Who is this guy

who is this guy

Aidan Gillen. Openly homosexual actor from Wales.

who is this guy

The love of my life

Like ten different Star Trek characters

New hot meme

Not a meme yet, it's always been me who has posted this so far. Hopefully becomes one soon though.


that funny gay guy in nash bridges

He's the guy from RLM before he put on weight.


the jew you hire to be a serial killer in Law and order and a mobster in LA Noire

no name comedian

He was in Old School

and Mulholland Drive.

This guy was totally in Lost

He was the lawyer in Red State

He is The Future

"That guy" who was in The Thin Red Line and Mullhollan Drive

Robbie Rotten

The better question is who is this guy?

>tfw I got spooked by this

looks like someone who had a lot of hope for his life and the world

Wise cracking Jimmy Barrett

He's also in L.A Noire.

Which was a pleasant surprise replaying this game since it came out.

Rob Rotten in the sixties during Woodstock