Oscar Isaac to star in movie about the hunt for German War Criminal


>Oscar Isaac is joining the long tradition of cinematic Nazi hunters, with Deadline reporting that the Star Wars star has signed on to play Mossad agent Peter Malkin in an upcoming historical drama about Israel’s clandestine capture of Adolf Eichmann. Isaac is in final negotiations to star in Operation Finale, a dramatization of the long-running efforts to find, capture, and ultimately execute Eichmann, one of the primary architects of the Holocaust.

>Malkin—who eventually became the chief of operations for Israel’s intelligence agency—was one of the agents who actually captured Eichmann in 1960, wrestling him to the ground near the Argentinian home where he’d been living under an assumed name. He then worked to smuggle the captured Nazi out of the country, drugging him and disguising him as a flight attendant on an El Al flight back to Israel, where he was put on trial and hanged in 1962.

>About A Boy’s Chris Weitz will direct the film, which is being compared to historical spy dramas like Argo and Munich. Isaac, meanwhile, is keeping himself busy in his non-Star Wars time; he recently finished shooting on another historical drama, The Promise, with Christian Bale, and is set to play another Nazi-fighting superspy in The Garbo Project.

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>inb4 Sup Forums being mad that most of the world just doesn't like nazis

the goyim must never forget

Hollywood really does only have like 4 or 5 to-go actors that switch every couple of years, don't they?

>Mossad agent Peter Malkin

He is

the world's most ethnically versatile actor.

This is his other ww2 movie


The new Ben Kingsley who can portray any nationality and/or race

Since when did the nazis have Latin American spics as soldiers

oscar isaac should make a comedy
he seems like a funny guy


oh, thank god another nazi film. I was beginning to forget

Seriously wtf. Versatile as fuck.

I'm german and I'd let him hunt me down and ravage me no homo

I'm starting to hate this faggot first he makes a movie about the armenian memocide and now this.

>Oscar has also stated, “Isaac is Jewish from my father side. I am definitely a big mix of many things”

T*rk detected

>your boipussy will never get destroyed by Oscar Isaac

-being this insecure

Fuck off fag

let me guess, they'll make it into this EPIC revenge fantasy

Oh so that's how you get so many movies

>The Garbo Project
sounds about right for a garbo movie


fucking slammed

and even if they don't the neckbeard element on Sup Forums will have exhausted themselves so completely bleating about how it was* going* to be one it might as well have been an ëpic revenge fantasy" anyway

Probably not, but good job getting triggered over nothing

Has anyone ever done a study on the number of movies about genocides and then proven that the holocaust is about 1000x over represented?

Just saying user.

>[ ] don't shit bed
>[x] shit the bed

poor old user. did you know defecation can be voluntarily inhibited?

>the star wars star
He hardly got any screen time in Star Wars though.

Yep, but click bait

are you mentally ill?

These monsters are worse than Nazis.

Reminder that 6m Jews died in the Holocaust

>all these ww2 movies coming out
>no vietnam movies


It was 12 million you idiot. It's not like 20 million isn't an easy number to remember; how could you ever forget about 40 million Jews being exterminated?!
Oy vey, this website...

>1917 was 100 years ago
>no WW1 movies coming out

>The elite would make a movie about the elite getting merced

Goy just focus on WW2 please

Lots of movies about the french revolution too hey guys

getting real tired of ww2 movies
we get it, nazis were bad. at least make some more on the italians, russians and japanese in china or something.
fucking americans fight for 1 god damn year at the end and then cant stop making movies about how tough it was for 70 years


why the fuck would we show anyone else but us winning?

Kys turkroach, literally worse than a Jew


the jews show the movies
they didnt win they all died
remember the 20 million?

>movies reminding you germans r bad instead of movies involving merricuh being the big bad

I too am puzzled.

