Asian thread

Asian thread

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I bet she's American..

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Moar of right?

only have this one of her

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Left or right

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liking a woman is a fetish?
looks like i found my new fetish

it thought girls were supposed to suck peepee so that it doesn't hit their inside cheeks, they are clearly virgins

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more like rice and white guy cum

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she's not even asian wtf

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My j-waifu is so cute

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i love this photo

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Asian verry goooood

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Take a shower you smelly cunt.

guarantee you that by now this girl has taken white cock up the ass.

Asians are the ugliest species of subhuman on earth. Stop WANTING us to fetishize you. Gross ass ching chong potatoes.
You have weird ass shaped heads. Fucked faces and your culture is so fucked.
Fuck your food. Fuck your cars. Fuck your society. Fuck your stupid cities and how they are ran and built. If you want "your issues" to go away. Start with making yourselves go away first.

Id fuck left she looks like a freaky bitch

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u mad bro?