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Still way less hamfisted than Marvel SJW shit desu

I'm sure that's not actually happening, but that sounds about up Joss Whedon's alley

Based DC wins again

That'll be hilarious.

That name is bit problematic
Should be Batxir

That would never happen.


>Just throwing out everything we can

Seriously there isn't even a movie yet, as far as I know they're still just in talks

>the aneurysm Sup Forums will have as it struggles to chose between defending WB/DC or sticking it to trannies

What does that mean? For some reason they think Batgirl will be a boy? How fucking desperate are they?

Also fuck them for encouraging the company wars.

Wow so his superpower is that he's actually mentally ill. Bravo Whedon.

>take strong female character
>make her a boy
>sjws unable to reconcile rage at making Batgirl a male with self imposed duty to defend trannies

o I am laffin

>DC trying to get all the SJW points at one with a single movie to fight the bias
Good luck, the critics are bought up and this will change nothing

Oh God.

Barbara Gordon wasn't a strong female character until the joker put her in that chair desu.

This is about a transgender character named Alysia that showed up in the new Batgirl comics, not Batgirl herself, she's not even a superhero just some supporting cast bint.

Because the last tranny superhero worked out so well


fucking goddamn i hate sjws and feminists so fucking much

>Wow so his superpower is that he's actually mentally ill.

That's Moon Knight

batgirl's supporting cast has a transgender superhero in it, this is true in the comics too.

How can marvel compete?!?!?!

Holy shit yes lets get my girl Jamie Clayton on this

oh boy i wonder who wrote the tranny batgirl

looks like Sup Forums is always right

They would get too much shit for casting a real woman instead of a tranny if they did this.

I hope they do this, just because it will totally kill the cape movies to me and I can write the whole thing off as a joke.

It's like if you can't let go of your ex gf, then you see her eating dog shit on the street.

>I hope they do this, just because it will totally kill the cape movies to me and I can write the whole thing off as a joke.
you should have already did this years ago

comics themselves are already forsaken

>assuming this is about feminists
>when everyone knows most comic book nerds secretly lust for cock

i think the homolust for batman/superman is where they got their ideas from desu.

But... she's a biological girl.

>It's like if you can't let go of your ex gf, then you see her eating dog shit on the street.
One of my friends was hung up on his ex until he saw her make out with a dog

I'm sure women will be very happy with removing a female heroine.

>a Singaporean gayboi

>how will I get some Yous today
>cropped SJW themed article with no context

2 E Z

Wait Barbara Gordon is trans now.

>not wanting an Arvie

the super hero is female, the actor is trans

>DCucks somehow trying to twist this into a win that will "stick it to Marvel, women and SJWs"

The mental gymnastics this must take...

>Joss Whedon continues to make movies
SJW's were a mistake

>nobody here read the real article
>it had nothing to do with batgirl
>it was her friend a singaporean tranny

The tranny is Jason after joker chops the pennie off
calling it now

Why would we read the article, when the title says it all? OP didn't even post a link, think user, GEEZ.

>No man or woman can kill me
That's problematic
*Slash batxir non-cultural appropiation weapon*
Nothing personal, cis

What's actually sad is that news, even the big ones, only survive on clickbait articles cause less and less people trust the news or bother to watch/read it.

Hopefully when all the news channels, websites and papers die out something better will rise from the ashes

to be fair after a single movie WB will be sick of him as well.

One pretty much consistent thing about Joss in recent years is he can't stop going full bore SJW at everything and burning bridges as fast as he can make em.

>recent 20 year reunion for the Buffy the Vampire cast/crew
>even broke Xander outta jail/rehab
>one of the first things outta Joss's mouth is oh the cast still looks the same we should maybe do a new buffy series one day
>Sarah Michelle Gellar who is has and always will be tired of Whedons shit promptly said no thanks as fast as he could utter the words revival show

whoever reacted with angry face should be shadow banned forever

>super fucking minorityes
>presented in media as half of the population contently oppressed
will this ever stop?

Hey m8s i believe is this character
But it could be a nice chance to DC to do something more radical, some inspired in the life of this activist

so they are trying to have both reddit points and getting Bale back huh

Joss, please

I'm not your mate, pal

I always knew Emma Stone was a tran-tran.

That is so retarded, that it might actually happen.

doesn't matter, people will shit themselves as if it featured gay anal sex on screen. see beauty and the beast

tranny is a side character of course its going to happen.


Transgender is a mental illness that society is trying to normalize so the mentally ill lunatics don't kill themselves from rejection. But trying to "normalize" it like this is just outright unhealthy for young minds. Why are the jewish overlords trying so hard to push this transgender bullshit? Are they just experimenting with society at this point?

the porn worked out well

DC already had a bubblebutt Mexican guy play Superman in that Supergirl show.
You can expect anything from those degenerates.

>DC already had a bubblebutt Mexican guy

He's not Mexican, FFS

There's a tranny in the new batgirl comics. Batgirl won't be the tranny

I only speak for myself but imo the only guys with vision and balls at at WB are snyder and nolanl( even though he doesnt direct anymore)

All the rest are corporate dick munchers.

Joss whedon, ayer and the suicide squad bunch and all the rest can go fuck themselves.

Is not like marvel doesnt have the same problems alienating real directors like edgar wright though and keeping all the corporate puppets.


Bat Xe

haha what now marvelkins


nice clickb8

Comics are long dead, you only see its corpse shambling around in the darkness

I'm a DChad, but there is no way in the living hell on earth I will ever pay to see that degenerate movie, even if you payed me vip screenings.

Better hope this is some delayed april fools joke.

Wow who cares about helping people if YOU don't get the credit, eh Supergirl? Cunt.


4th reich when?

I'm all for it. Women voted for this and now they have mentally ill faggots in their sports, movies and other traditional female arena hahaha

I can't wait until we have a tranny be called the first "female" president without anyone batting an eye.

>Moviepilot strikes again

Frank Miller's version is pretty cool tho, one of the few good things about all star batman & robin

Oh hey is that some Final Fantasy XV cosplay? I love that game.

The character in question isn't even a superhero.


i wonder when women get tired of Fallon Fox beating the shit out of them.

>but only from a recent comic!

just like that trans character then? double standard much?

This is a real comic that is in publication

Indeed . I'm loving every single moment of this. Thanks Sup Forums my sides are on orbit

How many years until we write in history books that she was literally the leftist version of Hitler?

more like FF XII

>batgirl (male)

I want to beat up the people who write these clickbait articles

gender queer girl

Fucking wheedon

God damn. What a cancerous man

the curb your enthusiasm theme immediately popped in my head

DC is basically marvel except Snyder's films

If you're blind, batgirl will still just sound like batman. You won't even know the difference.

That and money are basically the bat-family super powers tho.

women only do stuff to be recognized
from having a child to running for president

>Not based seinfeld theme.

Bat It

so is batgirl about batman transitioning? will al-afliq keep playing batgirl then? i'd watch it in the cinema if that was it.

If this is true, if anything it proves that DC is a sad joke now.

That comic is disgusting

They have always been a sad joke. Just look at this board. 95% filled with DCshills. Even the mods are Paid shills. It saddens me.

>Batgirl (male)