You would shit yourself and die in the first 5 minutes of a war

You are Turk

He's a Turk who pretends to be Greek because he was rejected by his kin on Sup Forums. He's sad, ugly and inbred and derails threads with his bullshit spamming

Here is his story


Mother and father are village people.
Mother was never allowed schooling or any kind of education, was later sold as a nanny under the guise of marriage and suffered my grandmother from my father's side.
It is really a cliche, I shit you not.
She became pregnant with me and I learned later she tried to kill herself with me.
Never wanted me, used me to vent her frustration at how unfair life is.
Threatened and punished me for no reason and made me feel worthless.
Nowadays she is like "I didn't do anything like that :^) it was your own fault for being like that:^)
Why can't you be like these healthily raised children :^) why you got no gf :^) you see me so much in other women that you gave up at any normal relationship :^) Something happened by our own fault?
Your fault, should have told us what we did wrong while you were not there to warn us :^)
Like we would ever listen to a child, kek!"

That said, I left and now she harps on my younger brother's.
That's life


>clean your room they said
I never did
>go get some bread they said
I said I don't want to
>get off the pc they said
I got off 15 hours later
>get a new haircut they said
I cut it myself
>go out and hang out with girls they said
I fuck my hand
>you're worthless
I cry
>shave your face
I shave my ass
>leave the house, go out
I go to toilet
>even kids speak better turkish than you do
>I'm gonna get rid of you soon
>you ate everything in the refrigerator again?
>I was working at your age
>He's your son, you tell him
>What should I say? He doesn't listen
>I don't want to see you like this
>your manboobs are bigger than mine

If allah exists, why hasn't he taken my life yet?

They sure liked them when they gave them drones, space travel, assault rifles, tanks, nuclear bombs, computers, jet engines.
Oh also they saved the USA from the great depression.

"B-but muh holohoax"
Even if that shit actually did happen, it's nowhere near as bad as what the USA and USSR did in the past.


Relax, it's just a pasta from Sup Forums. There's a very notorious larping piece of shit Poster that ruins all threads

>people thinking there good and bad guys in war
Everyone has their dick in it.

>a country kidnapping and murdering a civilian
how heroic :^)

Muh ebil Natzis else huh?

Hi Cenk

Man, nazis fucking loved to live in my country.
Fuck you Perón, at least you could have Let the scientist get in

Listen, kid.

I just got out of a liberal shill thread where the fucker actually said "tippity top kekkles".

Who the fuck says something like that? That is the gayest shit I have heard in a fucking week. You motherfuckers know exactly why this board sucks. It is you guys stinking it up with your shilling, and then pretending to be mad at the state of it. Hey, everyone, whenever a liberal shills, just remember they say faggy shit like "tippity top kekkles". It will put things in perspective.

Same film, but having a CIA agent instead of an Israeli agent, and a islamic terrorist instead of a Nazi, and this would be depicted as the greatest civil injustice of our generation

Lol sad but true

>again the bad guys
when will it stop?

It probably has something to do with the fact they also went to war with everyone else too.

those are the digits of a liar, bud

yids are out of control

>most of the world
But that's not true? The only place where anyone cares about WW2 still is the West and its satellites.

And remember alt right shills try to defend nazis if you want to see some cringe.

i, for one, am hyped for Munich II

>No movies about INTERPOL hunting down Mossad assassins.

First didn't leave room for sequels, everyone but Eric Bana died

Agreed. Jews need to get over their obsession with Germany 1933-1945

>Spend 2 hours watching the main heroes lose a war to literal shit sticks

Who wants to do this?

Not caring about them doesn't mean you like them. I guarantee you if you asked most people whether or not they liked Nazis, you would get an overwhelming "No."

Most of the east is still mad at the Imperial Japanese.

infowars and stormfront aren't proof.

>another jew movie about WW2/WW2 aftermath

oh vey it's already been a couple months since the last one
better make another one



Found Reddit. Kys my man

You're wrong Reddit. For claiming to be so cosmopolitan you really are quite sheltered and ignorant of the world. Hitler is revered for his political genius, aesthetics and anti-Semitism in many non Western countries.

lmao how delusional can you be? you need to stop using Sup Forums as your worldview


>le Sup Forums strawman
All my Muslim friends love the Nazis and make jokes about Jews. Also, take a look at the Pew survey on worldwide anti-Semitism