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Thanks son

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o-oh... i-i see. i-i guess thats nice?
goodnight fren :)

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well, how do you make all the posts?
cute and nice and wholesome op poster i love you a lot
thanks Smol
have a great night
okay, sorry

Attached: 37622530_p2.jpg (1860x1200, 1.88M)

we could just not do any cheek bites, i guess

have a nice night



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no please i want them
but if you don't then i guess that's fine

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Just observing you guys, hope you don't mind.

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Adorable, even if she did ruin that pillow.

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its okay
i started following the artist, very cute pictures.

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night cutes

cute corndog.
is she going to eat it?
okay, thanks
good night

Attached: 56424192_p0.jpg (1000x1414, 126K)

Probably going to beat someone with it, I imagine. Then eat afterwards.
The food versions of her always make me smile.

Attached: Sushi.jpg (1600x1200, 237K)

anyway, it's probably too late now
did you enjoy your soda?

no cheek bites
just comfy nice things

Attached: 67877699_p0.jpg (1754x1240, 244K)

good night
sushi that judges me
sounds tasty and painful, but not in that order.
awww...maybe just one?
cheek bites are comfy nice things, but okay
comfy nice things are comfy nice
and you're comfy nice
so that's why i want you to join me in bed
also good night

Attached: 77397066_p0.png (1150x1616, 1.25M)

youre very welcome :)
it is too late indeed.
it was tasty!
i-i have another one, too....

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You are welcome.
Have a good night

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goodnight, Yui

oh... you don't actually plan to drink it though, right?

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i-i do...

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It's hard to eat something with those eyes, but least at she's a cutie though.

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probably yeah

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Thanks. Your waifu always seems to attract the aesthetic that I love.

Attached: 69555687_p0.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

uhhh cute anime girls standing or sitting out in some nature with overcast skies?
yeah thats basically her entire aesthetic.

Attached: #06 鳩羽つぐ.mp4_snapshot_00.00_[2019.10.25_04.47.48].jpg (1280x720, 341K)

Grey and color contrast, or sometimes just grey in general

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i-i see. grey is nice.... it fits her color palette i suppose.
i just like her face, and her hat, and her everything!

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Don't forget the snaggletooth. Gotta love the snaggletooth

Attached: 77329036_p0.jpg (2400x1350, 890K)

oh, is that what its called?
...weird that there's not a word for it like there is for ahoge given its ridiculous prevalence.
yes! her everything!
i should request a really long video with no cuts. like just hours of tsugu sitting, breathing into a mic.

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Edward is best ahoge character fight me.
As far as I know that is the only word for it as I've seen it tagged before.
How did you find out about Tsugu? She isn't obscure but definitely not the most mainstream.

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...edward elric?
hmmm, well it fits, i just wonder what the japanese call it, and why it hasnt been adopted in the west (possibly because 'snaggletooth' predates it)
i found her in a /jp/ thread. pretty anticlimactic, i know, but i was browsing a vtuber thread one day because i was curious about kizuna ai and stuff and i figured /jp/ would be the place to find out more
and more did i find! she's definitely obscure, but only in the west. shes obviously very popular, just check her view counts. its dropped off a bit since the huuuuuge hiatus for the summer video, but she hits 6 digits easily.

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I'm late :( Hello friends

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i mean, 130000 views for a video with like four words, a minute and a half long, after a 10 month hiatus. i think thats pretty darn good.
hello, how are you today?

Attached: Da065VsU0AEG9-0.jpg orig.jpg (1771x2894, 214K)

Hi Tsugu, I'm good :) I just finished work and feeling sleepy. I hope you're good

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im glad to hear it! you should get some sleep :)
yes, im doing quite well thank you, ive got a few days off in a row which will be very nice, watching a new season of my favorite show! its proving.... ok.

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I think I'll get some sleep pretty soon :) It's still a little bit early where I live. That's nice that you have a few days off, you get to relax! I hope the new season of the show is good :)

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Yeah I've seen her videos and she gets some decent views. I was mainly thinking of kizuna AI and Kaguya Lane as the "big" vtubers.
I've only ever gone to jp to fish for 2hu reaction pictures but it's good you found someone that you like from there.
Welcome anyway late

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Thanks nice friend, I hope you had a good day :)

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i see, well when you do i hope its nice and comfy and restful :)
its pretty great, although the work tends to slow down a lot this time of year so i guess i was expecting it a bit
its uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ok.
over a million on her first two
nekomiya hinata is fairly popular, i really like her undertale playthrough. would you like to watch my favorite part of it?
i used to go to jp a lot, just browse, i really like all the people there. theyre so.... interesting. devoted, might be a nice way to put it.

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Thanks :)
I suppose a little bit of time of is nice so you can relax and enjoy watching some shows. Just okay... I hope it starts getting better! I'm sure all sleep nice and comfily tonight :)

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off* and I'll* heh, sry

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hi erio

youre very welcome :)
yeah, some shows here, a video game there, the works.
sounds nice, i hope you enjoy it :)

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Thanks it was relatively okay. What shows are you watching?
I've only seen pictures of that cat Youtuber. I would like to see the clip you are talking about yes.
Big if true

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is it erio or blood chan
who are you people

this is the best part, she makes a cute noise.

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Hai guys uwu

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Tsugu is really cute. Thanks for being nice to me :)
That's nice to hear. I'm not really watching any shows right now but I should try and start one. Are you watching anything?
Aww she makes such cute sounds!

