What drugs have you tired/want to try user?

What drugs have you tired/want to try user?

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I have tried caffeine, alcohol (in food) and tobacco (sat in the same room as a smoker so not sure if it counts).
I don’t want to try any other drugs unless they are (legally) medically prescribed to me for an illness I have.

Hello FBI. Welcome to our site.

You got the og template to share op?

Addicted to caffeine and nicotine, regular user of alcohol.

Blue moon I’ll do weed or shrooms.

Past behavior, all prescription pills types basically, from adhd meds to benzos and pain killers.

One time things, cocaine, heroin (before the fentanyl epidemic)

>drug enforcement

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Babbys first troll response

dude see

No psychedelics? What a shame

Kek like the NSA gives two shits about drug use. fbi would only be doing cp sting raids. This would be the worse DEA operation ever.

>which felonies have you committed?
>check all that apply

all threads that could even remotely tied to cp requests are all fbi honey pots. they want your ip so they can put malware on your computer and track you across the deep web

And the earth is flat

If you try MDMA, you'll do it again and again. Eventually you won't even get high from it. It's not worth the risk to your brain.

they've done it before and they'll do it again nigga

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Not true

i don't want to fill out the template but i smoke weed a lot and acid is cool. want to do mushrooms.

You do realize they would need so much more evidence to even attempt to prosecute? Admitting to doing a felony isn’t a crime and isn’t prosecutable.

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Back in the day maybe, I’m sure they just make honey pot websites/torrents now

It is true. You build a tolerance towards MDMA very quickly and it depletes your serotonin. Some people don't recover after abusing MDMA.

both of you faggots need to stop talking about the legal system on Sup Forums everyone here is way too fucking retarded to understand or care, including both of you

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Never happened to me

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i smoke weed every day (evening/night, not before work).
smoke cigarettes when i drink (2-4 times a week, normally. used to be a regular smoker for a year, but surprisingly never been heavy into it)
microdose mushrooms a couple days a month.
probably did cocaine say on 50 different occasions
morphine when i was recovering from knee surgery.
too afraid of neurotic breakdown if i drop acid.

im 25, make 80k year as an engineer. ama

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let's get back to discussing drugs
so which illegal substances have you consumed user?

so am i the biggest druggo in the thread?

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im what you call cool

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You gay brah and looking to date a faggot sissy like me? You sound perfect

Yes. Congrats. You lose

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>using the paint spray can tool
> not wanting to try PCP

>does meth and heroin
>better keep away from alcohol and tobacco tho

It's different for everyone. Some people don't have the right liver enzymes to break down MDMA and die on their first trip. Shit happens and drugs affect people differently, c'mon, user. You should know this.

>regular LSD user
>want to try LSD
That's your brain in meth and heroin

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fake, no one addicted to meth coke or heroin is going to bother with LSD

I'm hanging on by a thread

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What's the best drug combination? LSD, meth and shrooms is a personal favorite of mine.

my dumbass would start reading

all of them, apparently

Now this is more reasonable. You first spoke in absolutes, claiming:
>If you try MDMA, you'll do it again and again.
That's bullshit and so I said it wasn't true.
C'mon user. You should know this.

dude still have the kush to do. was too drunk the first time so want to try it again

if you can handle mushrooms, you can handle acid. i'd almost say acid is easier to handle than mushrooms. just be careful with smoking pot while doing it unless you're very comfortable with cannabis.

caffeine and tobacco is pretty good

this user died

nothing better than a morning coffee and cigarette

i've heard this before. i'll keep that in mind

all drugs are bad

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He looks much healthier and not overweight

It’s about a guy who got into progressional running lmao

I'd say he looks healthier after.

Probably addicted to caffeine but meh
Really wanna do X again but definitely with (at least) one girl this time

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Chad user here
(Some in tried i used to do regularly or addictively but do not currently)

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Cocaine and morphine aka speedball. Fucking amazing.

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Why yes, I do listen to Minor Threat. Why do you ask?

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fucking ciggies man
def one of the worst ones

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