Do you believe in climate change?

Do you believe in climate change?

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Of course. Humans will surely deserve what they get.

yes and anyone who doesn't is going to look mighty fucking stupid when the water wars start and refugees start pouring into first world countries.

Imagine having sex with Greta Thunberg.
You'd have to teach her everything about sex and she'd look all confused due to her autism.
Imagine her facial expressions as you start plowing her hard in missionary position.
She would bite her lip and her eyes would scan the room while you fuck her, almost like she's not fully aware of what's happening.
Her face would show both pleasure and confusion at the same time.
Then, as you ejaculate deep into her, she experiences an orgasm for the first time and lets out a cute autistic squeal.
She would be out of breath and would watch your thick semen slowly leak out of her cute underdeveloped body.

The Earth is round, the planets orbit around the sun & climate change has been constant for the past 4.6 billion years of the Earth's existence. Welcome to 3rd grade Earth science, OP. Hope I didn't use too many big words. It's obvious that retards like you get easily confused by anything beyond monosyllable terms.

Doesn't matter what I believe. It's a proven fact that it's happening.

Natural or human made? In general, yes, I do believe the Ice Age was a thing.

Take it to pol faggot

Look at dis wacky ebin cartoon, dis white girl lookin SO cray cray! Gibs me money.

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Lies the earth is flat, where’d the ice go if we still have it? Check mate
Atheists: 0
Christians: 1

Life isnt a fiction user

le pompous man



Yes. Man-made climate change as well. There's clear evidence that human activity has accelerated climate change since the industrial revolution. We could've done something years ago, but billionaires make convincing misinformation for political puppets.

Well he is correct

Someone put the effort to draw this lmao

That looks nothing like her.

Haha imagine being an artist that draws for a living what a faggot

Found the faggot

Build the wall.

Yes, the climate changes. And I believe in nuclear like anyone else with a brain does.

That’s like asking if I believe in the sun.

Yes but it's no where nealry as bad as this cringy little cunt or aoc claim it to be. Well be fine. I'm gonna keep driving my car and burning my trash.

he thinks a wall is going to keep the entire 126 million plus population of mexico out when they're faced with daytime temperatures too hot for humans to thermoregulate in or liquid water to persist

I believe it is inevitable. There were 5 prior waves of extinction. Each causing the next step in evolution. How arrogant must you be to deny the next phase of evolution. The earth does not exist for us or because we desire it. We shall pass and the new beautiful design will come.

And she's a crisis actor just like at Sandy Hook.

No one is ruining your climate. It's the elite again.

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So much this

The weather Globally has been factually changing, so.. yes???
I mean if you haven't left your house/room in years you probably wouldn't notice it.


don't upset the little retard. just tell him you plan to pour all your shekels down the wishing well to appease the angry sky gods.

If the sky god doesn't stop causing intermittent hurricanes and tornadoes, you need more shekels.

So much this, Seriously.

It's a natural event for the entire fucking sea to deoxygenate several times every few millennia. Literally every 25,000 years or so, the magnetic axis of the planet shifts completely, we're in the middle of such a shift now. Additionally, there are vast stellar tier events that take place in cycles that have gargantuan effects on everything in the solar system.

The whole angle of this "existentital threat" narrative is literally to blame western democracies for literally the weather changing. Do we see them target India? China? No, they always target predominantly white, western Democratic countries, why is that? It's not because they're the most polluted, or polluting. think about it.

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>But much per capita argument
This is all I hear them say, as those countries are factually polluting more, we’re saying it’s the west responsibility.
Since we’ve made more people to pollute the earth we should be allowed to pollute the earth more, and the west should ruin their economy to fix it.

>derp derp Do we see them target China? No, derp derp
Are you retarded? Just google "global warming china"

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Jeez, okay princess. Just replace weather with climate.

well yes but its not caused by humans

And here they are in China. Again, are you literally retarded?

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Cool story bro!

