I killed myself because I got fucked in a public park on our first date by a Chad

>I killed myself because I got fucked in a public park on our first date by a Chad

lol whores btfo

I'd hit it

>literally blames everyone but herself for killing herself
>could have easily prevented it by not going with chad when her friends specifically told her chad was bad
>is a massive bitch to the MC that's just trying to be her friend

Cunt deserves it desu. This is a show meant for fedora tippers.

In the 70s this would have made a great "rape and revenge" film

>Chad fucks her and spreads her pics around school
>she seduces each of his friends and murders them
>eventually kills the Chad

Isn't that more empowering than killing herself?

Being a victim is a currency these days.

Is that why Sup Forums is perpetually offended and claiming to be a victim?

The autism rage was unbearable in this show

being a victim=claiming the moral high ground


Saying my true feelings about this book almost got me kicked out of high school.

I don't really see Sup Forums claiming to be victims. Only complaining.

Did they up the stakes that much for the show
I remember in the book she ONLY got fingered in a hot tub and that was the last straw. it was bullshit

The series was produced by Selena Gomez


Unless it was rape (real rape like a weapon involved or sheer physical strength restraining her) then it was her fault for being a roastie whore. Zero sympathy.

I'm willing to bet there were other factors.

I would like to know more.

not that guy, but I got one
>junior in HS
>had to read this book
>was very disappointing by the ending, hated it
>vocal about it in class
>most of the chicks thought I was scum except the one who actually was raped and thought the character was being a pussy
>teacher (female) pulls me aside after class and actually agrees with me, tells me she only does this book for the dipshit girls who suck at reading
>everything went better than expected

>she only does this book for the dipshit girls who suck at reading
Why did you put yourself in the same reading group as the girls that suck at reading? It's your made up fantasy, bro, have some ambition.

Remember kids, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent rape, you're completely powerless, rape is inevitable. If anyone tells you that you have the control to protect yourself from violation, they're attacking you, and are probably rapists themselves.

Teenage novels are on the high school curriculum now ?



I just watched the first episode. I didn't read the book. Should I watch the rest or just read the Wikipedia article and see how it ends I was only half entertained with the first one

I remember reading the book freshman year in high school and liking it. Maybe I just wasn't as disillusioned with women back then

Clay and Asian Chad did L I T E R A L L Y nothing wrong

Haha. "Real rape" like you say barely happens, fuck nugget.

The "classics" don't quite appeal to our modern, progressive values

That literally happened to me. She sucked my dick behind a tree, and she swallowed. When we broke up, and I got a new girlfriend, she cried to all her friends that I was cheating on her.

>You missed out on teenage love
Maybe it's not so bad

They didn't fuck

I liked this show, I thought it portrayed highschool and being a teenager more accurately than most teen shows these days such as teen wolf and Riverdale and all those shit shows

No that's Sup Forums who use this board to indoctrinate more people into being a bunch of alt wrong babies.

yeah totally

classic commie subversion

Wow that's a really shitty story.

You should have embellished it to make it worth reading.

was the thin crust part of his plan?

Don't know about teenage novels but I had to read this pile of crap in my senior year of high school and got in trouble for asking why this guy didn't just bother to get a new job which would've been easy considering his resume.

Fight the power, comrade. We are going to be the generation to wipe out problematic, toxic whiteness once and for all.

Fear us, Cheeto Voldemort!

>fighting his little war against people with their own political views

good for you

Is it just me or is t.that the worst, most uninteresting premise of all time?

>duhh listen to the diary of a retarded teenager who killed themself

Who the fuck watches this shit?

>got in trouble for asking

High school was a long time ago for me and I'm not even american so I have to ask : do you guys really get "in trouble" for expressing personal opinions ?

If you watched it you'd seen that nearly everything for many months of her life kept going wrong, both social and otherwise.

See I don't blame people for starting to watch it on the premise. The problem is by the time you get to episode 4 you realize that the girl is a massive bitch and an actual attention whore.

When I was in high school we read Lord of the Flies and To Kill a Mockingbird and it was a standard pleb public hs, what the hell kind of remedial dump assigns recent YA schlock?

>book recently comes out
>takes place around the area my school was in
>class required to drop one book suddenly in favor of this
>after reading it the author comes to answer questions from the class
I think it's because with this book it was very obvious the publisher made some deal with the school to push it so asking anything that called to question on how full of shit the author was could've screwed the deal over.

