The book is better

>The book is better

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anytime somebody says this, i immediately want to stick the barrel of a gun in their child's mouth and paint the wall with their gray matter


1984 is objectively better than 1984 though. 1984 misses a lot of things that were originally in 1984.

Haha check out the edge on this guy

Quickly, name films where the movie is better than the book.

It's still shit though

Not even true most of the time
Touch of Evil (Badge of Evil)
Hunt for Red October
The Thing
Cape Fear (the Executioners)
Jurassic Park

Kiss Me Deadly
Double Indemnity

The Shining
The Godfather
Fight Club


literally all of them

Planet of the Apes

Godfather book was quality

>Battlefield Earth was a shitty movie
>It would have been good if it was more faithful to the book

Jurassic Park ;^)

pulp quality

I love the movie and book of Jurassic Park-- The movie is a great adaptation of an absolutely kick-ass book.

>go to see Ghost in The Shell with friend and his friend
>friend's friend is dorky weeb
>after the movie he complains and says the anime is better
>my lips stretch into a grin
>"I preferred the manga"
>weeb starts sputtering

Most shitty books make good movies but most good books make shitty movies

These are all pretty good examples, especially Jaws. I'd say The Exorcist too but the movie is a pretty direct adaptation.

Clockwork Orange

Even Tarkovsky said this.
That being said, Ivan's childhood

>What is World War Z?

haven't seen the exorcist yet. Worth a watch?

>most of the time
Quite an extensive list you've got there, my man.

I think so. There's nothing in it that's particularly dated aside from a couple special effects. I personally think it's still creepy.


great. I'll give it a try

After you watch it check out some of the behind the scenes stories about William Friedkin on set. I love old school directors that don't coddle the actors.

Are you joking?

It's Nineteen Eighty-Four you dolt, get it right.

>old school directors that don't coddle the actors.
you mean like Hitchcock that threw actually crows at the actress while filming Birds?

Exactly. Friedkin definitely took inspiration from Hitchcock's style.