Wizard here. I'd like to have sex some day. How do you find someone willing to have sex with you?

Wizard here. I'd like to have sex some day. How do you find someone willing to have sex with you?

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Lowering your standarts and a lot of booze. You can also buy a street hooker.

A transaction with money helps a lot. (Prostitution)

Otherwise go to the gym, have good hygiene, confidence, and a life/career exciting enough to talk about but also listen to the other person.
^^ Male attractiveness in a nutshell.

It’s pretty easy. Just talk to girls and be yourself

What exactly is a wizard by Sup Forums standards?

A kissliss virgin past 20 yo

Post pic of self

All I'm looking for is a biological human female who wants to have sex with me. Are my standards really too high?
I can have interesting conversations with women, and talk about my life/career. But it never leads beyond friendship. I have no idea what the next step is.
You must be at least 30 years of age without ever engaging in the act of sex. Me, I'm 34.

Take a trip to Vegas


hygiene is so important. My gf tells me all the time how much she loves the way I smell and my ex's were the same.

But yeah this user is right.

>How do you find someone willing to have sex with you?
Hook up with someone even more pathetic than you and hope they bathe a little more often.

at 20 you're barely an apprentice
No face on Sup Forums for obvious reasons, but here's me.

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Honestly at this point just go to a strip club and one of the dancers will probably give you a private "dance" in a closed room for the right cash.

You must be ultra autistic. Getting laid is really easy.

how much u bench brah?

I don't recommend it, but I gave into my gay side and basically become a guy's gf for a few weeks.

Hookers are the same as cheating in a videogame, but in real life. You get rid of all the hassle to achieve a girl to like you and get to fuck with you.

I've done that. Nothing happened, other than losing money gambling. It was pretty much what I expected.
Do you wear cologne or something, or do you just naturally smell good?
I shower at least once a day, but thanks for assuming.
I'm probably at least somewhere on that beautiful spectrum. But what exactly do you do to get laid? Is it really that easy?

If you're asking here it's far too late for you.

Go to the bar. Get drunk. Get fake confidence. Go up to any chick that looks vulnerable and lonely and chat her up. Then bang, pretend to save her number and never call her again. This is fool proof, but you need to make SURE that it’s a ratty dive bar where the drinks are cheap and strong. I have no self confidence and whenever I get laid it’s because some drunk girl comes up to me and starts chatting me up. Are they all 8-9/10s? No. But I’ve scored a couple 7s/8s. Just remember, beggars can’t be choosers. Or, get 200 dollars together and go to an Asian massage parlor. They’ll bang you. But that’s kind of cheating because you’re literally paying some woman who speaks no English 200 dollars to fuck you.

I don't know. I haven't benched in quite a while. Probably not much. Almost all the exercise I do involves the lower body (hiking, biking, etc) and my arms don't get much love.

>Do you wear cologne or something, or do you just naturally smell good?

I only wear cologne on dates but they tell me that in my day to day.

I don't think I do anything special but since it's Sup Forums, here's what I do:

I sweat a LOT so I wear a strong deodorant. Apply to pits and feet.

Shower every day, sometimes more if I get really sweaty from an activity.

Brush teeth with a nice minty but still cleaning toothpaste.

That's it, but I know that's more than some anons do here. I don't know your situation so I won't comment but that's what I do and it works.

You should work out OP, if you can afford it get a Membership to an MMA Gym, take some Muay Thai/Kickboxing and some Wrestling/BJJ/Sambo/etc. Classes for 3/5 days of the week, and go to a gym and do some weights 2/5 days of the week, rest your body on Sundays and Saturdays. Eat properly and you'll be Fit and looking sexy in about a month. How do I know? I lost 30 Pounds, in 2 months doing this method.

Oh I forgot, I brush twice a day and while my smile isn't perfect, I don't get cavities and i have good breath which is key.

Samefag here, but thought I’d mention I didn’t lose my virginity til I was 19 to my arch nemesis at high school’s little sister. Im 32 and my numbers are in the 50s now. A few were Asian hookers though. I’m not charming, not particularly good looking and I’m so out of shape it literally hurts. I’m a skinny-fat loser. I think my tattoos are what help get me laid.

Right, and just like cheating in a video game you'll ruin the experience.
Where should I be asking?
Do you manage to find bars where you can actually carry on a conversation? When I'm out at bars, it's often so loud you can barely understand the person next to you.
I've been getting better at exercise recently. Lost 5lbs in the last few weeks. Getting fit is great, but I don't think that's my problem. I was pretty fit in my mid 20s and still didn't get laid.