Should I get checked up if I get this weird feeling when reading about cute girls killing themselves? Am I a psychopath?

I can't believe Tom McCarthy directed this shit.
The writing is so bad that I couldn't watch more than the first episode

I like thinking about making girls who like me cry and then comforting them

Everybody here is messed up I think

Yeah actually you get a lot of flak for pursuing 'negative' trains of thought. That's why there's an epidemic of edginess, a lot of people feel like they are being told to believe things without their own consent.

>this is a show for fedora tippers
No. This is a show for females

Everyone is a psychopath, most just lie to themselves.

I used to get boners from stalking and killing females in video games like fallout, it's best to just not think about it too much

What's the difference?

>wahhh people have different political views from my own

They're not called indoctrination stations for nothing.


yeah probably
>read about some 8/10 super cute teen hanging herself
>imagining that super qt girl that felt so bad for some reason that she ended her life
>get weird feeling in my chest and stomach


The reason she killed herself involved a lot of people and though she carries heavy weight for it, so do others.

>Counselor ignoring a student that says they're done with life

Also that dude was a shitty actor or maybe perfect for the role as he didn't seem to really be in tune with anything going on.

This. What the fuck is going on?

This. Either he's lying or hes black

No, it's just that most people are triggered fucks who can't take having their opinions challenged so when user says "I thought this book made no sense" and the teacher asks him why, he gets flustered and is unable to articulate himself so it becomes "the teacher was mad at me!"

The self esteem movement ruined this cojntry, left or right wing everyone is a fucking victim nowadays.

Like cockwork the alt wrong babies have to scream about not being on the right side of history again.

Don't even bring LE TRUMP WON XD because trust me kids he's going to be impeached not even two years in.
Now grow up.

School curricula are strongly determined at the state level

dude that's kinda fucked up

>it's a Sup Forums takes the bait yet again episode

>being this mad

Show is vastly different from the book and genuinely fixed a lot of the issues from it.

Plenty of people that didn't enjoy the book wound up liking the show.

Mad? Heh... you haven't even begun to see me get mad and trust me little white boy, you don't. Now go back to your lego like the child you are and let the adults run the world mmmmmmmmmmkay? Thanks :)

The right wing has been steadily defunding education for the last 40 years.

This is the kind of shit you get when schools have to appeal to private donors for funds.

If its not in plain English than its too confusing, if its set at another time or place it ends up being hated because it does not fit modern morals, if its unpleasant (like 1984) than it get rejected for not being a happy book, if it is old and people say expletives than it can't be read out loud by the students. once you go down the list nothing but blend chick lit is left, that is why most school kids find the simplest shit "inspiring and powerful"

Literally the way leftists argue.

Not an argument

Kids don't wanna read that hella gay old grandpa shit dawg.

I once suggested we should not have quotas for women and instead if there is really need they should receive state funded additional training at the learning stage. It did not go over well.

>Being this mad


Female teachers.

We read those in high school too, but we also had summer reading projects that generally gave you a wider list of books to pick from and 13 Reasons was on the list one year. Same shit, everyone talking about how heavy and how deep it is

no mosh pit for them

The absolute state of the west.

I'll wire you 10k on paypal if you can support that claim

Wikipedia for sure

Fuck this goddam show, I didn't know it was based off a book or whatever and I thought it was gonna be like Brick or something. What a fucking waste.

I read the plot on jewki and the bitch sounds like a proper sociopath.

>thought it was gonna be like Brick
but it is. have you even watched through it?

Please god be satire

>All I gotta say is "racist" and I win

Huh, really makes you think.

its literally not.

Fuck you man, i'm not falling for your jew tricks. I checked the wiki for the book.

I say that to myself every morning when Drumpf is on the news.

My problem with the show is that this is high school is for basically everyone and everyone here's been bullied (we're on Sup Forums lmao don't lie to yourself) sucks to suck Darwinism is kicking into overdrive

I wasn't bullied, my school life was really fun and full filling.

>we're on Sup Forums lmao don't lie to yourself

I only come here to send the Family Guy writers new memes.


This, I went through shit 5x worse than this girl and I didn't neck myself. She's weak as shit.


I was never bullied, I got pushed around a bit but I hired 2 kids to look after me and one time a guy made too many jabs at me I got into a fight with him, the principle stopped us but it was clear I was not going to roll over. I was never popular but neither was a one of those losers you see in tv shows

>tfw you remember when your crush gave you denkianma after revealing your feelings towards her