Trying to creep myself out. Give me your best Images, gifs or webms

Trying to creep myself out. Give me your best Images, gifs or webms.

Attached: creepy-gifs.jpg (600x495, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Ngl. Kinda wanna put my dick in those holes

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Yo what the fuck happened here?

how about music that creeps you out

Attached: 446ABA94-08D8-433A-B037-2F8380B068EE.jpg (886x960, 82K)

scariest post ITT

What's that

What happened here

look up Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon

Attached: 1564264071692.jpg (4032x3024, 649K)

Jesus, that's actually scary as shit

Holy crap

"Post creepy shit" this nigga posts a picture of a hill at night. We get it you're afraid to go outside.

Attached: shell1.jpg (1200x628, 119K)

holy fuck this tilts the shit out of me

Fuck off nigger. See

Look up the Jonestown Massacre. It disturbs me to no end.

Attached: gettyimages-515410834-1202x847.jpg (1202x847, 381K)

Niggers died waiting for the new Jordans :(

The wall for me was listening to that recording of Jim Jones speaking as the kids are crying in the background.

You can tell he's a lisping, narcissistic zombie.

right click
search google for image

Howdy there!

Attached: 2ECF39EC-DF9F-46FD-9E0C-7AF18F061E60.jpg (1024x576, 33K)

I'm on mobile

Attached: 260px-SomertonManCode.jpg (260x208, 28K)

Yep. That nasty bathroom is scary af.
The worst serial killer in US history (Ted Bundy) confessing. It's so fucking eerie.

Attached: 190215_2020_part_1_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg (992x557, 97K)

Damn. Curious what machine got him

Attached: hahaguy.jpg (600x431, 49K)

Fuck that


>They use squatty potty.
That’s good. That’s real good.

is this nigga jerking off

Don’t drink the kool aid

That the cliff they ‘fell’ from?

>I would have died that shit is hard to see

Nancy Pelosi?

This one gets me.
The imagination is far scarier than any shot put to film.

I got chills. The bad nasty chills.

Nope. Don’t like this one

Holy fuck

Those poor boys in ww1. Saw shit that no one had ever thought of before. I feel bad for both sides.

This one is crazy


This pic is pretty badass imo, dude went out with a smile on his face

That’s an old one

It’s a B

Hijab sleepover

It's not my fault that they look the same

>WORLD War 1
>Both sides

Idk if he died. But had he lived, he would've been treated like shit back home. Probably subjected to torture under the guise of treatment. He would've suffered on and off the battlefield. Scary to think what became if him.

Basically it's a mass cult suicide. The members drank cool aid mixed in with shit that would kill them in time. Before that though they each put themselves in body bags before ultimately falling asleep.

Fair enough. Just sounds weird phrased that way

>Allied and Central powers
The 2 alliances user. Doesn't matter if they were French, English, Austrian, German, Italian etc. They saw some fucked up shit like poison gas, artillery, machine gun slaughter, flamethrowers and more.

No that was Jonestown with the Flavor-Aid. The Heaven's Gate cult ate pudding laced with phenobarbital. Also those aren't body bags, they're just blankets.

Oh my mistake then. They're both pretty similar though.

The photoshop machine

I'm sure you lads with culture will remember this one.

I love the movie"letters from iwo Jima".it's the only movie I seen that portrays both armies as scared, young men who truly believe the other side is the evil side

Sadder when you remember that some weren't even old enough to join the military. They really were just boys. Doughboys if your American.

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Another serial killer. He was a seemingly normal guy who contested on a game show. His name is Rodney Alcala.

Attached: dating-game-rodney-alcala.jpg (600x319, 14K)

Yeah, they're the most notable mass suicides in US history

sometimes I give myself the creeps. sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. It all keeps adding up, I think I'm cracking up

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This guys treatment in Turkish prisons will make you never want to leave your country.

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The worst one here. Wtf.
Why does this get me down to the core. I about through my fucking phone when I clicked on it

i really want something about this to be creepy...

a cult called “Heaven’s gate” told all their members that a UFO was coming by and that their only chance to go to heaven was to commit suicide right as it passed over

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Not a webm but its one of the earliest instances of CGI. Theres something about early GG! that's so damn creepy

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I dont get what's scary about this...

midnight express guy

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I'm never visting Turkey.


I hate you

I probably shouldn't send you down this road, but there's a video I saw about a couple years ago. It was uploaded on pirate bay and I caught it before it was taken down. It was titled then as Page1Grif.AVI I will never forget that title. Idk if you will be able to find it again but it did more than just spook me, I've never been the same after that shit. I couldn't even stand to keep it on my pc, hell I was scared it was traced by the feds or some shit. I shit canned that HD. Later when I was trying to find what this was or where it came from I'm pretty sure it was the grifter. And now I totally understand why so many of you guys say to stay the fuck away from that video. I'm pretty sure I'm my months of searching I did find one more upload link on a onion called thephuckedphorum but I think that place is long gone too now. Anyway, idk why i even bought this up, i guess just to say DON'T LOOK FOR THE GRIFTER. It's not fucking worth it.

Holy fuck, dude.

You should hate the man behind the camera. He goes by the name Dr. Gloves and harvests organs of infants and mentally-retarded children as well as unborn children. For what purpose I can only believe it to be insidious.

The 2000s called.

nice meme

Heavens Gate


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It's the work of a makeup artist. Skip to 40 seconds.

It's alright for Annette Benning's tits. And you can find clips of that scene easily on the web. I agree. Just find the nude scene for free. Not worth it to pay for the whole movie.

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