13 Reasons Why

No discussion thread?
I thought it was pretty good

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waah chad fucked me so i killed myself

Cliched and too many episodes long

> Has to be 13 eps! Geddit??!!?!

Apart from that I thought it was pretty damn good

the suicide scene fucked me up real good, it was so graphic

>Crying Asian girl stands infront of communication class and cries out "I'm so sick of feeling like this! Just because I don't have her skinny body doesn't mean I'm fat!"

>Hannah smirks

Why did this part piss me off so much?

Give link.

I couldn't fully watch that scene, the rape scene also fucked me up.

rip jeff


he was so cute ;_;

because you're a subhuman fat?

>"Come on, sweetie! It's okay! Your gonna be okay. Your gonna be fine! Come on, honey!"

Is her mom retarded?

Well. Just what I thought. Yea it was brutal but they were able to get away with such a cheap subject matter by having such a brutal scene at the end. It doesn't legitimize the series.

Getting pissed at a scene where a Stacy who killed herself because "boohoo I got voted best ass in school and all the Chads want me" smirking at someone with serious body image issues, ya know an actual reason to kill yourself, makes me a subhuman fat? Go to bed, Clay.

> *Opens door to see your only child dead*

> "Oh"

I have to admit, I laughed.

Calling the series a mystery is a bit bs

Sure there was stuff that wasn't revealed until later in the season, but it was stuff that just happened, there wasn't really set-up or clues to it

>part of me was saying
no one gives a fuck you broken bitch. I have no sympathy for people who cause their own problems and then act like a victim

I think its 11

>"but you walked out of the door like I told you"
>"why did you have to leave"
>"it was the worst thing ever"
She deserved to be bludgeoned with a hammer and clay should be castrated

Nope, it's 13

So safe to assume stalker-kun went full school shooter mode and killed every one of the main cast right?

>emotionally torture a guy from beyond the grave because you need a tool
our protagonist

don't know yet, look up the book spoilers

When I first watched it I was wondering how they were going to show someone finding her. Then the pure shock of the mom saying 'oh' fucked me up.

I kept expecting a "it was me, dio" type twist where it would turn out pig parts of it were was mastermind

Jeff was fucking hot

The mum's response was retarded and the suicide was over-the-top for a response - it was not well written or well executed. The main character was unlikeable and there was no reason anyone here should have watched it unless you intentionally enjoy media about bullying and suicide - which is done better elsewhere.

>don't touch me; call 911!


I quit 5 mins into it. Is the entire thing just a dead teenage girl's angst and "struggle"?

Can someone tell me what this show is about? Teenage angst?

>done better elsewhere
Examples? The only other recent media on this subject I can think of is cyberbu//y but that's a joke.

the lead guy is hot too

There are so many great and even complex characters in this show. Alex is my favorite but also Jessica, Zach and unironically Hannah. I loved the girl working at the Monet's and her sweet personality.

Jeff, the guy that beat the shit out of Alex, Justin, Zach and Clay are all hotties

its about a faggot who fell in love with a slag. She was a bitch and is generally a bad person but after she gets bad sexual exp and has her nudes leaked we should feel sorry for her because she offed herself. the story is about finding out why she offed herself and in what way is the each member of the cast responsible

teen wolf was hotter but I would fuck Alex

Tobehones she more often than not comes off like a HUGE bitch and a user.

But i guess thats something that was put there by design, she was as retarded as the rest of the kids.

apparently Justin and Alex are dating IRL

That scene is totally ripping off The Rules of Attraction

5 minutes in and I already want to drop it and move on, is this some teen drama bullshit?

she literally lets a guy believe he is one of the reasons she killed herself, just so she could use him as an errand boy. hell yeah she is a user

it's a teen drama with cuties :3

yes. Think paper towns but worse. anyone recall a movie set in a cul de sac, about 3 boys one of which hangs himself?

Jesus grill!
Thats not what Will meant when he said 'guess we are in sum kind of Suicide Squad!

Eh I watched I Saw the Devil for the first time last night, so doesn't seem so bad in comparison.

The fucked up part is that they had the parents come in for the blatant emotional play.

Aren't you supposed to cross the street ? Not down the road?

When i was watching i remember thinking, that yeah theres no way that dude is straight.
Apparently the girl that plays Hannah is also gay.

shut up nigger

Is this one of them viral marketing threads?

