Were the Mon Calamari like, a race of admirals or something?

Were the Mon Calamari like, a race of admirals or something?

Cruise ship builders.

They're ocean people. It stands to reason they have a strong naval tradition, so they have a stock of very capable aeronautical officers.

>Cruise ship builders
>strong naval tradition

how does that even work? they live under water

The rebels use a lot of Mon Cala ships

It gets worse actually:

That would mean they have more experience historically with three-dimensional combat environments, which would translate easier to warfare in space.

They're clearly amphibious, hence admiral ackbar not being in a fish tank on home one.

the logical assumption would be that mon calimari were early backers of the rebellion, and thus have simply been there long enough to rank up.

how do the mon calamari feel about being named after food made from terran animals that they resemble?

In clone wars cartoon they were living in underwater cities on a planet competely covered by the ocean

wtf that makes no sense

most of Rebel ships were also provided by them, so it's logical that they command their own ships

They were jews who were into building giant cruise liner spaceships to get credits from rich galactic fucks. Their infrastructure to build these craft were useful in converting to a wartime cruiser production, and their experience in navigation gave them advantageous positions in the Rebel Alliance because of this. Basically, they were often admirals because they had the ships and the experience. Most of the Rebel Generals were defected Imperial officers, too (experience).

The planet had a handful of small islands constituting it's total landmass. Most of the population lives under water, but there are floating cities, and cities build on the islands.

They were famous ship builders in the galaxy, but instead of warships they were more like luxury liners. When they joined the rebellion they brought their fleet and shipyards to the other side which was a huge step towards legitimizing the rebellion as a military threat. The mon calamari leveraged that into influence in the political machine and navy of the rebellion.
Ackbar was also a former servant of Tarkin so he had a lot of insight on imperial military doctrine from the guy who helped to define most of it.
That's all in the old EU anyways, who the fuck knows anymore.





They were the race that came with the big ships to the rebels

What does reddit spacing mean?


I don't really care about some gay autistic extended universe explanation. I guess I'm more questioning the filmmakers' decision to copy Return of the Jedi. If you're going to do the same thing, why not literally bring Admiral Ackbar back? Rogue One only takes place like 4 years before ROTJ. But why not do something new anyway, a different species at least? It seems like they did the worst possible thing. I can't even think of another movie to compare it to because it's so retarded.


From observation, it means when a post is written so it has a very short phrase, followed by a linebreak, then an empty line, then a new line to start the next. I don't know what it has to do with reddit though.

>a different species at least?
They were calamari ships, why have a non calamari captain?

i've been posting on Sup Forums since 2006 and i've always used double-spacing, people didn't start saying it was a "reddit" thing until a couple years ago, if you weren't a newfag you'd know it used to be the norm on here

Because its a very identifiable trademark of fucking tourists that is to new to post.


>i've been posting on Sup Forums since 2006 and i've always used double-spacing, people didn't start saying it was a "reddit" thing until a couple years ago,
It is is weird to suddenly get called new or reddit for doing something you've done for over a decade.

My dad works for nintendo.

How do you know that?

You're aware that the people who make a film can control all aspects of it, right? It's not like a half-finished script fell out of the sky and specified the kind of spaceships they had to use and they had to just deal with it.

But user, there aren't so many species in the rebellion. It's only humans, Chewbacca and in RotJ there are Sullustans and MonCals.
What other Race could be there supporting the Rebel Fleet?
The Rebellion is as much a human privilege organisation as the empire. This is just about leaders of core planets like Mon Mothma and Bail Organa losing power after the rise of palpatine. They don't care for muh aliens.
It makes complete sense to have another Mon Calamari being in charge on a Mon Calamari Cruiser (which is pretty much the only kind lf big cruiser the rebellion has had)

A reminder they share the same planet as these guys.

Because I've been here all summer, you insufferable cunt.


Quarren are so damn ugly fuckers.

imagine being such a fucking loser that you refer to people who don't waste their entire lives on Sup Forums as "fucking tourists"

just imagine your 10 year old self looking into the future and seeing what you just posted. seeing what you've become. would you have killed yourself?

it's never too late to do the right thing.

