Why aren't ""journalists"" losing their jobs over how badly they fucked up with this case and why isn't she suing every...

Why aren't ""journalists"" losing their jobs over how badly they fucked up with this case and why isn't she suing every single one of them?

Because she's a murderer.

first amendment and sensationalism sells

also literally who

>amanda knox

I just watched the Netflix documentary and it's pretty clear the killer was the nigger burglar

Oh, Netflix told you! I didn't realize that you were retarded.

>pretty clear


How'd they "fuck up" exactly? If anybody was in the wrong, it was the Italians leaking all the stuff. She's the one who came up with "Foxy Knoxy," and all of the salacious details came straight from either her or the cops.

Propaganda for what, retard?

after what she was put through she probably wants to avoid anything to do with legal proceedings for a while

I can see that you're quite upset user. Netflix propaganda can do that to weak minds. Best get some rest and then go out and find the truth when you're ready.

>Asks a question
>Gets a non response telling him to get woke

Thanks for making it easy to disregard anything you say. Cheers.

Submitted without comment:

>Steven Avery
>"This is an injustice, he did nothing wrong wow American justice is so fucked up"

>Amanda Knox

>Not ready poster is clearly not ready.
Yes, er thanks for that.

In before triggered Sup Forumscucks

She clearly did it and escaped justice, why wouldn't she want free money for getting away with murder?


she was involved in the murder but didn't kill her

>She clearly did it
>t. giuseppe macaroni

Please inform the rest of us how she clearly committed murder

You're meming, but she pretty clearly didn't. Her big problems were that:

1. She was overly confident that, since she didn't do it, she could never get any consequences, and

2. That the police were generally on her side.

Americans tend to think that the way the justice system works here is pretty much the way it is everywhere, and innocent people never think that bad stuff is going to happen to them. Both of these are wrong. If you ever get in trouble in a foreign country, you need to shut the fuck up until you talk to somebody from your embassy.

>why wouldn't she want free money

Lawsuits are anything but free money. They're an enormous drain on finances for everyone involved but the lawyers.

Because there's an intent component to a libel claim involving a celebrity or a public persona. You have to show that the libelous statement was made with the intent to harm the subject. Good luck proving that.

This. Good luck to any Seattle girl hoping to get a good outcome from suing a British tabloid for writing about the guys she banged in Italy and the her involvement in the murder she went to jail for.

I think she is very hot

who's face fucking her?

>I got away with it. I'll do it again.

Italian hooligans invented some pretty funny chants about the whole thing so she's vastly forgiven in my book

Probably was not. Look at the case. There is little reason to think she did it.

>tfw no murder gf

*unzips pantaloons while sighing loudly*

Actually, the italian criminal justice system is leaps and bounds ahead of the Amerifats'


Not sure if she did it or not, still would though.

>t. Luigi Mario

America has trial by jury, sequestration, murder convictions have to be unanimous, and the prosecution can't appeal.

>and the prosecution can't appeal
Really? Why?

kek you can't be serious

To prevent the state from endlessly harassing innocent people for political purposes

Double jeopardy. If they put you on trial for murder, the jury finds that you aren't guilty, then that's the end of it from a criminal standpoint. If the jury can't make up their mind and won't come to a decision they agree on, then the prosecution has the option to take another run at it, but they pretty much never do. That being said, it's like when OJ was acquitted, the state can't keep trying to convict him. They get one chance to convince a jury that he did it beyond a reasonable doubt, or he's free.

Looks like someone fun to hang out with

Out of curiosity, are Italians still butthurt about this case? I remember they were pretty salty when Americans were going on and on about the Brokedown Palace nature of things; I wonder if it's still a sore spot.

I wonder how long until she kills again.

Because she 100% did it and you don't push extraordinary luck like that, my dude.

Also - Central Park Five and the guy from Making A Murderer.

Great documentaries that convinced me of their innocence. Except when you read the details it's pretty clear they did it.

Post more crime documentary kino

What is it with you faggots injecting your Sup Forums obsession everywhere?

>Italian journalists


Americans say she's innocent, the rest of the world says she's guilty.

Why is that?

she makes me so fucking horny

i wanna be her pusy slave

>panics and blames a black man
>turns out it was a different black man

kino true crime story

She already earned millions from her friends corpse in book and tv deals.


>only got away cause her family knows some senator personally and cause the italian govt wanted to have a favor which could get repaid later on
and she was a fucking whore, even blamed her bf for it before blaming the wrong nigger and then another nigger

This movie aged like shit. Tried watching it a few weeks ago and couldn't it was so cheesy

Because the black guy did it.