What is good dating site/app?

What is good dating site/app?
I tried most of them and I cant find anything.
People say Bumble is good but It does not work in my country ( wont let me download )

Im from Croatia, 25 old virgin, Im not good looking but Im not ugly to look at either I also have 7 inch dick but I cant find a girl to save my life.

Im not getting matches and even If I do I get no replies. Tinder tried to trick me to pay for premium to see 6 + likes I got but I did some reverse Engineering and found out 3 of those are fucking Traps I already came across and 3 ugly fat bitches. Im not that fucking desperate.

What do you recommend? Should I just go to whore house and pay for it and stay alone or?

I can talk to girls I just have no luck with them. Maybe I am ugly

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Cope, go pay for it

Was thinking alot about it but another problem is there is no Whore houses here in Croatia that I know off and I kinda dont trust the girl you can call from newspapers that do " massages"

Do you not have street prostitutes at night?


Are there any in neighbouring countries? Make a holiday of it?

Whore houses that is

they only work for the handsomest dudes

Go to another country, here it is legal and i wouldn't trust street whores either

Fuck a few Fatty's. We've all done it. Also try leaving the house try a few bars and clubs. The competition on dating apps is ridiculous.

>Fuck a few Fatty's. We've all done it.
This guy gets it. Fatties need dick too.

Yea that was one of the plans. Go to Germany for 3 days and stay in a brothel

Problem is if Im not attracted I cant get it up. She does not have to be A model or like super thin but if face or body curves are not right for me I cant do it. Il rather jerk my self off then to fuck someone Im not attracted to.

I heard that if I install Tinder and go to another country I would get alot more matches since girl are more open. Here in Croatia girls are so stuck up and on high horse its crazy.

Op here

Like to mention I have found a girl that I liked and we went on few dates and It was going fine.

We were supposed to go to this week long trip to the camp at sea and enjoy ourselfs.

Day before she cancelled and I lost like $200 in deposit

She then like calls me to talk to me. We meet she tells me she fucked her Ex and then talks about it like nothing happened.

The fuck? Yes you have even worse than most East European countrys

>Problem is if Im not attracted I cant get it up
I don't have that problem, I'm a manwhore

Would Love to be one

yea its shit. If I want to fuck a whore I need to book a vacation. Or risk with who knows who from newspapers

>downloead tinder
>pretty good looking, 7-8/10
>get a lot of matches and replies form pretty girls in my city
>get in a relationship
>delete my user to be respectful to my partner
>she didn't
>cheated on me
>break up, and redonwload tinder
>make my account again
>think it's fucking weird that I need to use my number and not just email
>oh well. free pussy here I come
>week pass
>one match
>fucking weird
>used to get 5 matches daily if I used it alot
>find out im shadowbanned or something. dont remember what its called but I think thats what they called it
>if you delete your user, you're seen as a threat for tinder because you remove another tinder user by being actually able to get into relationships
>only creeps and sluts on tinder because they never delete their tinder and use it all the time, aka tinders goldmines

> conclusion
it's not a dating app, it's a hookup app. getting a real relationship will punish you unless youre a slut or a fuckboy and dont delete your user, since you know you're going to need it in a month or two anyway. its the reason it seems normal that all guys are creeps or fuckboys and all women are sluts. its because they make companies money. people n serious relationships dont as much and is threrfor encouraged to be looser in that apartment.

dont use a dating app unless you're only after puss. if you want a real girl, get your mates to hook you up. tell them you wish you had a good girl, and theyle introduce you to one if they meet one. especially if they have a gf themselves. implying your friends like you and want you to be happy, theyll do it if they can by themselves if you openly seek true love. its also easier to have convos with her since you've got friends in common and stuff. fuck dating apps they suck. easy loose pussy, but if I wanted easy pussy, I'd get an escort

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This makes ton of sense. I deleted and reinstalled tinder like 10 times. Im prob Shadowbanned also.

and yes I ask them all the time but they dont have anyone. Theirs GF dont have any female friends even my bloody sister has no Girlfriends its fucking wierd.

