How long does does a person remain conscious after being beheaded with a sword...

How long does does a person remain conscious after being beheaded with a sword? Lets say she volunteers to put her head on a literal chopping block for the sake of thos experiment. How long does she stay awake? How would she react with expressions? How would her body react? What would be going through her mind?

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Don't do it you broken, suck fuck. You'll get caught because you are broken.

15 to 20 seconds. As soon as the brain runs out if oxygen it's lights out.

There's a video of a Mexican cartel beheading a bitch. They hold her head and she's still looking around. They tell her to blink her eyes if she can hear them and she does.

Plus, the brain would probably go into shock immediately, and be essentially shut down until the O2 supply runs out in a few seconds. So you wouldn't get much reaction from it. It's likely that the rest of the body would be more interesting, as the organs would keep going for a few more seconds until they run out of blood and signal from the brain.

It’s just spasms user

around 30 seconds is the longest recorded. to record it they asked the ones being executed to blink so many times, look around, open their mouths or something until they couldn't.

so you'd be conscious for around 30 seconds. facial expressions can change up until consciousness is gone. her body would react the same way as having your head shot off, going stiff and falling. going through her mind would probably be pure shock and confusion as they're likely trying to move their now phantom limbs as if it didn't happen but aren't moving which is likely the reason so many beheaded heads didn't do much, they probably tried to move about and wasted their last conscious moments moving phantom limbs to try and get up or out the way.

>What would be going through her mind.

The sword...

But would being aware that you are about to be beheaded change that?

not likely because how can you anticipate what death feels like? you'll likely pair it with pain.

but when you're not feeling any pain because you're not attached anymore and your brain is too busy trying to remain alive than process the lack of a body, you're going to be wondering what's going on and trying to move.

yeah like any Sup Forumstard could make it through in one swing. it's gonna look like amateur hour hack job.

You won’t be wondering anything at all retard it’s called massive shock and it happens basically instantly, oxygen then runs out in about 15 seconds and that’s it

>implying that shock is a guaranteed response
>implying that oxygen would only last for 15 seconds

there's no way to know for sure but speculate because the beheaded can't give us reports on their experience. likely we're both right except that it varies from person to person.

Well I'm assuming one could know that they've been beheaded becuase they were told when the executioner swung

she would probably immediately piss her panties from shock and pain and her final thought would be "i should have spent more time using my tits to get free shit"

assuming shock doesn't set in, confusion because they wouldn't be feeling any pain.

it would be very confusing to be told you're going to be beheaded yet not feeling any pain and experiencing the deepest phantom limb a human could experience.

In the vast majority of cases it would induce shock, neurons are very oxygen hungry user without perfusion oxygen runs out very fast

Considering a loss of blood pressure would cause you to go unconscious immediately, I dont imagine alot.


12 minutes.

Aerobatic pilot here. When you pull heavy g-forces the blood rushes away from your head and towards your feet. Your vision tunnels and goes black almost instantly. You CAN, however, hear for a second or two after, then you pass out.

So if your neck is severed and the blood pours out, I think consciousness fades to black almost instantly. If the face is moving, it's just some unconscious twitching or something.

Oops! Wrong, sorry!
Actually, the head lives for about 10 seconds, at a maximum of about 15 seconds after a smooth beheading, this is why you can recirculate blood through a head to keep it alive, see the Autojektor and its experiments for more information.
The head is also fully aware, and responsive after beheading, even before being given good blood again, several experiments show the heads of beheading victims remaining conscious after being severed


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According the The Exorcist 3, approximately 20 seconds.

So you either have zero conscious or are completely conscious. I don't know what would be worse, to tunnel vision out immediately or to be connected to tubes with a false sense of "yeah they're going to help me"

Forever if you have the Re-animator serum.

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This isnt the case, if it were, many of the experiments relating to beheadings, and the unusual phenomenon of post-beheading consciousness.
If shock set it, awareness of blinking would be pretty substantially destroyed, as you'd be focused on your entire body missing.
Experiments show express awareness of the outside world, meaning that shock either doesnt have time to set in, because death and circulation being cut have happened so quickly, that the head is unaware of it's own demise, or shock sets in, but because of a lack of circulation, doesnt fully realize itself in the head, before it dies.

this girl is cute, moar?

I'd take the zero consciousness. Unfortunately in executions (before the guillotine) it was rare to get a nice clean cut. More often than not a drunken executioner would be hacking at your head and neck for 2-3 minutes until you stop screaming.

Bad times.

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So....did ya chop the bitchs head off or what?
