How much more evidences do we need to accept the inevitable truth? Universe is a living organism

How much more evidences do we need to accept the inevitable truth? Universe is a living organism.

Attached: those who believe will be.jpg (700x700, 101K)

I bet that if I take a shit you can zoom on it and fuck with the hue and contrast to make it look like Amber or Bronze you dumb piece of shit.

Back to your worthless job you fucking plebian. You are discrediting Science with your dumbass logic like the rest of your fatass Nat Geo viewer-demographic. Back to the classroom bitch.

so what

more than a couple pictures for sure

personally I like this idea, but we gotta follow the evidence man

Sometimes I come across posts like this realize how much time I'm wasting here after I read them. I should probably stop coming here because I don't want to end up like this. Sorry your life is so shitty, user, I hope it gets better.

>How much more evidences do we need
A lot, you absolute peasant. This your first attempt at science? It shows.

DEEP man....

what are the evidences?

Can't possibly be true, of course. A brain is capable of sending signals between neurons many many billions of times over its lifespan. Because of the limited speed of light/causality and the expansion of space, the one part of the observable universe could only "interact" with something on the far side a pretty damn limited number of times before they were permanently disconnected.

Also, all recent measurements suggest that the universe is most likely infinitely large (NASA's WMAP results), or if not, substantially larger than the observable universe at an absolute minimum, which means all parts of the universe are already permanently isolated from any interaction/communication with most of the rest.

I have thought about that many times. Could it be a mere coincidence?

>Because of the limited speed of light

The "spooky action at the distance".

You seem like a well educated and chemically balanced individual. What's your secret?

OP here isnt ot clear that the universe is a white mans brain? Just look at the picture. Same stricture it must be true my theroy is bulletproof. Im gonna share this to all my coworkers and they all said unironically that im way too smart for this place. Professors you betrer start listening as im enlightened. I know it all now were the neurons of a white mans brain. We are the future we have hope

Ever heard of warp drive? Speed of light has it's limits but not warp drives, since the latter is based on the curvature of space, which has no limit. Look it up, it's called faster than the speed of light travel for a reason.

Both are pictures of the universe with different hues

People that rely on fact secretly have little to no hope or confidence in something bigger or smaller than themselves. Get some imagination you fucking calculator and maybe youll realize that every view of life is equally wrong

Any model of physics that allows for 'spooky action at a distance' also introduces issues that make it functionally indistinguishable from classical QM when it comes to "is the universe a brain" question

Wow makes sense on a 2d paper you can easily fold. But in a 3d space environment? Are yiu nuts? Oh right i get it. Its hidden dimensions. Easy trivk just fold the universe

What drugs you on op

If warp drives exist, and there is effectively no real evidence they actually can in reality, then they either functionally behave equivalent to light speed, or introduce the ability to violate causality.

Maybe violating causality is possible, but if the universe relies on faster-than-light communication to be analogous to a "brain", then it is one where causality holds little meaning.

Which could, I suppose, be true. But if so, then it's beyond pointless to try to draw up any comparisons between how it would work and how a human brain works. Including whether or not the universe behaves like a "network of neurons" just because they share some vaguely similar shapes. Which is why this started in the first place.

Sorry i meant to reply to the first comment. My bad

It's alcubierre drive and scientists are taking it pretty seriously. Maybe in 40-60 years we'll have our first ship ready.

Keep an open mind, man! Its possible, and im sure theres drastic speed differences between warp speed and the speed of a brains function. I mean, nobody has the reflexes of a computer, and no computer has the reflexes of a flower. Lifes just wonky in every right way to enjoy to some degree

You seem tooooooo stubborn to want to find an answer to something pretty interesting.

OP here i deserve much more money. Why do i have to serve the average joe food when my brain comes up with a brilliant theory of the universe. My poo should be as precious as gold ingots. Today i will quit my job at papa johns im fucking brilliant. Its the picture you see the structural pattern. Ive singlehandedly explained our all existence and im sure i belong on par with einstein and that guy in the wheelchair mastermind. Support me, stop putting me in a stupid job

Looking away from a screen for 10 seconds. Try it out

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Did your inner 3rd grader just arise from the dead to mock a person on the internet?

all life forms that I know of create order and use repeated patterns
the universe creates disorder and patterns aren't sustained

now if you said the earth was alive I could listen to that argument, its kinda cool