Just got a tinder match for tonight ......should I smash?

Just got a tinder match for tonight ......should I smash?
>pic related

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I would rather die

I would, for the story.

With your dic in your hand I'm guessing....pucci is pucci faggit

You dont love yourself

Im not sure my dick would get past the fat

It must Suck to have a micro penis faggot.....try wearing a strap on next time

Looks like you'd be the one getting smashed bro

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That tinder economy is so imbalanced. Im sure she gets plenty of guys willing to go there.

give her a good poke. it's probably been a while. you might even be able to get something from her for your services.

I doubt you got a tinder match date, because I'm sure you only fuck dolls and pocket pussies.

Ask her if you can fuck her stomach or underboob or some shit

Fat girl pussy is bomb

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Not smash. Just get a hummer for menial satisfaction

>is it in yet?
>is it in yet?
>is it in yet?

but in all seriousness she probably makes the best food, for all 19 meals of the day.

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He is right, they are down for ANYTHING!!!!! I crossed so many things off my list with my last fat girl fuck...

Id rather fuck Nigger pussy

Yeah you can wreck with that, but remember to clear the area, wear a hard hat, make sure water, power and gas are disconnected before you start wrecking.

A crawler crane is recommended for that size wrecking ball.

Just remember, that’s her BEST picture. Imagine it with no clothes on and the smell of its vagina.

Godspeed, user.


That is a very large phone she has.

Smash bro.

that's your match?!

she has the new I phone with the wide angle lens

Make sure to introduce a shower during the date because I don't even want to imagine the smell down there.
Either fuck in the shower or have a shower together and then fuck

It could be an ipad.

Chubsters will do damn near anything you want. Also she isn’t bad looking tbh.

Get them chubby feet pics tho

Also this

go on a date to the gym

Like what?......free steaks?

You sick fucking monster.....I hope you burn in hell