Don't watch The Walking Dead

>don't watch The Walking Dead
>tune in in the middle of the season finale out of curiosity
>a fucking lioness pounces into frame out of nowhere and attacks someone

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That's a panther you fag

Clearly a fucking jaguar

thats clearly a fucking ocelot you double nigger

This trash is still popular?

>everyone standing around with guns
>they all run away instead of shooting it
Did Nolan direct this scene?

>attacking a massive group of people
>not running of in to the wild
>being in America in the first place

Please tell me no one ACTUALLY watches this, it's just a bad meme, right?

best post on Sup Forums

One take is enough.

>live in a post apocalyptic world
>all you see everyday are humans and zombies
>out of nowhere a fucking tiger starts eating the guy you just had breakfast with

it's just logic, or dare I say... tv-kino?

>Negan predicts the appearance of the tiger a full second before it does
>black guy on the right just vibrating in place
>guy in the back with the ponytail doesn't understand what's the big deal
>30 people in the area, not one of them noticed the fucking tiger running in, making it look like it teleported from the twilight zone

bravo bolan

>One mind sharing TWO bodys

what the fuck. is Joseph Gordon Levitt off-screen taking out the other guy?


I watched a Syfy with Ving Rhames where there was a zombie tiger. Is this a reference?

The guy holding the handgun accidentally shots him when Batman knocks away his hand...yeah it was pretty stupid.

Batman probably set up a gadget or something to distract/take out the other guy. You just have to turn your brain off.

He obviously slipped and fell because of the snow. Ice is VERY slippery.


deus ex lion

Its a fucking tiger reeeeeee.

Why wouldn't Ezekiel have the lion attack Negan?

delete this right fucking now

he has hankerchief on, there invunerable to tiger bites

The men are armed to their teeth and instead of shooting the lion, they run away.

Plot armor is strong.

Why is every firearm in that show full-auto anyways? I mean, I get it there are very likely lots of AKs and M16/M4s left behind by the military anyways but apparently no civilian stuff like AR15s or semi-auto AK variants. Did they just grind the insides of all the firearms because the ATF isn't around anymore or what's the deal?

why would the us military have full auto aks and what do you grind inside a semi auto firearm that makes it into full auto