I already knew this. I remember an episode of Harmontown where Dan defended the pedos on Sup Forums...

I already knew this. I remember an episode of Harmontown where Dan defended the pedos on Sup Forums. The audience booed him.

Other urls found in this thread:


Which episode?

its already known the justin whoever lurks here and is probably the only thing decent from this show. harmon is shit regardless.

I'll try to find it. This was two or three years ago.

Fuck off Justin

This shit is reddit because as same as reddit they stole us stuff we created first, so they are the same status.

Ricky and Morty = Reddit.

/thread fuck off

Sup Forums hasn't created anything in almost a decade.

I wish reddit would leave. Or atleast stop trying to prove they aren't reddit.

Why is this board so obsessed with whether or not reddit loves this show? Like get over it dudes we love the same stuff as you do ok? Stop pretending you're not like reddit because trust me you little newfag you have WAY more in common than you think you do.

Jesus Christ you guys are shilling hard here huh? On reddit this show was pushed so fucking hard for the first two seasons. Advertisments and shills everywhere. Now they're trying to do it on Sup Forums, in almost the exact same way. They aren't even being sly about it.

>inb4 how did you know it was shilled on leddit xD

Don't worry about that, I'm just giving you guys a fair warning. Don't reply to the advertisements.

is this whole reddit thing some sort of meme im out of the loop of.

Does reddit liking it something mutually exclusive from Sup Forums liking it?

>>Sup Forums

Take your medicine, already.

>Now they're trying to do it on Sup Forums

It was pushed extremely hard during the first season. There were a million threads on Sup Forums all stating that this is finally the show to surpass Futurama which I'm sure caused a lot of the pushback the show gets here now.

no, but the reddit horde have been creeping for a few years now. I hope this is the tipping point and the type of fandom isn't welcome here.

You haven't created shit. You are a piece of shit. This is the place where cunnyposting originated. Kill yourself if you think you're somehow superior because you lurk an """"obscure"""" chinese basketweaving forum

mentioning reddit as if its some sort of internet archenemy is fucking cancerous

Because the average 4channer is 14-years-old.

Lots of Redditors infect Sup Forums, it doesn't make them any less Reddit

>/threading your own post
>calling others reddit
the irony

but what if people want to talk about a television show they like.

reddit doesn't have to have anythign to do with it.

Cunnyposting is the best thing to come out of this trash heap in years.

I know, but the behaviour of talking about it is.
When people are posting as if theyre a child on a sugar rush, like on Sup Forums now, that's reddit behaviour.

Dumb newfag there's an unspoken rule here where if your post is such pwnage you're allowed to thread it but of course a dumb little child like you wouldn't know that BITCH!


bist du neu?


*tips fedora*

>referencing Sup Forums in any way or form
reddit as fuck

Sup Forums = reddit

He's not. I bet he's a SJW shitposter that derails a thread whenever someone says nigger.

Did you find it yet? Hurry up, this thread is derailing into a shitstorm like every other one.

Based Justin

The only people who obsess over Reddit and care about "Reddit vs Sup Forums" are newfags from Reddit or some other shithole trying to hard to fit in here

Yes, and? Does this entitle them to my praise?
Take a hike.

That, or overprotective Sup Forums users that can really identify other sites hiveminds, like reddit or tumblr.


you have to go back


>mfw justin is making all these hate rick and morty threads


The "Rick and Morty is for Redditors" meme was constructed BY Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon.


>t. Newfag that just exposed

You have to go back

But if it's not reddit then what can we call it

Memey can stay but we don't really have any appropriate R memes


Even more reddit tier than Rick and Morty

They actually just created Rick and Morty, which is for redditors.

>just the commentary
>not the episode

literally for what reason?

Justin has always been our guy, it's Dan who sparkles reddit on the show.


convinced yet?


are you?

In other words, underage b&. Sup Forums, like Reddit, is a place where people can discuss a variety of topics. It's not your Burger King Kids Club.

>Reddit & MoreReddity
>not being reddit
>being instead 4champs

no pal

I don't think underage b& can identify other websites hiveminds, I do agree on the overprotective part of it. But still, I think most people that grew with Sup Forums can easily call out stuff like rick and morty or steven universe with ease.

