How many people can relate?

How many people can relate?

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Same .. but I'm not sad about it.
I'm glad I have a nice room with nice stuff in it.

Clean your room up and relax. Some people don't even have a roof over their head you're doing fine!

Get in shape or start learning a new skill if you're down and have spare time.

Well most of us end up sleeping a minimum of 6 hours per day, so it's not that hard to see why.

wait until they realize they spent the rest on their fucking phone sucking on a juul
mdd for everyone

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well its not like the outside world has much to offer. the outside world is mostly just bait.

no ragrets

Spending your time in solitude isn't particularly a bad thing, I learn more things inside my house than outside.

in here prevails a dance prohibition

The NEET life is the worst life. You have only one life to live and you waste it in a dark smelly room browsing internet sites you don't even enjoy, masturbating to numb yourself from the void where a wife should be...

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Get out and see more of the country. Don't be one of those people that have never left the state they live in.

I haven't even been in town for over a year.

Dude, get the fuck out of your house. Don't waste your life like that b/ro. There is a lot of cool shit to go see. Adventure bro, you never know what you might fall into that is cool as fuck. You can do it.

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I can't relate as I spend most of time outside socializing with other members of my community

questionably better

I never leave my building except when I go on holiday.
I work from home.
I order food on Ubereats plus there's a restaurant on the 23rd floor.
Gym on the 13th floor.
Pool on the 12th.
Really the only times when I leave my tower are when I go see my old parents in Panama in the summer and when I go skying in France in February.
I love the internet.

seent sumthin indawoods
dont walk around before sunset if you heard

Wagie wagie get in cagie.
All day long you sweat and ragie.
NEET is comfy; NEET is cool.
NEET is free from work and school.
Wagie trapped and wagie dies.
NEET eats tendies, sauce, and fries!

I've spent most of my life playing games with my friends and talking to people that I enjoy. It doesn't really break my heart, OP.

Life well spent as far as I'm concerned, all the things I like are in my room and I hate interacting with people. The only tradeoff is I have to work 40 hours a week to sustain myself. 10/10, would live this life again.

I have hundreds of different girls.