Fucking LMAO

Fucking LMAO

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Can I get a quick rundown?



I don't get it

did he really open the one he's selling?

he said he will reseal it before shipping

Rick and Morty season 3 was highly anticipated, and the sauce was featured in the episode in a nostalgic fashion, thus a meme was born and spread incredibly far and wide. It is a little fishy though.

is this a joke that people are actually bidding?

Coincidence how Disney just recently announced a live-action Mulan remake.
I wonder who could be behind this masterful marketing campaign ;^)

It's real.
Search "Mulan McDonalds Sauce" on ebay.
There's multiple people selling

who are the retards that would actually spend thousands of dollars on it though?

But now the sauce has been exposed to air and is going spoiler, if it hasn't already.
Also, once something collectible, not to say this is, is opened it loses a shit ton of value.


Don't be daft


There is definitely SOMETHING going on, but I don't think that's it. I think the people selling these sauces are in some way responsible for it being in the episode.

and the people selling these sauces are probably Mcdonalds. Why the FUCK else would someone still have one of these sauces? Holy fuck.

People keep weird shit.

da hell, 96.6k for a rotten stinking pile of old shit????


don't underestimate late 90s preservatives and HFCS

99% of american sauces are shit, I think this one won't be different

>t-this show i-isn't reddit i-i swear!!

so much for that

that's like those "brand new xbox" boxes, but more retarded.

>99% of american sauces are shit, I think this one won't be different
Obese oldfag here.
I remember the Mulan sauce, it was fucking god-tier. Best thing McD's has ever produced, bar none. Yes, it's better than the McRib.

Remaster Mulan re-release before the Live Action movie coming out with a limited run if the return of the McDonald's McNugget sauce.


They did the same thing in season 2 with Rick talking about special Zelda Edition Nintendo 3ds then begging Nintendo to send him free stuff. Same thing.

swaglords marketing team

This, I still have skittles from 2002.

you dont have to actually spend the money you bid on ebay, so a lot of the bids are probably 15 year olds thinking they're funny

I really wish you 16 year olds would stop treating Sup Forums as your personal blog. What the fuck does this have to do with television and film?

reminder that this is simply marketing that you can't filter out

reminder they are teaching how to shill like this in marketing textbooks now

reminder that the live action mulan and McD's rumors about bringing back the sauce are not a coincidence

Can't argue with that.
Still for those bidders, who're having trouble with money laundering, I'M OPEN FOR DONATIONS!

What this guy said. Nobody is paying 100k for a dipping sauce

I feel I should be disgusted by this but it would be super satisfying to put out an ad and have your target demographic of consumer cattle eat it up and buy the shit you are shilling for desu.

>There's multiple people selling

Obviously didnt look too hard
They are selling pictures of it. Nobody actually has a container of it

reminder that this connection is tenuous at best, but fits perfectly with your guys' attitude of being above it all and leredpilledXD

Marketing is easier than ever before. Lots of milennials grew up with cable TV and traditional marketing, and are almost completely immune to it.

But they're also retarded, because they don't realize when people advertise to them in funny ways. They see a le ebin Wendy's twitter post or a GoPro meme on the front page of lebdit and think it's all epic and hilarious

I mean fuck, the mcdonalds crap in Rick and Morty is a textbook product placement but normies are literally eating that shit up

>mention mcdonalds
>mention mcnuggets
>mention specific sauce

yeah dude its totally not a product placement

yeah dude marketing firms are retarded and dont know how technology works XD

>implying literally anyone thinks corporate twitter accounts aren't advertising
lol see how desperate you people are to be smarter than some imagined crowd of stupid people?
for a product that's been discontinued for years?

>Rick comes out begging people to buy Nintendo 3D's
>Looks to the camera "Hey nintendo give me free stuff"

Nintendo has nothing to do with this episode, nor did it want to. Nintendo doesn't associate itself with any show or brand that isn't family friendly.

I doubt McDonalds wants anything to do with Rick and Morty either, it has swearing, violence and Rick buying his underage grandson a sex doll.

>Hurr durrr meme cunny pleb patrician crab legs falcons no singles blocks your path brap big guy for you check 'em fat people kino meme meme meme meme!!!

You are literally a community of fucktard pedos, autistic retards and internet addicted shut ins.

Your hate everything and your shit opinions mean nothing to the outside world

No one is trying to market to you because you don't actually buy things and no one gives a shit about your opinions

Most of what you think is marketing is merely just troll bait from your fellow Sup Forumsturds

>its not marketing if we mention an older product

im glad dumbasses like you exist

makes marketing a whole lot easier