Also, nothing wrong with Sup Forums being a secret club, if anything, it should have stayed that way.

Sup Forums grew up. I suggest you do the same.

>When people are posting as if theyre a child on a sugar rush
You mean the people who scream "reddit, reddit" without any argument right?

i believe you meant sage goes in all fields newfag. you can't /thread your own post.

Being infested by reddit/tumblr isn't growing up m8.

grew up? this place gets worse and more immature with every passing day

>3 rick and morty threads on the first page

you guys are in love with this show

This proves that RandM are the farthest thing from Reddit imaginable.

i have never watched an episode, i just like to make crossposters mad

So, it's all a trick and Rick is still in prison, right? That's why it was on April 1st, right?

>admits to browsing Reddit
You know what to do. Stop trying to attack this good cartoon.

This is the most embarrassing post I have seen today. For the OP

That meme is nearly a decade old.



>Why are threads about tv shows that I don't like allowed to be made on this tv board?

The threads only appeared the other day. Before that hardly anyone was talking about this reddit garbage

fuck off shill

why do I find Summer so sexy, she's not even very well drawn

Maybe it has something to do with a the fact a new episode aired after a year and a half hiatus you fucking dunce
>R&M comes out, Sup Forums mostly likes it
>contrarianism kicks in, Sup Forums mostly hates it, this continues for 2 years or so
>counter contrarianism starting to kick in, R&M starts to again have more supporters on Sup Forums
And thus the cycle begins a new
it's a pretty goodshow IMO, lots of fun, creative scenarios and I like the characters but go ahead and call me a shill

Rick and Morty is the best TV show on air right now

Roiland is our guy


It's a tv show on the tv board. Where is your fucking problem?


why cant you discuss cartoons on the cartoon board?

There's nothing more reddit than to say that you're 'a Sup Forums guy'

It's a TV show. *BURP* lol


The same reason we talk about anime on this board from time to time too. Its a fucking TV board.

Your kneejerk reaction of wanting much stricter moderation that will stunt discussion and users is retarded.
I dont like the rick and morty flood of threads either, but since im not new on the board I understand that floods like this only last a couple days before people stop

he might visit Sup Forums, but it's still a meme show taylor made for reddit

>taylor made
every fucking time
if taylor swift took a long time to fix clothes she'd be tailor slow

There was an entire episode of the cuck meme, Rolland is /our guy/

Its official rick and morty if Sup Forums the show


Told you guys it's not reddit.

you're wrong. I've been here unironically since 2008 or 2009. I hate redditors like yourself.

That's the beauty of the show. The two creative heads represent reddit and Sup Forums.
Dan Harmon is reddit.
Justin Roiland is Sup Forums.

More like Rick and Mooty.

I feel bad for the faggots who can't enjoy this show because their demented brains have put it into some "reddit" category. Almost like they are too scared to have their own opinions

Well that's why we have driveanon to save Sup Forums

>Justin and Dan hate reddit
>Reddit shits on Rick and Morty
now it makes sense

>le wubba dubba chicken nugget sauce =/= reddit

probably not lil bro

in one commentary, Dan gets mad at Justin saying he wants to fuck Summer, "justin, she's 17" or something

They almost basically accidentally said something about rape with her, mind you they're also stupid drunk during these commentarys, I own season one and two dvds.

You leave Moot alone!

>implying the person who said nigger didnt derail it already

I'm 30 and married.


>not watching based rick and morty and 420 everyday
bunch of faggots

Sup Forums is Tsundere to Reddit.

Goat show when you're high

my mom won't allow me to smoke weed

This show is amazing except for when they play indie music and try to be deep. It rarely works and when it doesn't it's super cringey and completely pulls me out of the show. Like when Rick attempts to kill himself in the Unity episode. It probably looked great on paper and the showrunners probably love the song but as an audience member it was stupid and forced and un-earned. That type of emotionality just doesn't belong in a show with characters called Mr. Poopiebutthole.

Not saying you can't tread deeper water, that's one of the things I like about the show, but don't try to be all cinematic and Spielbergian with it, it just comes off as tonally awkward and hackneyed.

Sup Forums is like Reddit's little brother.

Epic simple Eric