Watching US Jail documentary

>watching US Jail documentary

>one of the kids interviewed has been in for 3 months for drawing a picture on classroom projector

>another had less than an 8th of weed and got sent to jail

What the fuck is wrong with America, land of the free my arse, why is everyone in prison?

I bet even some of you faggots have been in jail

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>not being free to go to jail

Whatever you say mahmoud

America is capitalist, most prisons are privately run.

The rest writes itsself.

>criminals never lie about why they are there

The one I watched was in a low risk section of the prison, mostly first time offences

>why is everyone in prison


Don't try and act like people don't go to jail for having crumbs of weed in their bag

Good, get those criminals off the street. I want my wifes son to be safe.

America truly is the most cucked nation on Earth.

Its how you control the surplus population. Its a civilised country so you can just kill them like in a Central American country or whateve

Weed is a dangerous addictive drug

Anyone who disagrees with me is probably a weed addict themselves

>americans go to jail for having plants in their pockets

This. Watch Kids for Cash.

Kek Rekt

>I bet even some of you faggots have been in jail
Yup. But I went for truancy because I lived in one of the only two states that sends kids to jail for that. Most of the guards and prisoners there were confused on why I was even in jail.

yeah when they're already doing other illegal shit that causes their bag to get searched

Great bait post

Was just about to post it

>dood I just cant stop smoking xD

NO! you're just weak willed my guy

>Its how you control the surplus population.
That's not true at all, you dumbass.
If you want to control the population, you give them access to better education, living standards, welfare etc. which then means people will eventually have less children.


No, that's just wrong. Sheltered retards like you love to chime in on things you have no clue about

They fucking don't. Lol

Unless they're black. In which case the system is against you.

>dey didndu nothin

I've been smoking for 11 years and though it hasn't fucked me up mentally or job wise, I'm definitely addicted

>throw you in jail

Seems counter-productive

Most are just dumbasses who give the cops permission to search them or their vehicle and either forgot they have it on then or hope they aren't found. Cops have quotas to fill and they'll do whatever they can to reach them, if they have some scared looking dude in their hands they're gonna try and nail him with something

In the USA everything is a business and they are still heavily racist

They kill two birds with one bullet, send all mexicans and blacks to jail and make the private prison's owner make more money

>proving my point
You have to go back

Meanwhile the Netherlands closes down their prisons.

>If you want to control the population, you give them access to better education, living standards, welfare etc. which then means people will eventually have less children.
We have blacks and mexicans, this isn't possible.

So what? It's a personal conduct, why would the Estate be against it?

Reminder that celebrity's kill people and commit drug related felonys and never see a day in jail.

>they are still heavily racist
If that were true then why is there pretty much no Asian population in prisons.

Surely their crime rate isn't that low?

Nobody is afraid of Asians.

Why boner

what documentary was it?

They refuse to report crimes by immigrants

You neither have many Abbos, Pacific islanders not American natives

Just because you don't have enough, your race doesn't determine how violent you are, your income does

If you force hispanics and blacks to live as pariah and in poverty they will obviously have higer crime rates than other races

when i was in jail for dui loads of the guys in there were in for yelling at their girlfriends then having one of their neighbors call the cops. dv is fucking ridiculous in washington state

rich people*
Culture + no one fucking cares about Asians even existing because they stick to themselves. They literally made entire towns all over America to seclude themselves

Asians tend to stick to themselves in their own communites and thus are less likely to get caught doing something trivial like drugs.

They still have a significant jail population with plenty of gangs.

They don't throw people in prison for a low level crime.

Prisons are privately owned and need a healthy supply of prisoners to make a profit.

>unironically they good boys who didn't do anything wrong

your income doesn't make you do anything, quit making excuses

I'm no Sup Forumstard but lets be real, Asians are less violent than every other race
power gap

Strictly talking about people in NA here

They literally don't retard. Going to jail for possession is a meme

>I bet even some of you faggots have been in jail
No, because I don't break obvious laws!

