My friend is committing suicide at my house tonight. He’s still laying on the floor talking to me

My friend is committing suicide at my house tonight. He’s still laying on the floor talking to me.

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Nigga the fuck

look how disgusting it is near your door knob. clean that shit up OP.

join him you fucking faggot

Attached: 1454365973308.jpg (396x385, 31K) one could possibly that bad at killing themselves

Attached: 5376F4DB-C7D1-473E-9642-34499521E5B4.jpg (1280x958, 242K)

obvious bait

...then he's not doing a good job

Teabag him

>the pills on his sweater
no shit. OP would be charged with murder if this were real

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Stream it
And start raping his body a few seconds before he dies

The last look on his face would be priceless

Don't stream it. Take good quality video and upload video to various gore sites after the deed is done.

Pull his pants down and post a picture faggot

Nothing illegal about it. At least where I am in the States its only against the law if you directly aid in the suicide attempt or you motivate someone to kill themself through a call to action (telling someone to do it).

As long as its not his pills, he doesn't help with setup/execution, and it can't be proved he motivated him to do it they cant charge him with anything. Though they'll peobably try. Its not illegal to not help someone (well there are exceptions, as an EMT it'd be illegal if I refused to give medical treatment unless they had a DNR).

it's illegal to not help them if they commit it in a preventable way, you are assisting and abetting a criminal who is committing public endangerment. just call the cops on him for non-verbal threatening.

you are incorrect. he's a willing participant in another dudes suicide. he let him do it at his house. depending on how the DA and the grand jury feel, that's either murder or manslaughter.

& at the very least, it's accessory

Don't listen to the lawfags. Check your own state's laws on refusing to stop a suicide. You obviously have access to the internet. It won't take a minute.

it's illegal dumbass: the guy let him do it in his own house and he's taking pics of it.

He dead already?

sounds like he failed at death

If he is dead you're in a big big shit OP.

Just wait for him to die, call the cops and pretend you just found him

We need more proof, OP.


Mr. Clean Magic eraser man. That's nothing compared to the mess this guy is gonna leave you. You are aware people shit and piss them selves after death right? May wanna put an old towel under him.

Recognize em? What kind?

Incredibly sad. What kind of friend are you ??why wouldn't you talk him out of it??

You're demented..

You could get stuck inside someone if your boner is in them and they croak....



Welp obviously he sucks at it so you should give him a hand.

Beat his dick off with both hands so he goes peacefully and happy

Chill out anons, OP is just trying to cover up him and his buddies autoerotic asphyxiation session, just remember, if it killed Michael Hutchence, it can kill you too.

hit him and play some hentai game

you don't even know what are you talking about as always

no he isn't, the cord is'nt even strangling him
also why in fuck's name did he put his hat on all of a sudden?
lousy fucking bait, it sure is summer somewhere

OP cmon. It's lying not laying

You're going to jail.

I'm comiting suicide in this thread if I get 666


not remotely commiting suicide, he should though, the suffering induced by his sick liver will cause much suffering soon

Tell him to die at his house. You don't need emotional support to kill yourself.

Well, tell him to stop fucking around with the door and hurry up.

>My friend is committing suicide
>While I watch and post about it
>The perfect friendship

damn you're a real piece of shit OP someone should throw you away


Wow, this kid looks remarkably like my nephew.

if that were my friend Id run over to his house and beat the shit out of him, then take him out for a beer
he would do the same

go get help

Attached: mentalhealth.jpg (648x913, 163K)

sorry things got so bad, im have to take the same trip with you, brothers for life and in death

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you're a good friend OP, i know others will disagree but this shit is real friendship man

man's going purple this shit might be legit lmao. Is OP next?

See you in the other side, Sup Forumsbro.

I’ve seen suicides before. Who lays out pills like that on a bed. This is 4/10 bait.




timestamp. not sure what to do now

Attached: 6775K4HH-C6J1-46HE-98J3-3H6UJ527J942.jpg (1280x960, 252K)

what are these retards doing
post timestamp next to dead body

Rip in peace

>rip in peace
>rip = Rest In Peace

>rest in peace in peace?

ylyl you lose

kys your self new fag.

Give us a date!
Also why the kill?

probably call proffessionals to get him out of yer house
they start sticking up fast my guy, used to do mortuary transportation

they're homos

did he get a stiffy like the guy in Clerks?

Rest in piss

hey b whats going on in this thread

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That would explain everything.

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He now rests in double the peace

what the fuck

post picture of friends dick in your hand.


tell him to wash his hair first, its grease as fuck

or does he rest in not peace, double peace cancels the peace out?

it isn't bait lads

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Play with his butt while he's unconscius

Dubs get

Tell the fucking faggot to stream it.
>Also fuck off you LARPing retard.

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no shit sherlock

Fake as fuck

kek related


dubs get

Has he soiled himself yet?

Cum on his face.

Two vistaril and stretch hose?

Pretty serious

call EMTs and revive him you dunce. He can still be saved, and if you wouldn't even try to give life back to him again you're a bad friend.

Jews did this

How can a man kill himself like that. Fake ass thread,

This is true

you've never faced hardships have you
sometimes there's just no more effort left to give

You're right. He was a jew

fuck him, should feel good on your dick as he passes.