Let us know when they cut emissions enough that the rest of the world is more than a drop in the bucket, and then get started on India... Then MAYBE I'll think about GAS about emissions in the US (except that will NEVER happen).

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Yes but its not manmade and theres nothing we can do by throwing money or passing laws about it. The planet chooses.

Yes there is, we can cripple our economy, fuck over our own people and send billions if not trillions to corrupt organizations while the rest of the world pollutes.


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More truth...

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I not only believe in it but I also believe it's man-made.

I also think people are really quick to criticize someone trying to make a difference because we're not wired to cope with that. Someone who stands up and calls out the Emperor for not wearing any clothes is always going to look like a crazy person no matter how sane and rational their message is. We are all amazing at gaslighting people into accepting the majority's worldview. I personally feel like Greta is brave, maybe a little naive, and the more people criticize her, the more I see insecure resentment for someone who ultimately wants to help. People try to say she is a stupid kid but she is fighting for what she believes in and if believing in something was easy everyone would do it. We compromise our own integrity every day and of course seeing someone who doesn't makes us uncomfortable. We want them to get in line like the rest of us.

Miyazaki-san!!??! What are you doing amongst these cursed lands?

But yeah, to answer your question OP, climate change is real. It's not that bad. But the truth is, even if it were as bad as the alarmists tell us, that would be a good thing. If we don't nuke oursevles in the next 50 years, at least climate change will choke us to death or starve us. Anyways, most humans will die. The few millions that survive will be waring against each other, competing for resources. Maybe so kick-ass creatures will come to life just like in "Naushika". How beautiful.

When the bombs start raining, when the fire starts burning, when the people start dying, I will be far away. I will contemplate the end of the World, and chuckle. Not because it will be funny, nor because I will try to let out a strangled tear. I will chuckle out of joy. Humanity will be given a second chance.
A chance to build a better world. Miyazaki-San says we cannot be redeemed for our sins, for they are too many, too great in too little time. I disagree. I say nothing's impossible. I say we have a chance. A second chance.

That's not something you get often. A second chance? Do you realise how priceless that is? I am ready to sacrifice 99% of the population so that we as a specie get a second chance.

>after a thousand years of
>he will come
>clad in
>amongst fields of
>to restore mankind's
>with the
>that was

Hail Napoleon, long live the Empire.

Hey look at you trying to focus on a shill, try arguing why the US and Europe should take so much action despite doing so much already while the actual polluters do nothing and suck up money from the west.

Stop focusing on your stalking horse, her 15 mins are up anyway. Oh wait you can't that is the latest strategy.

Fortunately you morons have burned most Americans out on giving a shit about climate, better luck in Europe!

You think its man made? realy?

How many % of CO2 of the total are humans responsible for again?

> " Do you believe in climate change? " ;
Oh yes, indeed I do.

Throughout recorded history, it has been consistently shown that:
it really does get warmer (on average) in the summer,
and colder (on average) in the winter.

you need jesus

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Not person you’re responding to, but I think it’s escalated by humans, but it is being blown out of proportion to fuel a socialist agenda, green new deal doesn’t include nuclear power for a reason.

I think we’ve actually have programs working to solve it, from China’s cloud production to our carbon intake machines or ocean fertilization.

I dont even believe in the climate.


>What are bullets

>Greta: " user, what're you doing? I'm getting warmer and wetter already."

Climate change is real and it will literally fuck you, your father, brother and your sons to death.

The only thing the west really needs to worry about is the prevention of refugees, were in a pretty good latitude to benefit.

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I saw this as I read that

We are so fucked as a species if proven scientific observations are something people can just choose not to believe in. Vaccines are poison, Earth is flat, climate change is a myth, getting rich takes hard work, God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world.

What do you mean believe in? Climate change exists, retard. That isn't even the argument.

Science-deniers are claiming it isn't human caused, that's the argument.

