Are you happy Sup Forums?

Are you happy Sup Forums?
It's alright, you can tell me

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couldnt be better

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no am sad :(

Kinda like this but simpler. I skip the computer part, and just lie in bed with my phone.

I pretend to be. Most people are not happy and do not want to deal with someone else's sadness, so by pretending to be happy I am more desirable to interact with and be around

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been feeling like shit recently have hung out with a girl and now idk how to feel

Jesus you don't even get out of bed?

I'm not unhappy. Lately sometimes I feel like shiet, but in general I'm having a nice life rn

Jobless but quite content nonetheless. I experienced a suicidal depressive episode a few years back. Built over the course of high school. I've come to enjoy hobbies like vidya since then. I hope troubled anons ITT can hold themselves and pull thru. There are still things to enjoy in this life.

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its all about that sweet wage cuckin while 500pound obese women make money off of selling nudes to autistic people, welfare from your tax money, and saying men are evil on twitter.

The only thing I'm not happy with is my shit health.
I got a vehicle, inherited a house so no rent, I got a gf, and I'm on disability. I am grateful for what I have yet my chronic pain makes me want to kms sometimes.
Its kinda hard to do everyday task without taking a cock tail of pills.

> implying I eat
> implying I bathe
> implying I sleep
And yet I haven't already OD'd on the meds for my drepression that I haven't taken in 3 months.
I survive entirely on shitposting, vidya, and booze

Me too now, I can't be arsed to sit in front of my computer anymore. I just want to stay in bed and fantasize about being somebody else completely, somebody who has potential, and is artistic and innocent, somebody who people like to have around and care about.

I've found myself doing this for a few weeks now and whenever I'm doing something, all I want to do is go back to bed, shut my eyes and be that person again. Sometimes I get momentarily confused if I've been deep in that fantasy, and then I feel my heart sink when I realize I was just dozing again, and now I'm back. Sometimes that other life feels so close that it just seems like there must be a way to cross over. But there's not. So I just wait until I'm tired enough to sleep again.

I would say I'm doing alright. I'm just playing emulators on my laptop and just laying down right now. Literally fapped like 5-7 times already it's crazy. I kinda miss talking to lots of people. Would have been nice if I wasnt such a huge asshole in the past otherwise I would have kept a lot of great people in my life lol

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I dont remember what happiness feels like. I noticed I didnt enjoy anything when I was 7 and so far its never gotten better. the only thing ive gotten is hope that my life might magically get better

I noticed this too.....looking back on child hood pics I never looked happy....not at birthday not at christmas never. Happy just never felt normal....always survival mode.

I don't think life magically becomes great I think we have to work for it unfortunately

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Yeah I have the same thing. I make tons of money but there's just nothing to do really. Just woke up, but there's only disappointment outside my bed, so why go out?

I live on disability too, which is generous in my country. I also live at home which is one of two properties I will inherit.

I just feel so useless sometimes, like there's just no justification for my existence and it really gets me down. I feel like I should be happy, I live comfortably, I do what I want everyday, and yet I just really struggle with this idea that if I can't wagecuck, than I'm just a waste of resources.

Do you ever feel this way?

Make your bed everyday.... it will discourage you from being in it with depression.

Sometimes I like to do the grudge death rattle noise and that makes me feel better

And then? Sit around on a chair and do what? Anything I do I'm terribly unlucky. If I buy a new car it gets broken into the next week. So I don't buy new stuff anymore. In the end your world gets smaller and smaller and there's no way out.

Hobbies? Things that enjoy and enrich you. You can't possibly know everything. Stop using depression as an excuse and crutch.

i would happily live like this
the problem is that i need money to maintain the apartment and to buy food

Well fuck that

Oh yeah. All the time, but I try to be resourceful when I can.
I grow a big vegetable garden every year, and sell the veggies to the local food store.
>It's not much but honest work.jpeg
I'll pick up old coffee tables or dressers that people throw away. I sand them, paint, and sell them.
I'll take old alcohol bottles and turn them into lamps using a Mason drill bit.
I'll drive around my town and collect anything metal that people throw away like old ovens, dryers, and fridges.
This is not a every day thing mind you, and doing these do take time, but if the pills dont mess me up to bad or I can power through the day. I'll do one of these things.

broke as fuck depressed as fuck

Your a legit junker! Love it! Taught SO to be one.... now they pull the car over and pick through junk.

If you have any universities around they are a gold mine when they grad and move out! Specially for furniture and liquor bottles!

>If you have any universities around they are a gold mine when they grad and move out! Specially for furniture and liquor bottles!
Never thought of that. Thanks for the tip.

Soo...he was behind of that..?

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Check the recycle bins....lots of bottles...
Don't forget the golden rules too...1) don't leave a mess, don't want them to stop the junking 2) if it's not on curb it's not free...there's chaos on move out day...

Yeh gotten computers, furniture, like 10 copies of commie manifesto one year....

>got like 10 copies of commie manifesto one year....
Damn..Karl would be proud.

nowhere near
life just seems to be a never ending cycle of just working and pretending everything is fine with the only release being death

i wanna gas the working class scum. srry they are incompatible with liberty. the founders were right.

Despite what schools try to teach you, the point of life isn't consumerism, or owning the best stuff. Don't be a faggot there's more to enjoy.

You can't happily live like this. That's the secret. Inactivity makes you feel like shit.


Failed out of a pipeline, now I’ve been stuck with a shitty job at a shitty base. Shitty people, shitty attitudes, shitty mindsets.

Got one friend in my same situation. Training with him keeps me going.

No. Pissed off.
At everything: politics, media, people, society, corporations, countries, governments, people who drive too fast, people who drive too slow, assholes who drink Starbucks, niggers, Jews, crackers, pajeets, and the list goes on and on.
There are days I wish I could sit here and watch it all just turn to dust so I don’t have to deal with all the bullshit and drama these cunts create.

Not really, they got rid of them because they realized it was trash so it belonged with the other garbage being tossed.

No shit. Yet people dislike me, for who I am. So there's not much left to do

Honestly, I am quite happy. I was struggling with severe anxiety for a while. I went to a psychiatrist and got medication, and since then things have only gotten better. I have hobbies that I like, I spend my time productively for the most part, I don’t do drugs and minimize alcohol, and get regular exercise.

Just make up with them

Sometimes, when I see some good fresh meme or a nice and funny retarded post on chans, I laugh the shit out loud like a mentally ill whatever time of the day or night it is. At this moment I feel happiness, I guess, since nobody can properly describe whatever it actually is. The rest of the time I hate myself for wasting my life and youth without any purpose or meaning. Am I happy? I think I just never wanted to be, for some weird reason, lol