Why won't Japan own up to the atrocities they committed during WW2?

Why won't Japan own up to the atrocities they committed during WW2?

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they made mario, so, water under the bridge i suppose

It's always been a nation where honor means everything. Acknowledgeing events such as the Rape of Nanking and Unit 731 as factual and true would be horribly shameful. Pretty ironic..


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They are too busy feeling self pity at Hiroshima and Nagasaki memorial ceremonies and playing the victim card to admit to their over the top sadism and cruelty.

Kek, what retarded mutts will never get is that unless the government changes, a nation will never assume it's real crimes.

Most countries don't- the allies included
Germany is about the only country that's pretty honest about it and that's mostly a combination of mass cultural regret and being held to higher standards than everywhere else

As for Japan, it's largely cultural but also part of national democracy- an inherent part of any democracy is control of the media, and commonly light propaganda

People from every nation did horrible things to civilians and enemies during WW2, but I don't think anyone dehumanized people as much as the Japanese did.


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Coz they are nuked, cute and you know funnieh

If anyone is interested, this a great documentary on the subject.


With testimonies from former Japanese soliders.

"Itsa MEEE! RAPE AND WAR CRIMES! Thatsa' one spicy meat ball!"

Probably for the same reason the US wont admit that they were fine with what the Nazis were doing, and even helping put (IBM built the first punch card computer for the Nazis to track their railway jew shipments), and only intervened after other countries had done most of the work.

Because they gave us all the fucked up scientific data from Unit 731’s experiments in exchange for clemency. America doesn’t want people thinking about how we let them get away with such atrocities just because the data they collected was actually very useful.

Its not mass cultural regret you idiot, they fucking lost so it was inevitable, bet your a dumb lefty faggot

It's like faggot burgers not wanting to admit what they did to niggers and indians
Nothing can make people more self-righteous than knowing everything they pride themselves in comes from being scumbags

The US freely admits to being on the fence in the early stages of the WW11. A lot of Americans remembered WW1 and wanted no part whatsoever in yet another European war.

any high lights? aint watching 3 hours of old gooks telling stories

>I can't talk to people on the internet without
>Introducing partisan politics
>Being angry and upset
>Generally sounding retarded and not addressing the point in the first place
I'm not sure what point you were trying to make but I hope you learn how to communicate one day mate
Also your projection is for arse, I'm not even american

You've never taken a history class in a US high school, I see. US history textbooks should be titled "The history of bad things white men did". There is almost an obsession with past injustices. In Japan, the history is just erased.

white people are racist

Not if you're looking for gory visuals, but their testimonies are pretty disgusting and disturbing at times.


So wtf did they do to chinks? Sleep depravity or waterboarding? Sounds like a exaggerated bullshit to me. And rape of nanking? Wasnt there rape everywhere? What makes it so special? What about rape of Berlin by the red army?

American education spotted

They were pretty shitty to the Chinese throughout history but ww2 added some particularly fucked up stuff. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731 is one of the more infamous

>It's like faggot burgers not wanting to admit what they did to niggers and indians
How bad whites were back then to natives and blacks is pretty much all they teach in history class in the US and only spend more time on the holocaust

Raped and killed women and children without batting an eye, cut them open alive, burned them alive, ate them when meat was scarce, praticed bayonet killing on living pows ect ect, it goes on and on. Thing I thought was more disturbing than anything, was how incredibly casual they were about it! The Chinese literally meant nothing all. One soldiers tells about how someone threw an infant in a fire and they all had a laugh about it...

What would they gain from doing so?

I aint your mate you bellend

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Also gory medical experiments and dissection without anesthesia and a lot of other Jeffrey Dahmer-tier shit. Ask the Chinese, Koreans, and Phillipinos about Japan. They were next level sickos.

>The Chinese literally meant nothing all
Sounds like a healthy mindset to have towards your enemy as a soldier

Look who's talking.
Let's start from US Army atrocities of the last 70 years.

USA are the saviours of the world, broski... Dindunuffin.