>8.4% of the US prison population in a private prison

Sup Forums tell me why you're so fucking stupid

stop memeing most prisons are public

That's rite nigga, they are scared of ME

every country is capitalist outside of a few like north korea. stop blaming money for every problem, commie

in my country we have blacks but they are actually underrepresented in jails, they commit less crime than natives

you know why? because we don't treat them like dogs like you Americans do

a person becomes violent when is treated with violence

t. I'm an anthropologist

What country?

well then they should get a job

I went to jail for a night when I backhanded my cheating girlfriend in high school


Baby Boomers/Republicans have an obsession with blacks/hispanics and MUH STRONG GOVERNMENT so they support mass incarceration and draconian punishments for petty crime. If you were to post this in Sup Forums you would get a million(you)s from bootlickers talking about "good, I hope these DEGENERATES get executed."

no flags on this board, you have to tell us what shithole you're from first

I know this is a impotent Sup Forumsfag yurop who still is amused by the WTF AMERICA? angle because your life and brain is so mediocre you know no better but let me tell you: its a business

US prisons are a fucking business, like getting a speeding ticket. they make probably 50k+ per inmate, why do you think petty weed crimes are in effect?

I've been to prison and had to deal with probation, they helped me NONE. they FINED me for breaking a window and i didnt even have to reimburse the victim, and BONUS i had to pay like $600 cash for some garbage attourney that didn't even give me eye contact and just said "Yeah hes guilty"

tl;dr dont get in trouble. its a scary world knowing how tight the grip is


oh you sneaky user

When did I say white? Notice how I avoided that word because I knew you'll meme

I said "natives"

The Earthly Utopia known as Argentina

Can you link me to stats on your prison population's racial makeup? I'm mostly finding that there are very few black people in Argentina, and that just next door in Brazil blacks are strongly over represented, so I'm struggling to believe that your example is valid.

We have 0 or next to 0 black people in jail, I've literally never saw on the news some black guy commiting a crime

That's not evidence

>I've literally never saw on the news some black guy commiting a crime
So you have no evidence? Classic third world education.

Kek, that's what I thought too.
>how do we save this kid from ruining his life?
>I know! We'll ruin his life!

My fiancee just started a job as a counselor in prison in Canada. Very interested to find out how it differs from crazy fuck America.

I'm guessing there will be a lot of indigenous people given that we handle them the way that America treats blacks.

Does Argentina even keep crime statistics?

And alcohol isn't?

kek we are the most racist, what the hell are you talking negro

There aren't articles about black people in jail because we have none

Now show me a proof of black people in Argentine jails

>no black people
>no black people in jail


You also have more blacks in your prisons then you should. 3% of your population, 10% of your prisons.

>why is everyone in prison?

legal slave labor, as well as profit machines through State and/or Federal subsidies.


I used to smoke pot every day for about 4 years and then dropped it without any struggle and have had zero desire to even approach it for about three years.

Alcohol on the other hand...

I'm not asking for an article, I'm asking for a census of your prison population and its racial makeup. I can find this for every first world country, what's wrong with yours?

Kids for Cash? I thought they closed that place down!

>we have no blacks in Argentina
>prove it
>no u
that's not how it works, Paco

>I can find this for every first world country
What about France, or Sweden? Any serious country doesn't have racial statistics, it's racist

every american has spent at least 30 years in jail

I suspected that, didn't actually look into it though. I live in what is probably one of the whitest cities in North America. 120000 people and days will go by without seeing a single black person.

Racism doesn't stop at the border.

The black population in Argentina declined since the middle 19th century from 15% of the total population in 1857 (Blacks and Mulatto people), to 1% at present (mainly mulattoes, and immigrants from Cape Verde).

how did you manage to do this?

Dangerous addictive drugs should be legal and regulated instead of doled out on street corners and through black markets that the Feds spend trillions trying to destroy.

Is it racism if it's true of every country I've ever seen?

>blacks committing crimes and going to jail is racism

google it by yourself, you won't find anything about blacks commiting crime in Argentina, just because it doesn't happen

How can I prove something by the negative? You should be the one proving it

>we should ignore laws because of muh feelings

will never happen. Parents will never vote for laws that make it legal for companies to sell meth and cocaine in stores

They get convicted and arrested for crimes and get harsher sentences than white people do. That's racism.

I watched this one prison documentary where two brothers were doing like 60 years, their state's normal penalty for murder, for meth dealing charges.

If this wasn't only happening to poor people, nobody would tolerate it. But that's the way the system is set up.

You'd have said the same of weed and gays not so long ago

>Asians are less violent
Asians are fucking ruthless. I think that the main difference is that they keep to themselves, even when it comes to crime and violent acts. I mean, the people that abuse most Asians in my country are other Asians.

i admit you got me

Obviously not but conditions for blacks in Canada are certainly not comparable to those in America.