Yeah man, you kinda have to shout over everyone to talk to each other, but just find something to talk about. Anything. If all else fails, buy her and yourself a shot. You’ll loosen up and the conversation will come, you just need to not worry about it. I forgot to mention, the more you act like you’re NOT trying to get laid, the more she’ll be into you. Women aren’t stupid, and even when they’re drunk they know a shark when they see one. Just be yourself. But drunk. I don’t advise drinking like an alcoholic but alcohol is a social lubricant. Just be your fun drunken self. Don’t give too much information about yourself and try and keep the convo focused on her. You can literally just smile and nod while barely listening.

Samefagging again but oh well, I forgot to mention. This won’t work every time. So if you try it and it doesn’t work at first, don’t give up. It will work eventually and probably a lot sooner than you think. If at first you don’t succeed, blah blah blah.

>act like you’re NOT trying to get laid
The only reason anyone goes to bars is to try to get laid. I don't know how you could realistically hide that.
Do relatively normal women go to bars?

Yeah. They do. Of course. I go to bars all the time after work just to let off steam and not to get laid. Just don’t be creepy is all I’m saying.

>It’s pretty easy. Just talk to girls and be yourself
Every asshole says this with the assumption that "yourself" isn't repulsive to women.

hit a woman over the head with a baseball bat and drag her back to your cave, knock her up and make her your waifu

You think that way because you have low self esteem. Are you that selfish and stupid to think there’s no women out there that might be a lot like you? You’re not an individual and special snowflake. Everyone has problems, and you’re like so many other men that are seeking sex, and you have low self confidence. Women aren’t all perfect, and you’d be surprised at how many women can relate to you if you’re just yourself.

MODSS ?!!!!!!!!

Nice dubs, but she’s clearly of age. Faggot.

I've been myself for 34 years, and it hasn't worked yet. Somehow I don't think being myself is the right strategy.

It is though. You just need to lighten the fuck up. There’s tons of very cute women who are TERRIBLY insecure and would probably love your company. And you’re not looking for perfection, are you? Just to get laid? I’m telling you that no matter how much of a NEET you are, there are women who feel exactly the same. Would it help if I showed you a pic of my ugly fucking face?

stop trying to find excuses and do it, follow the man's advice

Would you recommend opening up to women about low self confidence? Or is being vulnerable just going to make them think you're weak and move on?

Wanna get pussy? Fuck fat girls. It's just that simple. They have low self esteem and are flatered whenever a guy pays them any attention. Also, they suck a mean dick.

Now post more pictures of the cutie in your original post. Thanks.

Absolutely not. Do not share that unless they bring it up first. Then you can be like “oh thank god, I feel the same way...” and you have something to talk about. But if you start off like “um hi, I have really low self esteem so pardon me... um...” you’re not gonna get laid. Learn to be comfortable in your own virgin skin, user. Here’s my ugly mug. If I can get laid, you DEFINITELY can. But no, do not use your insecurity as a conversation piece. It won’t work out well for you.

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Women seem to enjoy my company just fine. I've made a point over the past few years to meet more women, and that's been working out reasonably well. But just because she likes spending time with me doesn't mean she wants to fuck me.
Looks aren't the issue. There's much more attractiveness than physical appearance. Whatever else women are looking for in a man, I apparently don't have.
Do what exactly? Be myself. I honestly have no idea what people even mean by that.

Different wizard here. I have noticed that I can garner a certain degree of female attention by "being myself", ***BUT*** nothing ever happens. What's the "Next Step"? Like if the steps are:
1) Just be yourself.
2) ???
3) Profit / sex
Then can you elaborate on what the fuck that shit in step 2 is? I can do number 1, but I can't reach number 3, so what's that shit in step 2 that nobody ever fuckin says?

I used to believe that user, but experience has taught me that it's wrong because I have enjoyed success with women and it came from changing "myself".

To you both... like I said, it can take time but persistence is key. You can’t just give up if you meet a woman who seems to be a lot like you but ultimately isn’t interested in sex. It’s pretty common. But you need to be PERSISTENT. Like I said, if at first you don’t succeed, what do you do? Keep trying. And eventually, you’ll have to flirt. Let the conversation become comfy enough to allow some flirtation.

