Slovak and czech thread - Another one another one

Slovak and czech thread - Another one another one

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It's shit. You are shit.

gif is from COPP , not my work

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z ktoreho mesta su ?

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Bratislava poväčšinou. NAjradšej yb som mal z každeho mesta nejake nudes, ale bohužial, len v ba som "úspšený"

viacej poprosím

zalezi kde byvas, Cesky velmi radi posielaju

bývam v ba, podla toho aj hovorím :D ale ak sa s menami takých češiek chceš podeliť, kludne ti dám mail alebo vola na to :D

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hmm what? :D

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it would be nice if somemone was here to see theese

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those are cute, who she?

friend that likes to be exposed like this :D

oh really? Wanna give me her snap so I can tell her how much of a hot slut she is?

she dont have snap, both pics were freshly from ig :D

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what a nice whore, and her tits are great. What's her ig? She doesn't mind posting it publicly?

but if you want, you can call her Nina.

that is fucking terrifying

she didnt post it publicly, she send it just to my in hope i would ever share it somewhere ;) well, shes dumb. Only fool would keep her just for himself.

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mm, hot. So wanna share her ig? I can pm her hot much of a cute slut she is. She'll probably masturbate to it for ages.

i dont want to be sharing her with someone in this way :D i just loves to share her body

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pity, I'm from Prague and I'd love to tease her ;p

Teasing? thats sport for her. She was teasing me month before i get u win :D

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*a win

does anyone ever see Lucie Wilde walking around Prague? does she live near there?

Well you can tell she loves the attention. She'd submit real fast.

I was really blueballed when she finally submitted and send first nude :D but it was worth it

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prvorodeneho by som slubil satanovi ak by take bolo denne. Nie svojho samozrejme,

I would sacrifice a firstborn (not mine ofcourse) to Satan himself, to see her doing that everyday



jebem na to

jeb na to kamo :d

a ty ješto kdo? :D

nakej typecek, kdo asi.

či náhodou niesi niekto kto aj niečo má na pridanie. niekto s kým som už na vola pomenil hoes :D

to asi nee, na vola jsem jeste hoes nemenil.
Ale na pridani vzdy nekdo je, ze :]

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pekná, kolko toho znej/odnej máš? ;)

stovky ;] ale tak desitky jsou hot.

no kludnesa pochvál teda ;) alebo podme na vola a ukáž všetky naraz

ked tak, vola - r/11zya5u2w . heslo bude Martina ;)

Anybody recognize?

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holy shit yes I went to school with her

holy allah! bilborad face and drunken-stoned face? what a legends! :D

Can you guys tell me sex slang words in czech? Trying to search messages of my czech roommate, she seems like a slut and leaves her fb open. How do you say blowjob or like anal or shit like "I blew him".

Pic related is all I could find on her PC. Will post wins

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Which one. Friend sent it to me lol

sukat, sukala, prcat, prcala, pichat, mrdku
vystrikal, kourit, kourila, pero, ptaka

blew him - vykur ho
i want fuck him - chci ho pojebat
in general - jebat sukat soustat prcat trtkat - is all salngs that she could use when talking abouts sex


had you find something yet?

No :( looking

post some scren proof of that it isnt just some kind of a bait :D

Lol what would be the point of baiting I'm searching now..

we are n /b ... noone can be sure of anything here :/

search harder then. we are trusting in you