Why do so many people hate her?

why do so many people hate her?

Attached: niggaplease -o.jpg (1154x844, 381K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We don’t hate her, most of us don’t even watch The Lion Guard so we can’t hate her. we hate you for forcing her on us and for being completely autistic over her.

we aren't forcing her on you, you can ignore her

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Fuck off autist.

Then kindly include the name so it gets autofiltered and you can continue spamming all you want

Yes you are. You post it all over fucking Sup Forums and sperg when people are annoyed with seeing her.

thats not a nice thing to say
why?, we don't need to go out of our way to mention her name, she is a girl, so referring to her as a her is okay


Is this the latest forced meme?

you chose to look and click this thread, not me, the admins decided that this is what Sup Forums is for, shitposts and copypasta, so whats the matter with me posting my waifu?

You talk like you think the fucking flash animated hyena is real and you’ll actually get to fuck it.

We dont hate her. We hate you, stupid furry faggot.

Look up the definition “Spam”. You’re just as bad as Andy Sixx and his fucking log of shit.

how do you know she isn't?

Okay, I've seen this around and I still don't know what it is. Sauce pl0x

She’s a fucking cartoon and you’re a schizophrenic autist

Correct, very forced. Even makes bait thread
>why do you hate it
then follows up with
>you dont have to be here
Can't get anymore forced than that

>Look up the definition “Spam”
: unsolicited usually commercial messages (such as e-mails, text messages, or Internet postings) sent to a large number of recipients or posted in a large number of places

i don't know if you know, but everything on Sup Forums is unsolicited, i'm not asking to see boy asses, but guess what, they still pop up, because some people do

A faggot trying to spam his waifu (who’s from a preschool show, mind you.) all over Sup Forums. He’s severely autistic and is insanely obsessed with her.

the lion guard, spinoff on lion king, pilot is a bit meh and season one is a little slow, it catches up on second and 3rd

the yeen shows up on the first episode of the first season

I asked for sauce, not an explanation of why OP is a faggot, mongoloid

what if she isn't?, i mean how are there pictures of her?

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you don't even like it. you're just trolling because you're a young kid that gets off on getting a reaction from others.

not bait, its a legit question

i've asked for a reason for the blind hate, when replied with you're forcing her, thats what i replied.

I hate this fucking website. It's not good. Why do we keep coming back, user?

also here's her singing

i'm not autistic, and there's more than just me

OP, stop fucking posting your fucking nigger of a waifu. You’re just as fucking bad (oh wait, you’re even worse) as the Marleyfag.

also about the preschool show part, its not intended solely for preschool, but is good to watch from preschool age and up, its the same age rating as the lion king movie and other famous disney movies, you wouldn't declare them preschool movies, would you?

Spergs gotta sperg or cause they dont know how else to get yous. They talk in discord and cackle thinking its hilarious to post cartoons all day. I dont know the answer to your question

no, i really do, if i didn't like her would i have a folder dedicated to her?

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Also sir, do you know that hyenas chew chew your dick

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Just read rhe wiki page, yeah it's pretty autistic, like eisner era direct to vhs sequel autistic

>you're here forever

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moderation is shit and they don't give a crap

Attached: jasiri and kion season 3 -o.jpg (1192x670, 52K)

i'm not the only poster, and i'm not gonna stop
i like Jasiri

no, Jasiri would swallow my dick though

Attached: jasiri and janja fanart -o.jpg (2400x1700, 406K)

i can assure you we're not here to laugh at you fellas, only spread the wifey around

Attached: jasiri half sit -o.png (200x189, 53K)

Dude if youre a beta fag bitch male
>get 20$ from your moms credit card
>pay 4 comission
>ultimate jasiri porn furry gang sir
And nobody cares, its like you forcing us to accept something, when we already have our Sup Forums queen...

Attached: oKAy.jpg (315x300, 20K)

yes, you would

> the genitalia of the female closely resembles that of the male; theclitorisis shaped and positioned like a penis, apseudo-penis, and is capable oferection.

i don't pay for her art, everything is from the web
the Sup Forums queen is Jasiri.

Attached: oh really -o.png (420x480, 143K)

well, i am not, i like her.

Attached: jasiri and kion2 -o.png (800x618, 847K)

its only that, it retracts back when the yeen is aroused.

There is only one way to combat these autistic threads

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>implying you're doing anything but bumping their threads

>nooo please dont spam and bump my thread thatd be terrible

>doesn't know what sage is
you're so fucking new it hurts retard.

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except most of the time you spiderposted you forgot about sage and kept the thread going for another 40 minutes, and not only that, hiding your replys is easy, so you're doing practically no harm besides making me click a button

>most of the time you spiderposted
>literally just started
okay retard

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This thread is the very reason I'm addicted to Sup Forums. Oooooh yeah.

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is it your first time spiderposting my threads?

yeah you caught me, I follow you around on Sup Forums every waking moment and spiderpost because you're that special
you autistic nigger

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we've been spiderposted by another faggot, feel free to take his place, either way i hope you get what you're trying to achieve

Attached: jasiri and kion forever -o.jpg (1182x676, 37K)

I, too, hope you get what you're trying to achieve

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thank you friend

Attached: sweet jasiri fanart -o.png (1280x1207, 612K)

lmao now hes samefaggotting as spiderman


>implying you're not OP
You're really one to call out samefagging, huh nigger?

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>implying I'm pretending to be multiple posters
>implying you're not samefagging rn

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oh look, another faggot with the samefag claim, never would've expected spiderman to be a candidate of my samefagging
she is real, stop being jealous
nop, not me

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I hate her because I hate you, you faggot

go back to your trap threads, you tremendous faggot.

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>implying everyone on Sup Forums isn't samefagging

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that's not nice, why would you hate me :'(

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Pretty sure this is the same person who posted it last time...

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>calling others a tremendous faggot
If only your retard brain could understand what irony meant, huh faggot? Kill yourself.

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and the time before that, and the time before that, and the other times
i don't think you know what irony meant, google it.

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i'm not gay, the hyena is a female

that hyena is not real

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can you prove it?
there's pictures of her, so its 1 - 0 for me.

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this one is really good

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No it isn't.

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gonna have to agree with you on that one

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haha stinky xD

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nice one animaterr fagg, it almost looks like you aren't mentally ill

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grow up junior!

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