Well that’s the hard and long way to do it. OP is looking to get laid as soon as possible. Of COURSE taking the effort to change and whatnot will give you a better chance. I’m just trying to tell OP that he CAN get laid, and pretty easily. He’s probably not the type there gonna start doing CrossFit and cycling classes (I’m not saying that’s what you did to change, but it’s an example). OP just wants to get laid and I’m telling him it’s possible, even probable if he is persistent.

Stop seeing women as people and certainly don't have them as friends. Think of them as a potential conquest and act according. Learn to lie. Stop being so nice, most girls want to be treated like crap, at least a little.

Find out what they like and what they want and pretend to be that.

But first, honestly, lose your virginity to a whore. Pay for a good one and have her teach you how to fuck properly. Once you've had some sex everything will be much easier.

And don't meet women online, unless it's a hookup app. Go to bars and clubs where they're already drinking.

You look perfectly fine. At least a solid 5. Part of the problem is that women have such high standards these days. They're only a swipe away from fucking Chad, so they no longer even give average looking guys the time of day.

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That's only a thing online. Meeting girls IRL, especially when they're drunk, is the way to go.

If I’m a 5, I’m average. I know “chads” who never get laid. Theyre built like Atlas and have perfect facial symmetry but they don’t have the drive and persistence.

you make it sound like sex is a thing that someone does to you rather than something you do with another person.

you can just ask them if they want to fuck, using lines like "it seems like you want me to kiss you, is that what you want?" is a great way to get consent and to be a little naughty with it, you can ratchet this up as far as you want to go.

drop the attitude,

When you say "find someone willing to have sex with you" you're entering into a pathetic weak soyboy mindset where the women can immediately tell you have no confidence.

The thought in your head should always be that a woman wants your dick and that you have to tease her, or even reject her entirely. You are the one in control and she is sleeping with you because she wants a piece of you, not doing you a favor.

>Stop seeing women as people and certainly don't have them as friends
Yikes... is this really the way men who get laid think. I don't think I could do that, even if it meant I'd get laid tomorrow. I actually like women, and enjoy spending time with them. They're much more than just a hole to put my dick in.

Second wizard again, and once again I can't speak to the others, but for real what the shit is that number 2? I've been working on the flirting for 15 years, and even if you want to say that I must just have stunk at it for the first 5 then fair enough lets say 10 effective years. That's still 10 years. I'm fine with persistence, but 15/10 years hasn't had any result, literally never once have I made it past step 2. I gotta figure either step 2 really is "persistence" and I just need to persist for like another 50 years (get me summa dat 3^4 year old pussy, right?!), or otherwise that there's something else in that step 2 that nobody's talking about. Which is it? Because if it's a 50 year wait for the shit, then I'm just going to try to bribe an army doc to tell me what that shit is they put in the food in the chow hall to kill off your libido.

just be yourself bro

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No, that was some misogynistic and cynical asshole. That’s not how you get laid dude. I’m telling you. Be comfortable with yourself, and just fucking get drunk. This is me. I get laid more than a lot of chads I know because I don’t care what I look like, I just shower and brush my teeth every day. And I meet women at bars and fuck quite a bit. Is it the ideal place to find a life partner? Fuck no! But you’re just looking to get laid right?

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I've never tried online dating, so I've only ever met girls irl. I didn't ask them all to rate me or anything, but judging from the lack of sex, I can only assume they didn't find me attractive.
So you just directly ask people if they want to have sex? I thought everything had to be done through the secret nonverbal sexual language that normal people understand.
>a woman wants your dick
>you are the one in control
Yep, that's great in theory, but in reality I know it to be a lie. Women are the ones who decide if sex happens. Men want sex, and women are the gatekeepers.

Do you just go out to bars alone looking for women? Or do you have wingmen to help out? How many women do you talk to in an average night out at a bar?

Dude, did it ever occur to you that you worry about it WAY too much, think about it WAY too much, and are so fucking insecure that maybe THATS the reason? And I don’t know your definition of flirting. For me it’s very subtle. I wait until I’m comfortable and she’s comfortable... it’s a calculated process. Maybe you “flirt” like a creep.

I’m usually alone. All my friends have families and have moved away and I’m kinda the service industry rat that never left town. It depends. I’ve had nights where I’ve flirted with a few, and nights where none would even talk to me. But I never give up hope. Some nights are better than others. When I find a prospect that is clearly interested in me I stick to that prospect.

How do you differentiate between flirting and just talking? I keep hearing that flirting is subtle, but it's so subtle that I have no clue what it even means.

