I got threatened by some frat boys, any advice how to fight with a knife?

I got threatened by some frat boys, any advice how to fight with a knife?

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Yes, use a gun..

they want you to suck their dick, if you ever succumb, bite it off and they will never fuck with you again, and you might be a hero.

dont go school shooter or you will look like the bad guy. keep your cool.

i wouldnt suggest a knife either, it will go bad if they over power you

Why are you being threatened by frat boys in the first place? People are pretty chill in college.

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Use the pointy end to attack with.

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dont, they’ll take it from you and stab you with it.

Without more specifics, you need a least six inches of blade length for major organ damage to the chest cavity usually, so your average 3-4 inch pocket knife isn’t terribly lethal, that being said it can get to major arteries and or cause some damage to stomach or intestinal areas so try force your opponent to attack high and not low if you don’t want to be shitting into a bag for the rest of your life. Protect inner thighs and sides of your neck under your ears above all else, major arteries there that can bleed you out in 4-6 minutes.

You're just gonna end up getting stabbed with your own knife dude don't do it.

(((frats))) are gay cults

>pull knife
>opponent pulls knife
>both bleed out and die
>but he died first
>you win!


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Ok. How did this lead to OP being threatened out of the blue?

frats are like MLM, they bully people into being intimidated or desperate, then they offer money for sex, and that new person becomes someones bitch, and so on and so forth.

its not out of the blue, OP just became someone they want in the group

>any advice how to fight with a knife?
How fast can you run?

side of the stomach, chest and throat/neck area. dont go for the head and other parts. it'll just piss him off

First rule of knife fights: loser dies at scene, winner dies in ambulance.

yup. this:

Better idea

>buy cheap gas mask just for looks
>buy smoke grenades
>put on mask when confronted
>pop smoke grenades
>hope the frat boys run away

If that doesn't work get a cattle prod or something else non-lethal so you don't either go to prison for stabbing a guy or get stabbed by your own knife.

hold it in your fist, so that your thumb is facing your chest, then imagine fist pumping to hardbass, in out, in out

whip out your dick and start pissing on them

Works everytime

You want something that can be easily concealed on your person, so something like a switchblade or a pocket knife. None of that machete/bowie knife nonsense and especially not those expensive ones. Knives are most deadly when your target least expects it, so if you pull out your knife and just wave it around to threaten them, you lost cause you're outnumbered.

You have to pull it out when you're right in front of them (assuming they won't jump you at that chance) and start stabbing at the torso area because it's a larger target than the neck. Be fast. Be brutal. Expect to be jumped once you do and run away.


attach knife to dick to maximize thrusting damage

oh and also pee on their wound for infection
just incase they dont die at scene

You will get better answers from a youtube video than from an American school shooter forum. I think the army says that you should pull your opponent in close with the hand that's not holding the knife, wrap your arm around him like you're giving him a 1 arm hug, then stick him. So wildly slashing with your arm extended seems scary, but it's actually ineffective and will only serve to scratch up the opponent's arms. You use your legs and body to control distance and direction, like in fencing, and only use your arm when you decide to commit. If you are talking about being cornered against a knife wielding attacker, your best bet is to use push kicks to maintain distance, and take your shirt off and use it to wrap around the knife and take it. If you must take a stabbing, it's better to take it in the arm than anywhere else.

>pull your opponent in close with the hand that's not holding the knife, wrap your arm around him like you're giving him a 1 arm hug
Wouldn't it be better to grab your target by their shirt instead?

Also, we can explain what to do in these situations, but in the heat of the moment when emotions are high and adrenaline is being pumped in your veins, techniques are thrown out the window unless this isn't your first time stabbing someone.

>techniques are thrown out the window from adrenaline
Nah, that only applies to unmanly men and untrained men. This isn't a battle, you can train every day and go through the various scenarios and practice quick thinking and reacting to the unexpected.
>wouldn't it be better to grab the shirt
maybe, probably, I don't know? Like I said, the army manual on Youtube is better than some guy.

Knew I saved this for something

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You could also watch those gore vids involving knife fights and/or deaths to get a general feel of what really goes down.

If you arent able to grab them with your empty hand use it to feel them out at a distance so basically like you are trying to stroke their knife hand but have a low stance like gladiators have(pic somewhat accurate but a bit higher and have lead leg back so less are to hit and more control over your movement (So in boxing you have your lead leg behind for more power and torque from stronger hand, so like that)) and when they go for a swing with their knife best thing to do is step out of distance pull hand back so you most likely dont get slashed and do this once or twice till predict or if comfortable straight after first swing and use feeling hand to grab a part of their body while stepping into and under the swing of their arm with the knife so like a dempsey roll in boxing and since you have a grab pull them in tight and you will have them in complete control from side or behind and just start slashing and stabbing anywhere you please from the back so you could aim for behind leg, ass cheeks, back and spine, neck, head i wouldnt go for back of head since knife might just get stuck in head. you may think this is really over draw or too complicated but its literally like tryna stop someone smacking you with a short stick except the stick will possibly end ur life.

