Tell you what, prisoner. You roll a seven, you walk tomorrow. Anything else, and it's another dime

Tell you what, prisoner. You roll a seven, you walk tomorrow. Anything else, and it's another dime.

How about I roll dubs instead to make sure your little show never comes back and then you commit sudoku?

It's getting embarrassing now Sam

Check this 7


cant win if i dont play

Snake eyes.

You rolled a five and a three.

an insanely simple message, told in the most pretentious way. at first i thought it was satire and a parody of pretentious (((art))) but then it just kept going.

MDE fell on its own sword

how do you know it's not satire?


you think Sam advocates delusion and college as a "fast-track"?

if no then it's not satire since he believes the message being espoused

Better luck next time kiddo

First it was Amyposting, now we have Samposting.
Still not as funny as pooinloo/crabs on 8ch a couple years ago!

lmao im eatting crab legs right now.

too bad this movie is shit which i why im on mimi at the theater


Uhh, Nick, what's going on buddy? You just tripped my wife.

Rats off to ya, Sam!


Hell yeah

daily reminder


World Peace would've easily gotten a season 2 if Sam hadn't been so political on Twitter and just kept making shitty vertical videos about poop and farts or whatever he does.

Realistically though, even Brad Neely's show (which got 30-50% more viewers than WP with a shitty lead-in) also got cancelled so maybe not. WP drastically under performed considering it had Adult Swim's 2nd most popular show (1st being R&M) as a lead-in.

snake eyes

i don't get specifically why this sketch is funny but I've seen it 5 times and still laugh

hmm? bye

What is toast?