Its like they all removed all female friends from their life once they found a boyfriend.

Dunno maybe thats also a problem, My group of friend are males, some have GF some dont but we all do same shit everytime we meet and when we go out non of us are in the mood to chase girls we just wana get wasted and party then go home and sleep or stay home play games and smoke weed untill we pass out.

Starting to get on my nerves and we talked about it to change something but we all have jobs, college and the little time we have we just wana chill

Fatties need dick too.... but they’ve gotta pay

talk with your guys. maybe try to start something. sometimes, all you need is to have them have your back.

25 year old virgin
not desperate enough to fuck a fat woman

got to chose one

There are no objectively “good” aps. Remember that aps are a low effort affair. You will have more success using dating methods that require effort.

How tall are you, OP?

Fucking a fat woman is fun. Get over yourself.

2meters on the dot

>25 year old virgin
>not desperate enough to fuck a fat woman
>pick one
You greentext that newfag

I mean I havent met a fatty that looks good to me yet.

I would prob do it but when they look like whales with down syndrome its not fun and my dick is not going in there

i was genuinely too lazy to switch my keyboard from french to english

< thats all my keyboard allows me in french

to be honest, the thing I look for is the face, if the face is nice, means I wont have to turn my face when im fucking to look elsewhere or to think of better looking women

the body itself can be fun

Why are girls matching me and then not replying to anything? I'm not saying anything outrageous it's mostly something dumb to get their attention. What am I doing wrong

you fucked up by not fucking her on the first or second date.

NEVER pay for sex. It's going to be disappointing. Sex is only good if the woman is into it, too. Plus almost all women want sex, too. It's a numbers game. Just keep chatting up women until you find someone receptive. But yeah, don't make your standards too high. If you're considering fucking a whore, you should fuck anyone else who is unpaid. Go to bars and clubs and dance and chat. That's where horny girls who want to fuck go. Just go fuck someone, user. They all need and want it, especially when they are a little or a lot drunk or high.

Prob yes

Start off making your profile looking good.
It doesn't matter what app you use if you look like a recluse loser in your profile.

Have pictures where you are with other people (don't use them as your first pic tho) and pictures where you are outdoor doing something normal like drinking at a bar, walking in some nice nature or some other cool place.
Don't just use indoor selfies with the same face in every shot.

Write something socially acceptable in your bio. Keep it short, just say you enjoy going out, drinking and eating good food.
If you do something interesting or different than usual as a job, say it in your bio.
If you have hobbies different than videogames and wanking, say it in your bio.
Don't bother saying you are looking for friends or hookups, don't say too much shit in general because then you would have nothing to do small talk with when you are chatting.

If you look and sound like a loser, you will be disappointed no matter what platform you use.

I tried but as I said girl here are stuck up or Im just doing alot wrong and Im not aware I am

Agreed. Make your move on the first or second date at the latest. Make them say yes or no. They already know by the end of the first date whether or not they want to fuck you.

Bullshit. Sure there are some cultural differences, but women are basically the same everywhere. Some are stuck up. Some (even hot girls) are insecure and desperate for a man to show interest and take the lead.

There is no competition bro, you being you is 10x better than trying to be someone else/someone trying to be you

Try hinge, it's easier to get your personality out there

You are tall, which generally works in your favor, but maybe a bit too tall. Have you had any gfs in the past?

Dating is largely a marketplace. Very few men get to be as picky as your average woman. It’snot That you can’t find someone or that you haven’t found the right ap. You have unrealistic expectations and they are holding you back.

Rate your appearance on a scale of 1-10 please.

Because they have better options. Why aren’t you matching with women that you do not find attractive? Same reason...

Most sexual encounters happen on the third date or after. The first two dates are usually reserved for getting to know someone.