Going through a break with my boyfriend. He still wants to talk and everything...

Going through a break with my boyfriend. He still wants to talk and everything, but doesn’t want to hangout for a week. I feel like it’s over? I don’t know his exact thoughts because he told me that he’s scared of hurting me. Does that mean he wants to let me down easy? Feeling really shitty, I feel like it’s my fault. But at the same time I’m also upset that he brought his mom into this. We had a silly problem and now this. We argued all day yesterday and even after he left the day before. I’m exhausted and he told me he’s just burned out.

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Break up with him tbh girl
Find that other dude who really wants you

fucking new fags.....

Breaks are bullshit.

You're young, you're not married, you don't have kids, you don't live together, what the fuck are you clinging to? Move on.

This is my first relationship, first kiss and first everything. Eight months, might be small to other people. But it feels fucking terrible. Sometimes I can’t even feel anything, I just feel guilt.

I went through this same thing with an Ex, I loved her a lot, she was a lot of firsts for me, but things weren't working out and we took several breaks. It's never easy and a break is never a solution, you either have to sit down and work through the issue or breakup from my experience. Sometimes talking doesn't work, but no matter what don't keep hooking up.

I’m clinging on to the fact that this is the first person who made me feel happy without any downfalls. I’m emotional as most females, but he saw something in me. Call me a little bitch, but when you feel something meaningful you don’t want it to end. He got me an early birthday present four days ago. He remembered our roots and how this relationship started. It’s not that easy to just say fuck it.

shit happens.
My first relationship: 6 months
Second: 3 months
third: 4 long months
Current: almost 4 years

If someone doesn't make you feel loved, move on. Life is to short to feel shit.

His mom called me crazy, doesn’t matter the context. But having someone I trusted act so two faced is shitty. I’m not even mad, just disappointed. And he didn’t even defend me, he does the same thing all the time. Never defends me. I know he doesn’t mean harm, but it still hurts.

If a relationship is mentally and emotionally draining, it’s not worth it. Even if you tell yourself you can make it better and fix it, trust me it doesn’t work, and even if it did, it wouldn’t be worth it.
My first relationship was like this. I always felt drained and like I was doing something wrong, when really my ex just had emotional baggage issues which I was too immature to understand.
When you break it off, it may feel shitty at first, but trust me, you move on and everything becomes better. It’s like how exercise is painful but being healthy is so much better for you.

Probably because you are crazy. You argue for a whole day over a problem you demean as silly. So you obviously can't even understand why it is bothering him. Context does matter, it sounds like you are wanting something extremely stupid for even his mother to act like that to you. Also you're supposed to show your damn boobs.

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thats beyond newfag, just a real life fag.

so what was the fight about and why did she call you crazy?

We were both home alone, we were playing around like any other day and he was going too rough. I didn’t stop because I thought we were being sexual, but I started to feel scared and cried. He got off and I went to my brothers room to calm down. He called his mom to pick him up and things went downhill from there. The only way I’m dealing with this situation is that it’s literally over us being horny teenagers who don’t have safe words.

What did you do? Flirt? Are you a jealous type? Lie? Break the circle of trust?

How do u know she's young? This shit happens everyday with all ages.. including bringing mom all into this

That sounds like it is your fault. You should have expressed boundaries clearly. You can't retroactively make him feel like shit, which is what you're doing now. You still aren't explaining WHAT HAPPENED, though, but it looks like your fault so far

What the fuck does this even mean, going too rough? But you didn't stop him? Explain

>doesn't matter the context
Yes it does you crazy bitch what the fuck

>but doesnt want to hangout for a week

>a break with my boyfriend

you dont understand what a break is do you? also,your boyfriend probably has gotten a different pussy every night and has moved on

I’m 16 about to be 17 in less then two weeks, I’m not perfect. We’re both stressed out. We’ve been having problems these past few days and life has been shitty. I can’t expect much from an incel page with guys that haven’t had a relationship in years. Then again this is public and I asked for opinions so I can’t complain much. I didn’t explain to him because I felt scared, I wanted to calm down and this rationally before I talked to him again. I never said this wasn’t my fault, all I asked were for opinions.