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Your average frat guy isn't going to honor duel you with fucking knives whatever you think is going to happen probably isn't going to happen.

Regardless you're here on Sup Forums and he's in a frat so you're probably going to lose regardless.

I wouldn't want to watch a bunch of guys with questionable training and then think that's the right way to go about stabbing someone just because he won against some other guy with questionable training. The army is legit. Krav Maga is legit. Although Krav Maga teaches defense against knife, if you are really planning on stabbing someone, you could at least learn what to look out for in case you face someone competent, and plan accordingly.
I watched a video where the guy said the downward grip is almost never used, and is more for assassinations.

Or you could have a knife in your dominant hand and pepper spray on the other.

Pepper Spray --> blinded target --> easy kill --> can focus on other potential attacker.

was gonna post similar thread. I know user say using knife is bad advice but sometimes it's all ya got.

but ya I imagine getting some liquor in your system beforehand is solid advice?

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Stay away from them and avoid conflict, if you are in a situation where u have to see them make a complaint on his threat's. There never worth it

bonus question: how do self defence laws work?

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Well street fighting is all situation isnt it, could be u have the upper hand then 5 of his mates come round the corner and anally molest you to death

definitely not. You'll just lose the coordination required to stab someone. Hit the right spot>muh drunk strength meme. Unless you are thinking so far ahead that when the cops show up you have the excuse "I was drunk and they attacked me you can't hold me responsible for my actions lmao"

Depends on the country and state, in my home place South Africa, you just give the cop money and its good
In UK its reasonable force and no more and if death you go to jail
i imagine its similar in america, where if life is in danger you can use reasonable force to a certain extent if you have to kill them for your own life its fair game but if otherwise u get jail?

not OP but I got some methhead breaking into my room damaging property. threatening me. police were ineffective. not sure what to do

OP is retarded. they will take the knife and fuck your shit up way worse then they planned to. make a molotov cocktail and throw it in their dorms when they are sleeping. get a couple of them. do it under the cover of night. buy a throwaway overall. get rid of the overall. get away undetected. shouldnt be too hard on a campus. profit and hear their screams of agony. those chads will be either dead or mutilated horribly for the rest of their lives

Multiple smaller stabs will work better than few big ones. Don't actually expect to win though, they are many and you are one. Do the thing quickly then run like a motherfucker.

go in hard while everyone else is still posing and egging themselves on.

A lot of people chat shit

Most don't want to get stabbed when it comes down to it.

Throw your left first and just grab and then run the knife into em

yeah the more intense ones you gotta get assfucked by old members that are like old granpas no joke its what the knights templar used to do they worship fallen angels/ the baphomet

Get a metal baseball bat like how the Russians do.

In america it's very complicated. If you are trying not to get in trouble, then a knife is probably the wrong idea, but it depends on the state. Just spray everyone with pepper spray.

Sneak up on them and get them in the neck obviously.

The winner of a knife fight dies in the ambulance.

just buy some acid in your local store. wear a hat and sunglasses and a hoodie. pay in cash dont talk. pour the acid in a plastic water bottle. when chads show up disperse it on their face. fuckers will be mutilated or blinded for life, profit

poisoned meth

Stun Guns are also on the table. You could get the stabbo, but the shocko should be effective as well.

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Use a bayonet attached to an M4 carbine!

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You leave anonymous tip to the cops that one of the frat fags showed you a video of them raping an underage girl when she was drunk. You where do disgusted you had to turn in your own bro. Cops will raid. There probably is a video of that on one of their computers.

swat them. use public wifi to inform cops or use a burner. hope the swat team is overzealous and kills one of them. just say ther are 'lots of guns and agressive people pointing the guns at others and making threats' Do it when the chads are having a wildd party. Swat team might be overzealous in the situation and get trigger happy

acid is the only viable option,

>You leave anonymous tip to the cops
>swat them. use public wifi to inform cops

best way to go about this? I called the police on this methhead six times and they never made an arrest

old school. buy a burner . give a description of the methead . say that he is armed and already fired his gun. make the call to the police station that is closest to the methfaggot, make the call then destroy your throwaway burner. get the battery out . use a big magnet to destroy electronics , whatever

bad idea.

get a gun

Frat boys with knives, what do you live in England or something?
It's school children. While he should and learn how to use it, that's not really the appropriate reaction for that. If a puppy shits on your floor, you don't shoot it in the head. It needs a spank, you teach it to go shit somewhere else.

what if the puppy is much bigger and gets even more aggressive when you try to teach it