Would this be a better movie if it wasnt for racist white people

would this be a better movie if it wasnt for racist white people

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Wow the bait

its a bland movie black user here

but 95 percent of the complaints about the movie come from white people,and its all because of "hurr durr,black people bad we dont like movie"

Wait, is everyone nigger?

Tenda Spencer is OP.

I'm getting really sick and tired of Hollywood blaming racist for their shitty made movies. They did this with ghost busters in 2016 only with gender. THEY MAKE SHITTY MOVIES! I don't blame the actors, I fucking blame the shitty writer's.

i dont blame the actors,i blame the racist white people like you.since the only reason you hate black panther is because of the black people in it

also,you used ghost busters as an example of racism.there's a difference between gender and race you retard

Would be better if it was more than ha ha black super hero ha ha

Kek. Been awhile since I laughed. I'm kinda glad now that it failed because of those "evil white racist". Lolololololol.

why else would you think it would do bad though? the only complaints about it are from white people and its always the same "hurr durr,niggers are in the movie"

With out White people this movie would never exist...oh the irony

Aside from shit writing, one of the biggest issue with that movie is shared with most movies, they try to fit too big of a story into too short of a duration making the movie feel rushed. I wanted to like it, even though I expected overly done "yppol bad", turns out it just felt incomplete more than anything.

nobody bitching about black panther cares about the writing,there all just butthurt because of the black people in it like this guy is

But its White culture so Whites can criticize it

so making shitty pro black movies is white culture? you guys really are a bunch of cuck's

OP, would you mother be a better person if she weren't such a filthy, filthy whore? Yes. But I wouldn't be fucking her if she weren't.

No its the theft of White Culture if its not recognized as White Culture

All tribal bullshit aside, it's very formulaic. It's the same exact story as Iron Man and Doctor Strange: hero gains powers and fights villain with same powers.

yeah but the difference between iron man and black panther is,there's no "black people good,white people bad"thing in it

No. It would be worse