If whites should go to jail for saying “nigger”. Then blacks should go to jail for saying ....... ?

If whites should go to jail for saying “nigger”. Then blacks should go to jail for saying ....... ?

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Fucking this

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There isn't a racial slur equivalent to nigger for whites. You're a fucking idiot.

Also you can't ban a word that's not what they're trying to do. You're retarded.

You drank too much kool-aid. Kill yourself, after Trump is impeached.

> you can’t ban a word

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Nigs are gonna nig. I was at the store and one chimpout in line after realizing that he had to pay for the Newports.

That's because whites are superior to niggers


>"give me your bike"


Newfag found the urban dictionary

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He's going to fit in just fine unlike you

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for saying Pigsfuckers

Stay mad my dude.

I dindu nuffin mahn it waznt me

Literally any sound they emit while in the presence of human beings

>There isn't a racial slur equivalent to nigger for whites.
Cracker and redneck were slurs used almost exclusively against the Irish. Since you know absolutely less than nothing about history, here's a quick lesson for you: The Irish were the absolute overwhelming majority of slaves in the U.S. And so they they were the overwhelming majority recipients of whip "cracks", hence the term "cracker". It's meant to put down the Irish because of how badly they were treated by slave owners and how often they were whipped. The contemporary revisionist idea of "indentured servitude", whereby a person willingly agreed to slavery for a number of years is dumbfuck tier garbage. The Irish were stolen from Ireland and forced into slavery. During this time their "masters" could literally torture, rape, and murder them legally. Do you know how many Irish slaves died or how many female Irish were forced to breed with subhuman niggers? Of course you don't, because your education is full-on Marxist and you are a low effort/low IQ person who feels they're super duper smart, wise, and knowledgeable by never deviating from the jewish mainstream narrative.

The "redneck" part was due to the Irish males being used in the fields and getting sunburned, thus having "red necks".



Not even OP but literally all of what's left of recorded history...


Then gimme a source if it’s so widespread

His ass

>low effort/low IQ
>can't spend at least 5 minutes searching the internet
>expects other to drop shit on its lap and coddle it constantly
Yeah, no thanks. This is literal reality that you're ignoring in favor of going with the jewish narrative. Whenever you even scratch the surface of jewish lies and bullshit you go down an extremely deep rabbit hole. It's up to YOU to put in the tiniest bit of effort here


>Then blacks should go to jail for saying
Let me fix this...
>Then blacks should go to jail for existing
Much better.

so were now violating the first ammendment along with the 2nd ammendment? can someone explain to me why we even bother having a constitution in america anymore

It's clearly a threat. Just had a nog say "I gotta axe you..." the other day, fucker should be in jail.

Nobody goes to jail for saying that, moron.

Niggers are the ones who perpetuate the word more than anything. They have no understanding of human nature and no self control and they are incapable of realizing that their chimping out at its every utterance is more provoking of its continued usage than any "systemic racism" or whatever other imaginary bullshit they want to blame everything on could ever be. They can't realize the fact that every other race, by comparison, is relatively indifferent to their respective slurs. That's why "nigger" is such a more powerful word than the others.
They use the word more than anyone and want everyone to have it in their vocabulary but be afraid to use it. They don't realize how antagonistic and against equality this is. Rather than take it in stride and refuse to give power to people who use the word like everyone else in the world, they think the solution is take everyone's freedom away to make the point to the world how offended and emotionally crippled they are by it while simultaneously proclaiming their superiority and that they're going to take over the world. They really think this will put an end to its use and solve the racism problem. They will doom humanity.

Don't post shit like this hommie. Just spent 5 mins watching the rabbit game.

anything at all



Who won?

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