The story takes place in a familiar universe where it is already known
You'd only be a speshul snowflake by not going with calamari ships for bigger ships for the rebels, and you'd be a speshul princess snowflake by going a step further and have a non calamari in a calamari vessel during a rebel fight.

They didn't need to use tie fighters either.
It would be retarded and not make any sense in the setting for the empire not to use tie fighters though.

Yes it is. The clone wars is canon and they have an episode about that conflict


re-read the first sentence of the post you replied to

Maybe you should go back

There was civil war between them shown in Lucas' Clone Wars

´coz SW was many many years ago in a different galaxy user.

It's an autistic 4+Sup Forums meme

Erm, they have ORIGINAL action figures, anonkun. Why you so new?

lol the italian word for squid (the animal) is calamaro, dumbass

99% of people don't give a fuck about any of the gay shit you just said. i'd say it's pretty standard for science fiction films to innovate visually and introduce new forms of technology and spacecraft.

Ship builders and somewhat competent commanders.

This has nothing to do with autistic explanations. It is just coherent with the other movies to have Mon Calamari as the Rebels with the big ships.
Why would there be an alien race we never see again fighting in three movies?!

And surely tons of people were sad that fishheaded alien were in the mon calamari cruiser.

That really buttrustled the masses.

so you sell another calamari puppet that is not Admiral Itsatrap Allahkbar

>how does coherent world-building work?
>how do I make my fantasy world believable?

>This has nothing to do with autistic explanations. It is just coherent with the other movies to have Mon Calamari as the Rebels with the big ships.

It is autistic. If instead of "Admiral Raddus" it was a character of another species, the only people who would've had a problem with it would've been autistic faggots like you.

>Why would there be an alien race we never see again fighting in three movies?!

...What? It could've been a human. Are you retarded?

They're fish, so they think better in the 3d environment that is space

>fish people

You guys freak out about Sheev and Snoke, but Lucas has always been a retard when it comes to naming stuff. It only seems like it's gotten worse because we grew up with all the goofy names from the OT.

>why not literally bring Admiral Ackbar back?

Because Admiral Raddus gets captured by Vader and, if not killed by him directly, gets put aboard the Death Star and surely dies there.

Imagine this user watching lotr the two towers
>"why is boromir still dead? everyone loved him, just bring him back, no you don't need to explain it, who cares about those gay books"
>"they have more money now, they should cast someone better looking for Samwise now"
>"everyone who isn't me is autistic and gay and ruins everything"

"This makes no sense. They're fighting above Scarif and the guy commanding the other spaceships DOESN'T look or sound like Admiral Ackbar, the beloved character from that movie that came out 33 years ago. THIS IS INCOHERENT. I NEED MON CALAMARI ADMIRALS. Everything else in this fantastical movie has had 100% verisimilitude, but this is UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE."

Raddus being Mon Calamari makes complete sense. You are sperging out because it is not some new cool alien species.
And how is him being a human any more creative?
Are you retarded?

>Because Admiral Raddus gets captured by Vader and, if not killed by him directly, gets put aboard the Death Star and surely dies there.

That happened in THIS MOVIE. It's not something the writers had no choice but to deal with or something. Again, the scripts don't fall out of the sky. I hope you're the same person who I replied to earlier about this, or else this board is fucking dumb.

Imagine this user actually replying to what I said

>why didn't they make the movie completely different instead of having this guy be a certain race even though there literally nothing wrong with the way it is REEEE

>or else this board is fucking dumb.
Maybe you're right.
You should try arguing this on other forums.
See how well you manage.

If Episode I had Ewoks instead of Gungans, would you say there was "literally nothing wrong with it"?

Space is a lot bigger than Endor user.

Edwards said he didn't use Ackbar because JJ already did in tfa.
Are you the same guy who wanted the admiral being something "new"? Because him being Ackbar would be the opposite.

That's nothing compared to prequel era.

