Can you find it in your heart to forgive him?

Can you find it in your heart to forgive him?

For being jewish?

1. He did not rape me.
2. It is not forgiveness he is looking for, but exemption from punishment.

He had 40 years to take responibility, and for 40 years he has refused to do so. I don't blame him for that, but why should he be rewarded for successfully evading the law?

>I don't blame him for that, but why should he be rewarded for successfully evading the law?

Because he won.



>Because he won.
This. Our society should reward winners, not beta Sup Forumstards.

I'll never forgive him for Ghost Writer

>forgive child rapists that flee the law

LOLno there is only one ((reason)) he is a free man today


I mena chinatown is one of my favourite films, so for me that equals out all the bad shit he has done. Plus the victim already forgave him and she should be the one to judge, not the public.

Go back to r_TheDonald

Yes. Childhood is loving Chinatown. Adulthood is realizing Knife in the Water makes more sense.

back to redddit faggot

>Technically a Polanski!

But no I can't forgive him. Don't be ridiculous


He did nothing wrong.

>i support child rapists because I am a leftist


forgive him for what?

he did nothing wrong

This has to be bait right?
Nobody is actually a fedora hat wearing faggot right?

He's always been a hero in my book. Getting away with fucking teenage girls has been my lifelong dream. He's a winner and I wish I could shake his hand and buy him a drink. Don't pretend you don't admire him for it.

Did nothing wrong, fuck the police, Ninth Gate.

>make a movie about satan
>your wife gets killed (while pregnant)
rlly electrocutes my almonds

This is how crime should work. If the victim of a crime forgives the perpetrator, they get to go free.

Who can blame him? Did you guys even see pictures of the girl? Ripe for penis insertion.

He made Ninth Gate 30 years after Sharon Tate was murdered

wow this is some really terrible legal comprehension here. Its the STATE vs the plaintiff, in the criminal case, not the victim vs the plaintiff. When you commit a crime, you are charged criminally for violating the understood contract you have with the legal code, if it effects a person that is incidental. Civil cases are for that kind of stuff

Victimless crimes aren't crimes.

>Sup Forums has frequent catch a predator threads and the new one cheering on Hanson and shit
>makes an exception for polanski because hes part of hollywood and made some decent movies


The victim is the legal code, which is decided upon by the legislative process, not individual whims. If we would like to make a society were raping kids is okay if they forgive you later, then you have to pass a law for that, otherwise when one does it remains a crime, as the society that created these laws still express the action as thus. No one is going to pass this change, of course, because people don;t want to give an out to these deviants

>the rich pay off their victims

nice job retard

"Legal code" can eat dicks. As long as laws are political and not actually judicial they're worthless. That means someone applies judgement. Humans do law, not paper.

humans make the paper faggot

Literally /ourguy/

Who is this semen demon?

>the rich pay off their victims
So just like in real life?

You won't find it in my ass so don't try to look.

in real life you can't pay off the DA

try again

At any second of any trial a human can step in and just say "Nope, not guilty." Legislators can't do shit, and shouldn't do shit.

It all depends on how much money they have. You can't say no to millions of dollars staring you in the face.

Supreme court just undermined jury nullification in a big way by overturning a verdict because one of the jurors had made a racial comment during deliberation.

It's only a matter of time before the entire jury system becomes obsolete and subject to change. We are half way through the step into double jeopardy similar to how the English organize retrials post-sentencing.

Well the jury system is already broken when 99.999% of all cases are resolved through plea bargains.

At least you have the last resort if you have the conviction to force the state to go all the way.

Won't mean shit anymore, everything will be bench trials.

He raped a 13 year old,
he should be killed.

It's not mine to condemn or forgive him.
But from what I've read, everybody in that story is a villain but Samantha Gailey, who has reporting forgiven him and wishes to move on, but can't because the other parties continue to be villainous in not granting her that.

I can't forgive him for making Carnage

She looked like a little kid, man.
What the fuck

He had sex with a 13 year old who then said 'Nah, didn't rape me.' The only crime they were actually charging him with was not showing up to court after doing his time.

>She looked like a little kid, man.
Check what board you're posting on.

She had a sweet ass.
