Is making feature films just not for self-funded amateurs?

Is making feature films just not for self-funded amateurs?

Taking a look at what most small-budget films cost, they are still in the millions. That includes those with no special effects/cgi.

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Rom-coms/romances/dramas don't use cgi or need big budgets. Most filmmakers make shorts first. How much do you think this cost to make?...

If you're so incompetent in life that you can't even finance that, then how are you going to make a good movie?

Nobody watches short films, though.

I don't see how competence in one area would translate to the other. Or are you implying conmen would make great film writers/directors?

This guy here You have to start at the bottom. You can't make a 2001 on your first attempt.

>Nobody watches short films, though.

That video alone has had 5 million views. They have an imdb page

I'm guessing they're doing a lot better than we are.

one would assume the lack of feature films made by self-funded amateurs would tip you off

Primer cost 7000 to make. If you're really passionate about film you can easily save up for that.

Just jumping into say that I hated, hated this movie. Living in New York City does not automatically make you more interesting.

You obviously have no knowledge of the movie industry whatsoever so I suggest you try a different career path.

>tfw you got paid in visibility

"it's an amateur short brah" they said
fucking hell I couldn't even buy cigs with the coupons we were given

people who finance movies watch short films

He went on to make Upstream Colour among other things.

You pretty much have to be born into the movie business to be a director brahs.

Save your $

I'm in the mood to scam, simply because i can

Can anyone give me some good tips on how to get funding?

i guess you could make a nice movie where it's mostly people talking a lot and use a shitty camera like they did in the color wheel. i don't know how much it cost but it couldn't have been much.

you then have to make people give a shit about what you made

>Raimi was set on directing a horror film. The idea was to shoot a short film first, which would attract the interest of producers, and then use the money gained from that to shoot a full-length project. The short film that Raimi created was called Within the Woods. It was produced for $1,600, but for The Evil Dead, Raimi needed over $100,000.

Making a low budget short film as a "prototype" to generate interest is a great idea. With YouTube it's easier than ever to get it seen. Just look what happened with the director of Lights Out.

You seem like a knowledgeable man. What is a good way to gain said knowledge?

Tell that to Stanley Kubrick not gonna say he wasn't privileged but so are most of you neets. He basically google everything his first few movies were giant failures funded by people around his neighborhood

Watch movies.

Zero successful directors started out making feature films out of the gate. It's way harder than you think to make a high quality 10 minute short. You gotta walk before you can run man.

The Coens did the same thing with Blood Simple.

What is
>El Mariachi
>Murder Party
>The Man From Earth

Those are a few examples, and they took much less than a million to make