Climate change has already happened. I'm a wildlife biologist and I've been working directly with the effects of climate change for the past 15 years. Species range and composition have changed dramatically, sea levels, weather patterns etc..

Climate change is undeniable. Whether or not humans are the cause or if we're just making it even worse is the question you're supposed to be asking.

Don't get confused though. The scientific community is not having this debate. We already have near infinite amounts of data to suggest, yes, humans are the cause.

You idiots just won't believe it becuase ... hurr durr trigger the libs, or some fucking shit.

And also the earth's temperature is rising faster than at any point in earths history. Not only did I pass my earth science class, but also my 8th grade English, unlike you.

of cause because my mother isn't a hoe

You're so uneducated that you actually think you know what you're talking about.

61.5% of all refugees are climate refugees.
Climate change isn't something you can 'not believe' in at this point, because it's already happened.

People who still think they know better are either too stupid to understand basic facts, or seriously delusional and live in a fantasy world.

If it were up to me I would just start executing people who think that way, and the people who manipulate them into it.

You might even see that start happening as people get more and more desperate.

>genocide 126 million nothing-to-lose people without having your position overwhelmed or your supply line exausted
>problem solved
american logic

>Bullets are cheap as dirt
>B-but muh exhaustion?!
>126 million la creaturas organising
>Uhm amigos/amigas, if we can do thees why did we leave our countries in the first place?
Try thinking for more than 5 seconds.

because a global disaster and immediate threat to literally all life in the country _will_ prompt them to move north. all of them, find sanctuary in the us or taking the boat to europe or die. if you're not trying to bait me --and failing spectacularly because I ain't even a tiny bit buttblasted, just bored and slouching at my computer-- then you're legitimately handicapped if you can't see that stopping hundreds of millions of people passing through a border by force when they're being pushed forward by >50c heat and fires is a logistic and strategic nightmare then you're legitimately handicapped enough to believe that climate change isn't real. enjoy sharing a country with the ramirez family.

I botched the grammar of my post through restructuring. oh well.

No .. kill one man, it's murder .. kill 126 million, it's statistics

>I say we can't d-do it
Jesus, the hard times truly have arrived, ngl weaklings like you go first.

you should produce porn user

also bullets are cheap but guns overheat, mexicans build tunnels, soldiers get tired, shooting civilians takes a toll on morale and the border is 2000 miles long - good luck keeping that airtight against a tunsami of beaners. america will also be impacted by resource failures and increasing instability (read: opportunity to get some oil) elsewhere in the world so mexico is going to be the least of your army's and budget's problems.

50 years of "We have 10 years or left", the "climate change" scare is complete bullshit.

the mexican army, local governments, police, cartels, businessmen and so fourth are also going to want to get out of mexico so I hope your fatass ICE agents know how to detain special forces and cartel soldiers, lol. you can't even stop mexicans from crossing the border now, let alone when literally everyone in the country comes to the walls with bulldozers and machine guns to get into the us

>Guns are cheap as fuck
>Muh tunnels muh nuhuh tired beaners
>Opens le tap
>Nothing personel, mijo.
>More accurately; blocks your tunnels
On your next ambiguity fallacy include the possibility of dinosaurs joining congres.
>Ha ha yes well what about people that have been stopped before easy?
>What about driving for 100's of miles with high milage bulldozers on shitty uneven terrain xd?!
>How can US special forces stop shitty third world speshul forces?!!!
>Jaja the illegal immigration has nosedived but that won't stop us xc.
Grovel some more will you, the best part about it is that in three decades I will be sipping tea with my well earned ribbons and your people are trying cummunism for the umpteenth time.

Such is life.

Jesus you watch a lot of degenrated pron do u?

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i believe that the climate has changed multiple multiple times before humans invented industry. There are have been climate shifts for millenia.

just read about the gulf stream and the jet stream and the axis of the earth. That is what causes climate change.

everything else is propaganda to get you to eat bugs

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