> Elan Sleazebaggano
> General Grievous
> Darth Sidious (insidious)
> Count Dooku (yes, literally dookie)

OT names like "Greedo" sound toned down.

And this shows what Lucas always thought of these films. There was no great original vision, there was no epic mythos, the hero's journey was never more than a framing device and the intelligence in these movies was aimed at children.

You didn't say anything.

I would question why episode one would take place on endor, a seemingly remote and unimportant planet until rotj. What doesn't seem odd is why a race that clearly exists at a prominent place in the rebel hierarchy would be part of the rebel hierarchy.

I'll take that as a no.

>Are you the same guy who wanted the admiral being something "new"? Because him being Ackbar would be the opposite.

No shit.

Do you actually believe that your arguments are somehow intelligent?

Why don't you stop cherry picking shitposts to respond to and admit that everything you said in your original post was poorly thought through and wrong?

No, I see them as pretty basic, but this thread is full of autists who still can't grasp what I'm attempting to convey.

Pretty much this. The films make it very clear there aren't so many fucking alien allies in the rebellion.
Mon Calamari make perfect sense. Some weird alien we will never see again not so much.

>everything you said in your original post was poorly thought through and wrong

Here's my original post:

>Were the Mon Calamari like, a race of admirals or something?

Please identify the "poorly thought-out and wrong" parts of that post.

Member berries for the oldfags.

>Mon Calamari make perfect sense. Some weird alien we will never see again not so much.

If it had been a different species, would you have really said, "This makes no sense"? Hahahaha

You know that acting retarded is still just retarded and not le epic trolling XD one upvote?

this may be bait, but the plural is calamari

Mind flayers??

Nowhere in this thread have I said or suggested that I was "acting retarded."

>I'll take that as a no.

I'll have to explain the comment.

Ewoks are native to 1 moon in the galaxy.
It would be peculiar to see them anywhere else. Not impossible, but peculiar.

During the time that rogue one and OT takes place the mon calamaris are rebels, so the rebels have their ships on their side. Ships made and flown by mon calamaris.
Their ships are spaceships, so it isn't really a stretch to see them pretty much anywhere in space.
Unlike ewoks.

Which means your comparison with ewoks in Episode 1 and mon calamaris in rogue one is shit.

Yes, they were. They crated the capital ships the Rebels use and have a strong naval tradtition. That was answered almost immediately. If your follow up is "why" then the answer is that everything in the Star Wars universe is stupid like that.

Because star wars is just a commercial for toys and everyone has an ackbar but they don't have this new guy.

You could've fooled everyone else in this thread.

>what should we call these aliens? I want something that's appropriate for squidmen that are vaguely caribbean

Where did I say the Ewoks would be seen anywhere other than Endor?

Why should Episode I play on a moon that has had no significance whatsoever before the building of the shield generator?
The only reason we see Tatooine so often is because it is the home planet of the skywalker family

>Rogue One: A movie so whack, Admiral Ackbar turned black

>Nowhere in this thread have I said or suggested that I was "acting

>"The females were distinguished from the males by their more prominent chest areas"

>Why should Episode I play on a moon

I never said it should. I made a very simple and easy to understand point, and you sperged out about it for half an hour.

Do you think the Mon Calamari had a strong fishy smell? I don't think I could be friends with one.

OP is an obvious attempt at trolling. Nobody is so stupid. But maybe he is just some turboautist that can't grasp the idea of his opinion being shit

Is the robot chicken special canon? If yes then at least the Quarren smell fishy as fuck

Ewoks on Naboo make no sense, Mon Calamari as amirals on their own ships do.
And you original post was already retarded. How can it be a race of admirals if you can clearly see other mon calamari that are obviously no admirals?

>Is the robot chicken special canon?


I like to imagine it's the former for the sake of humanity, but it's probably the latter.

>Ewoks on Naboo make no sense

I'm pretty sure you're not trolling. I wish you were, because I don't want to believe anyone could be this autistic.

>How can it be a race of admirals if you can clearly see other mon calamari that are obviously no admirals?

My question was 100% serious and literal, not rhetorical. Thank you so much for correcting me.