Are you happy that she survived this season?

Are you happy that she survived this season?

Looks like T.J. Miller.

Probably sucks dick like him too

I want Eugene to have sex with her and never with Rosita. Only retarded women like Rosita.

yes i hope she has sexy panty scenes


Will she join the Rick side next season?

whatever happened to francine? Abraham saved her once and she was supposed to get the sasha treatment in the season finale (sort of) but we never saw her again

She was seen fightin Saviors in the finale.
Now for the most important question....
Where's Heath?

He's making movies

>whatever happened to francine?
>Where's Heath?


She reminds me of Pete from Pete & Pete.


Is it even human? So ugly and goofy looking, it can only be a unisex cartoon character. Worst "girl" no doubt.

She's pretty

Darth Eugene is going to show her his lightsaber.

Get this hothead outta here

Francine was the girl with short hair Abraham saved when they were building a fence

Get out now

haha what if she made you do things for points haha

like what? go into detail

sex things hahah

gross righ? haha


im sure you're a 10/10 right friend?

cant wait to see her pusy

>tfw saviorfu will never grab your pickle

haha im not some pervo creep but what if you had to clean her feet.. with yoru mouth! ahah so gross i know right haha

what if every day she gave you her dirty panties to clean and she just took them off right in front of you?


>she'll never rape you
>you'll never be saved by Negan who then makes fun of you


Reminder that she hooks up with Dwight in the comics


good posts

y-you too :3c

She fucked him in the tv show already in this episode

Doesn't she play for the Celtics?

and then sometimes she lets you sleep at her feet


Haha and what if she captured Enid and tied her up and tickled her mercilessly for information haha just thinkin out loud lol

haha thats crazy

you're crazy man hahah

go on...