Nah, those were the Iron Fist threads.
13 Reasons has waifus and husbandos.

not when you mean bidznes

wow you must never have made fun of goth girls in high school

>When i was watching i remember thinking, that yeah theres no way that dude is straight.
yeah. I kept thinking he was Gregg Sulkin with a dyed hair

I see, guess i'll be skipping this one.

>netflix shill thread turns into faggot discussion

sounds about right

good choice.

Should I start watching Shameless?

>tfw I canceled my Netflix subscription after watching The OA

Nah made out with em tho ya faggot

i like it but its very white people problems.

i felt like my highschool was never like this.
Slut-shaming just got ignored because everyone knew everything and starting a rumor would be just stupid... know what i mean

No, its shit.

one leads to the other. do you know nothing about middle school goth girls?

>implying goth girls don't go to handjobs almost immediately

if you want to fap to that strange hotness that is "not quite porn"

i just watched the first episode of this shit
am i missing something or isn't this just brick by rian johnson in television mode?

Do you have an argument here or are you just another bucolic autist?

how did that end. Did the magic lala land turn out to be real? I recall her getting shot and the cult using their magic to stop the shooters


Am I the only one that liked Hannah?

>know what i mean
everyone had blackmail on each other so no one made a first move unless they wanted to watch the world burn

In all of the shots where I could manage to see her ass, it definitely wasn't the best.

It's a guilty pleasure type show; I don't bother to keep up with it and I think I only watched it with my ex. That being said I've watched at least 4 seasons. Most of the characters are at least reasonably interesting/well written, but it's definitely not one of my favorite shows.

Its not, because Brick was good and was a noir.
This is just a slow faggot tries to listen to six tapes for 13 one hour eps...also rape.

yes. why would you like her? are you a dumb whore too? Do you also treat people like shit?

Good SAT word bud

I liked the actress, she sold it pretty good, but the character was terrible.

Ur still a cunt

She literally made a tape blaming people around her because she didn't report rape. This show is fucking garbage, made to follow the narrative that males are always to blame no matter what happens (she made a tape about the school counselor implying she was victim blamed by him when it was clear she said she wasn't raped and didn't want to report it), and that young girls commit suicide more often than boys, when it's overwhelmingly the opposite.

The producers had one job...

I am not that guy, I just appreciated your misuse of the word.

She has a fridge-shaped body, exactly what is being propagandized as the female beauty standard today

Fucking right on the nail.

Then again no one raped anyone in my highschool

You are raping this board by being a namefag.

I mean, I guess vague enough to argue but what I got out of it was
>LaLa land could be real or fake, no real proof but I guess that's the point
>the crew dances at the random ass school shooter and distracts him until the school's frycook tackles him
>the OA gets hit by a stray bullet and dies
>everyone's character arc peters out and they end up where they were or slightly worse off
Episode 1-4 were pretty good, then the interpretive dance stuff was corny, but I stick with it. School shooter out of nowhere? Fuck off.

i love it because emmy rossum is cute and I'm an ex degenerate so the lowlife lifestyle is quite funny to me

i find it funny, give it a shot i say fuck these naysayers

Why do they always do it in the bathtub? It would make less of a mess to just lay down in there without the water on.

Where do autists propagate when they can't assimilate to society? Pastoral surroundings. You fucking moron. Maybe stay the fuck out of the hot kitchen.

It's less painful I guess, than to bleed out dry

Pretty sure the water makes it less painful

looks good to me. poignant

Hahahahahaha I masturbated to both of those. Didn't even watch the rest of the shit, it was garbage, so I just skipped around until I found those scenes.

You're both soft cunts. Newfags need to leave. I bet you've never even seen the grifter.

If I recall it helps you bleed out faster and makes it bit more painless and harder to change your mind(most can't flop out and grab a towel).

You need water to stop your regen factor, plus your adamantium claws need the lubrication of the water...also it just looks cool and edgy.

Is there a link to the rape scene? If it's anything like the suicide scene i'm thinking it will be unintentionally hilarious


>Sup Forums in 2017 is disgusted by fictional rape and suicide


I'm disgusted by easy bait thou.

>stay the fuck out of the hot kitchen


This entire fucking thing can be summed up as

>wahhhhhhh it's hard being a rich white girl

fuck you nigga

depending on your discovery date it maybe better too. not so much if you became a bloater but if etc is 1 day it keeps the smell to minimum and there is not dry blood around

More or less yeah

When is netflix going to do a teenage lesbian sex romp comedy with nc17 unsimulated sex scenes, instead of ''uuuuuwwwuuuu some Chad didn't fucked me so then an here myself and drop all this on the most betaed fag in the whole school to avenge me'?