Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums
Ask me anything

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Why don't you time stamp and why are you so fucking sexy?

How you doin?

has anyone ever told you that you look like sid from ice age? glorious.

I don't timestamp because there are fewer impersonates these days on account of me posting less. Also I'm really not that good looking
Pretty great. I got a phone today after like 3 months of not having one. Also I got a pizza today
No that one's bew

why should we care?

Because it's friday night, and you're on Sup Forums. y'all'd probably like to talk to someone

Hang in there you ugly fuck. Lift some weights and get a less shitty haircut.

I havent cut in in a good minute. Havent gotten around to a haircut.

Ok, I'll bite. What are you doing here? Why dont' you have a life? Shouldn't you be stocking store shelves or something?

its 9pm on friday. I'm out of class at 3. Im just hanging out here before i go to sleep

Werent you gonna be a girl?

Hello young man. It's been a while

No. But ive had people take my pics and post all sorts of cooky shit about me, so maybe but the me that said that wasn't me, see?
Hello old sport.

Shouldn't you be studying or finishing your homework? Your peers may think being an A student is overrated, but it is kind of required if you want to be a doctor or lawyer.

Why the long face?

I haven't seen new videos on E of T lately. Did you stop?

I've got all weekend.

Idk, I just look like that a lot of the time. Im not like unhappy.

mother of god!!!

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Hm. I thought you like...dressed like a girl and did girly things. Perhaps I'm mistaken.

when is the nirvana reunion


Where ya been faggot?

Last film you saw?

Wherefore thou cometh?

I mean I have before, but I wasnt trans.
austria mostly
sometime before next halloween. thats all im allowed to say
The one with that crazy clown dude named arthur what shoots people and kisses black women.

Whats your personal best for how many dicks can you fit in your mouth at once?

Have you seen your mother, baby,
standing in the shadow ?

pretty sure its cometh thou, but im from Maryland and reside in vienna.

I have never put a dick in mz mouth
No. I cant find her. please help

why arent you fucking lifting?

Its 10 pm

Do you hate Jews?

I don't hate all Jews, but I'm getting pretty fucking sick of seeing their shit everywhere. Starting to think the Numbers from the 40's weren't high enough.

There are like no jews here in austria for some reason.

you look like the kind of person that would be on this board, do you mind if we use your photograph on our news-website?

ummmm okay
what website

>ummmm okay

sorry m8 I think that you just sold your soul to the devil

Why aren't u at work tom

are you gay

1 are you into blk girls 11/10 would, if not id still smash
2 age ?
3 fav tv show ?
4 location ?
5 penis size ?
6 dick pic tbh?

Do you live in New York?

The show with the depressed horse
Vienna Austria
That's on a need to know basis
I gave yall my selfie and now im the top result for "Sup Forums serial killer" im not trusting you with mr boopsy
No, but like a bunch of guys wish i was for some reason.
Fuck work. Fight the power.

What's your name, address, ssn, email, debit card number, place of birth, nationality, body count, sexuality, religion, education, and dick size

Why don't you work out and get viking hair? Then maybe get in a few knife fights. I’ve never been in a knife fight myself but I'm sure you'll be fine.

Why is it that it's like I have diahreah and am constipated at the same time?

idk. i work out every now and then, and when i do i feel great, but i have a habit of doing what i know will make me feel worse later.

dont mix laxatives and stool hardeners

So I can steal your identity user

savage post brah

GAVIN - you crazy fag!

I thought you were going to Germany for school.
How's your sister?

OP 1000% looks like a Gavin

I am Gavin.
I'm not in germany anymore.
my sisters doing well. shes started her nurses training and a new law passed means nurses aid training if done successfully counts as 1 year of nurses training, meaning shell be done in 3 years not 4.