading thing you've done to a woman
Basically nothing because I'm an incel. Maybe ERPing with an egf talking about how I would rape her and make her my sex slave (her fantasies) but I never actually got to that irl cause i never actually got off my ass and flew to the UK. Very stupid.
>man has done to you
A gay old creep stuck his hand down my pants and touched the top of my dick once. Shoulda called the cops on him tbh, he was paying teenage delinquent boys for sex too.

>most degrading thing done to a woman: undid some bitch's bikini bra knot while swimming, she deserved it.
I saw this at a pool once, the girl who had her bikini untied had huge ass boobs but she caught it without them being exposed. Still though, me being like 12 I got a huge boner that wouldn't go away, and eventually had to get out of the pool with a huge hard on (extremely noticeable in swim trunks) and run over to the ice cold bath to dunk myself and get rid of it. Also it was a hot springs so it was jam packed with people. Fucking embarrassing as hell.

Maybe that old creep will fuck you

He def would have but I ghosted him after that. Unfortunately I'm quite the gay bait for older men. God knows why. I get infinitely more attention from gay old men than I do from women. Why God why.

1. Getting a girl to shave her bush, get herself aroused, and go outside naked with everything on full display.
2. A boy peed on my leg while we were showering after gym class

Was too much of a horny fuck with my gf and ignorant to her feelings about it for two years. Only realized when it was too late and it ruined our relationship. Feel like a fucking idiot. She didn't deserve that shit man

1/10 story

Alex, I’ll take things that never happened for a thousand.

Alpha move.


Pissed in my ex-wife's mouth and filled it up while she wore a shock collar. Fucked her ass with no prep in front of a mirror while she had to hold my piss in her mouth. Every time she spilt a bit, I hit the remote.

Had a guy make me wear only panties while I wore a condom. He laid me on my stomach and used one hand to fuck my ass with a dildo and the other to position my feet to give him a foot job. He drenched my feet in lube and came between my toes. Made me cum into the condom and forced me to drink it then had me walk myself to the bathroom to clean my feet off.

forced her be a part of a gangbang she was in to flexidoll fetish so she couldnt move the whole time

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Why'd you two divorce? Kek.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo

dam thread is that far gone?

I get where you are going with that, but she was a kinky slut. We divorced because I had a mental breakdown due to something menial at work and cops were called. Whole thing just made her numb to the good parts of the relationship and justifiably fell out of love

pic related?


Hot pic. I’d love to see them whimper as they are pulled around in public.