Fuck off cunt don’t come here for advice break up with the faggot you only get in relationships to satisfy yourself just find another

It’s been three days, not every guy is a shitty person.

You say he was playing so rough that at first you thought it was sexual?

1) maybe a young rapist in the making..
2) not knowing his limits may hurt/kill you in the future
3) momma's boy
4) consider this a blessing in disguise and get out while you can.

Now... The fact that you thought the rough tussle was maybe sexual says you're a freak and are fun in bed. Embrace that sweetie, the world is yours!

Just do what most of us men do...go get some strange. You'll feel better soon enough and it definitely helps move on.

Y’all really out here getting mad over advice? Okay UwU I’m pretty good at annoying men :3 looks like I hit myself the jackpot ;3

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Incel? I am married. Just answer the fucking questions if you want help. What is "too rough", what even happened in the first place?
If you're gonna get mad because people disagree with you or tell you you're in the wrong there, you don't want help. You just are fishing for sympathy. Be a big girl and say what's on your mind coherently

Never asked for sympathy, if I did I would have been showing my tits and gone with any guy who showed me basic human affection. I answered the question, you’re in Sup Forums dude. Reevaluate your life.

Relationship is over. Hes probably already banging other girls. Thats why he just dropped you. Trust me most of my gender does this. Monogamy dies the instant 3-4 men are in the same room drinking beers and talking. I know I sound harsh, probably teared up reading this but, its just the truth honey.

Watched a pretty young girl (19, Jasmine) at my work get destroyed like this recently. She was all bouncy, bubbly and sweet at first. Really enjoyed coming to work, infectiously happy personality. One of the slightly older guys working there forever tends to bang any new hire if theyre attractive within the first week or two and then he breaks it off. Hes only done it a few times but now my boss has started hiring homely ass women, pretty funny. Anyways I warned her about him, because she was so nice. I think she took it as I was trying to swoop in; little did she know showing interest in that guy in the first place made her immediately disqualified from dating material IMO. Anyways she ends up dating another moron from the place who just broke up with his longtime girlfriend of 5-6 years. Of course their relationship lasted roughly a week before aforementioned moron realizes all his friends are also his ex-girlfriends friends, and breaking up isnt much of an option. So he gets back with her. Jasmine leaves work crying in the middle of the day the next day. Oh well, tried to warn you, you did not listen. Now she wants to get back with this guy.

So this is what happened
>Guy breaks up with old girlfriend of 5-6 years, has nothing to put his dick in
>Finds another girl to put his dick in while hes deciding if he wants to get back with his ex
>Once he realizes he wants the new toy more than the old one he simply drops it on the ground

Shes still pursuing him. Sometimes I think of just treating women like shit to get them to dote on me but, I just cant bring myself to act like such an enormous piece of shit.

Too rough is not being able to breathe or getting physically hurt, get a grip. Not everyone is build of iron.

He probably stopped caring because of your fucked up mind games and toxic personality

Are you fucking blind? She already said what the problem was! She freaked out over rough playing. He is ignorant and doesn't understand how that could freak a young girl out. He thinks she's tripping for no reason. Like a fucking child, he runs to mom to tell her all about it. Now this poor girl has 2 people she thought she could trust looking down and sideways at her like SHE'S the fucking problem.

You didn't answer shit, what the fuck does "going too rough" mean, and why would you start crying?

*the old toy more than the new toy

I agree.. I'm one those men in the majority

We all do it. Any man who says he doesn't is lying or has too much estrogen (gay).

It just sucks when you dive in and live together and put a lot of investment in it

>get a grip
Wtf? This is the first time where you've indicated that "too rough" indicates choking/unable to breathe. What were you guys doing that precludes that? Have you ever had sex with this guy? Is choking normal?