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I don't know erio or any Animus enough to pick them out other then by avatar.
That's (probably) not BC.
I've never watched her before but I'm enjoying it so far. I don't even like undertale honestly

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Haven't followed a TV show in years. So no not at the moment. Just red letter media on YouTube

she is! im glad you think so :)
oh, its no problem at all
haha yeah its too bad the rest of her videos arent very good and she never made a sequel to that undertale video. but thats just my opinion.
eh i dont really like most of her videos, but that one is super good. interesting to get a japanese perspective on the game, too.

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Ah I see, I've never checked out Red Letter Media before. I don't really watch many things either
Cute! I've never seen a video from her before it's a shame her others aren't as good. I think I'll watch more of the undertale one :)

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Do you have discord? I'd like to post cat gifs to you QwQ

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I like cat gifs :)

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er, well i guess theyre good if you like that kind of thing. she mostly plays shooter games which i dont really like and she has a very relaxed/cocky personality that doesnt really mesh well with me i guess
but i really like her undertale playthrough

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im gonna smack each and every one of you who lied to me i swear to nanachi ill do it you are all doomed
unles you didnt lie to me i guess like ill give you cookie then or something i dunno

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Oh I see, that's okay! Atleast the undertale playthrough seems nice and comfy :) I don't really like shooter games either.

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well its sort of like that for all the vtubers. discussion for another time i guess. i hope you enjoy it at least :)

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Who are you?

do you know where the've gone?


"We found the ass!"

I never really delved into vtubers. She makes some pretty cute sounds I like it :)

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Do they like it as much as the west does? I'm genuinely curious
Yeah watching middle aged white dudes make fun of movies sounds like my not so distant future.
Yeah to discord. Colbert said today that they do not make threads anymore because people don't post in them.

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Heh, that sounds like fun :)

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a lot of them are similar. theyre just like regular youtube personalities but with better character design.
lets plays or reacting to stuff or talking about news, its all pretty plain and boring but i guess you get to look at a cute anime girl or something
thats most of them, anyway, there's a few standout ones, tsugu's the only one i could name, though.
"as much as" probably not, but they do like it a lot. i think there's a decent amount of stuff in there that doesnt quite land as well for an eastern audience, jokes and the like, but its definitely pretty well received. watch the "japanese react to sans in smash" video

Attached: Dby36IXU8AEfKrK.jpg orig.jpg (2045x2046, 704K)

That's nice :) It's interesting seeing the different designs of them and they seem to have really cute voices. Tsugu is super cute I'll watch some more videos of her they seem interesting.

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hmm i guess so
shes the best, but i guess there's only so many videos. its tragic, really.

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It's nice that you like Tsugu so much! That's a shame that there's only so many videos. Atleast you can look forward to new comfy ones :)

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hmmm i guess so.
...ive been floating around the idea of sending her an email, asking if she would considering doing a really long video, like hours long, where she just sits in a spot and does simple stuff at a desk or something, kinda like asmr but one continuous shot and stuff...

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You should send one! That's a nice suggestion and it would be a pretty comfy video. I'd be happy to watch something like that and I'm sure lots of others would. Just something nice and simple sounds really nice :)

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i-i dont want to bother her with my dumb ideas.... she probably gets a lot of emails from losers like me asking her to do things...

Attached: 68410281_p0 - 鳩羽つぐちゃん.jpg (817x1000, 271K)

Losers... You aren't a loser friend, you're a big fan that just wants to recommend something! I think you should go for it :) You might even get a nice reply and better yet she might actually make the video from your idea! I'm sure it wouldn't bother her :)

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maybe ill work up the courage one day
i think its time for bed now

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I hope so :)
Please sleep well Tsugu, thanks for talking to me!

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Sisi no Sawa

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sissy cum slut


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Hi Seras :)

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Anyone on?

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Hi it's been awhile

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Hi :)
It's been a little bit! I hope you've been well

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Really good, I studied hard for my test yesterday and did pretty well.

I have a date this evening. And I'm gonna tell my parents I'm Gay tomoro.

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I'm glad you did well :) I hope you have a really nice date! I'm sure your parents will be supportive too. I'm happy for you Seras!

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I think so too. My mom has actually asked me before if i was gay, but the last time she asked I was still in denial.

Telling my dad will be more awkward, but he loves me and wants me to be happy. I'm just said that I'm going to dissapoint him.

Attached: tumblr_pea7uu14Iy1sx8ybdo8_250 (1).png (250x250, 89K)

I'm sure it won't disappoint him, you're happy and that's really great :) I hope everything goes well with telling them!

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No it is I'm sure he wanted me to go off and be a reliable head of household just like him. I still want kids of my own blood, and to be a provider, but I'm not sure I couldnt convince him I can still do that while with another man.

Planning on doing surrogacy, I dont want to adopt

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Surrogacy sounds like a nice idea :)
I really hope everything goes well with telling them, you can still be a reliable head of the household! I'm glad you're going on a nice date tonight I'm sure you'll have a great time. It's nice to hear about things going on in others lives :)

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Adopt a nigger

Thank you life has been amazing the last week, and inthink it will keep getting better. My BF and I both want our relationship to last, and we both know its gonna take hard work and sacrafice to do that.

The love we have for one another can overcome that, and even if that fades I have made my commitment to him and I'm a man of my word. If this relationship does fall apart I'm determined to hope it was nothing on my part, and I'm willing to forgive alot.

Whatever happens what we have is truly beutifull we understand one another so well.

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