Tits or gtfo

Honestly if youre smart and you understand the goldfish theory, women will line up for you. Just...Why are they so easy to control and manipulate, if you behave like an utter pile of trash. It baffles me.

not an incel anymore. That time is long gone. I'm now in a stable relationship.

With being to rough you mean bdsm right? Since you are talking about safe words.... I'm in the kinkscene for about 8 years now and the problem you describe happens more than often. TALK with eachother first, about what you need, what you like, what you don't like, what your expectations and set safewords. Also if things are too intense (which happens), accept the reaction of your mind or body and allow him to be with you. If you have more questions about bdsm and kink, feel free to ask

Sup Forums is really gay nowadays

He found out you cheated and wants to beat you. Could also being getting bored of you.

Youre 16. Trust me though calling Mommy for advice, putting her in the middle. Hes showing you hes literally a 12 year old mentally who cannot deal with his problems without mommys help.

And youre mourning this loser. xD

Ah. "I'm an incel so anyone who gets laid is a prick. The only reason i don't get laid as much as I'd like is because I'm not an asshole"

Never gets old

>Use girl for sex why you cannot fuck your ex
>Dump her immediately even though shes nice and done nothing wrong

So are you saying that guy isnt a prick and a douchebag.

Youre fucking dumb as shit.

she gave an incredibly vague description of "something rough". if we want to accurately understand both parties and just not blindly believe the victim, we've got to know what happened and be able to empathize with how the boyfriend may have felt

what ffs is the goldfish theory?

this. move on op, you deserve better

that the goldfish only grows if you increase the tank size. But the fuck he ment with his reply, I've no idea. Maybe that if you increase the sizxe of your bath more girls will fit in?

When female goldfish are selecting a mate - they always pick the one of the brightest color. He is the healthiest and most fit to mate with.

When two male fish of identical color are next to one another - The females mate with the one all the other ones pick.

Essentially our society comes down to this principle when getting a girl to want you. You can read more about it in the Dao of Badass.

Thread is silent as people Google dao of badass. Attain knowledge I learned years ago but chose not to use because its like...The Dark Side of the force.

You are waaaay too young to be all caught up and hung on one guy. Men/women come and go through out life, some more or less than others, but they do. Just a fact of life. So if and when you decide you meet someone you want to settle with the rest of your life make sure you have tried some dick like this first ( pic example ). You only live once. I did, and am sure glad I did. I'm not left with wondering. My husband is an average 7 inches and satisfies me, but I do catch myself reminiscing about that one guy that opened my eyes and made me whole.

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The amount of retard in your post is astonishing.

Hey! It's 2019. NOT retarded! Mentally disabled...thank you

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Hey friend not sure if this is bait you got me if it is good work. Fuck you. If not, I went through this. With my experience and others experiences I would say it’s over.
I’m guessing you’re younger 18-20? This dude says he doesn’t want to hurt you but he is actually scared of hurting himself. He doesn’t want to be alone so if he tells you he needs space then you’re still together and he can hunt for a new partner. It’s shitty man but that’s what happened to me and a few people I know. A girl I liked for like 7 years told me she wanted to go out after me asking her like 6 times. She always had a boyfriend. Well she ended up pulling the I need space thing. She had decided that she was done with the relationship but “didn’t want to hurt me” so she didn’t break up with me then fucked a coworker behind my back for a few weeks when she decided she would rather fuck that guy. So after 7 years of knowing each other she just dropped me “easy” she dragged the breakup out over a month. We would fight then make up then she would tell me more shit she had done and we would start fighting again. I was young and thought I needed to be with this girl so I tried to stay and make things work but they just weren’t going to. Maybe that’s where you’re at? Truthfully though only you can know if it’s right or wrong to leave. Like no one on here knows you two. We can only give you advices based on other situations. So he really could just need time. Search your heart nonbiasly and contemplate whether or not it’s the right relationship for you. If you have even a bit of doubt I would back out but that’s me and I’m a damaged cynical person.



She lost me when she mentioned being almost 17...

Now all I can think about is how tight her pussy might be...mmmmm