Oh and also (samefag again), just because a drunk girl may flirt with you, doesn’t mean she wants to go home and have sex with you. Yeah, it can be a bummer. But it happens.

I dunno. I just wing it. If we’ve been talking for a bit and she giggles a lot, I might laugh, she’ll ask “what’s so funny?” And I’ll just say “I dunno. you’re just cute when you laugh.”

Whoo thinks was him..!?!

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Why is no one suggesting other drugs other than alcohol?! Much more efficient. My gf is on hardcore sleeping pills and they work fast. Fascinating to watch. I sometimes borrow some when I go out. Ssshhh! She doesnt know. Whenever I get the sofa at someones place they work like a charm!

Anhero pls

Well, if those sleeping pills are heavy benzos or hypnotics, no shit. People have been using them as date rape drugs forever. I remember being prescribed Halcion for a really bad insomnia problem. While I was on that shit, I’d fuck anything with a pulse. Usually I’d just put on some good amateur porn, sniff a popper, bust a nut and fall fast asleep.

I couldn't do that to my parents. But once they're gone that might be a pretty good option.

Try tinder

Not a good option. It’s not an option. You don’t need to DIE because you’re having trouble getting laid. Just keep trying dude. Take all of the advice from this thread, weed out the stuff you think is bullshit (incels telling you that it’s impossible and women are only into chads) and throw it out. Keep the rest.

>prostitutes, various countries
>online dating in general
>lower your standards

or just rape someone idk

Garbage tier advice for virgins

Yes, you should just 'be yourself', but that's not a fucking helpful thing to say to an insecure virgin

Fuck off, summerfag, a virgin by 4chinz standards is 30 minimum

Fucking get over yourself and ask someone out

Once you've done it once and gotten over the crushing feeling of rejection it is 1000% easier to ask someone else out

>Pro-tip: avoid getting friendzoned by asking them out soon after meeting them, don't let a friendship develop in the first place

Does tinder work for guys who aren't conventionally attractive? It's all based on images and looks, right?
That's easy to say if you haven't lived your entire life without sex. It's constantly on my mind, and the realization that everyone else finds it easy just makes things worse. Like I'm a broken person.

that's no excuse for having rape fantasies, youre just a freak anyway

How far into knowing someone is too late? My problem is I don't realize I might be interested in someone until we get to know each other. Is it already too late by that point?

friends of friends is the #1 way. Try impressing a friend's gf to the point she's be comfortable showing you to her friends. At that point it's like your vetted.

Seriously tho, what does a girl want? Someone who will make her friends and mom jealous.

Dude, it’s NOT easy. It’s tucking hard. I was the one that told you to go to dive bars. It’s the law of averages. Eventually, you’re gonna click with some random bitch and you’ll end up fucking. I’m not giving you advice to find a datable girl, I’m just telling you the easiest way to go out and fuck. And dude, you’d be surprised. Having sex isn’t always that amazing man. But if you’re INSISTENT, then take my advice and go pick up some beer-goggle sexy barfly slut. There are a lot of them. I can’t give you advice on relationships or anything like that. But I’m telling you the EASIEST way to get laid. And no, it doesn’t work all the time. In fact, I’d say it works 1 out of 10 times. But eventually, your number will be up and it will be time for business. Just always keep your cool, and never give up.

Get some confidence, get in goodish shape, buy some respectable clothes, shave or grow a beard, be happy, put yourself out there and confidence will come. Its a catch 22 hard to do but keep making yourself happy amd one day you will be able to make someone else happy. Godspeed user.

>how do I find someone willing to have sex with poor me?

you won't with that attitude

I am a freak but I don’t have rape fantasies ever. Not my thing. But being on Halcion made me SUPER horny.


Nah bro, I’m Geoff.

I just got called a misogynist by another man! That's hysterical. No wonder my 39 year old ass is drowning in college pussy.

have you just straight up asked a girl if she wanted to fuck after you flirted with her for like a week? Apprentice here, but I hear that's how people do it.

Sure, kid. Sure.

Do they not just slap you if you try something like that?

What do you mean by apprentice? Have you had sex or no?

if they ever talk to you about stuff they only talk about with close friends (like shaving pubes etc) then they will never see you as relationship/fuck material
this is what I've seen in my limited, miserable experience.

When we were pretty drunk I asked her if I could have fun with her when she slept. She answered "As long as I properly warm her up first and only the pussy."
I sometimes get ideas when Im very drunk. We tried anal with lube and warmup of course, as you should, she didnt shit right for two weeks. Bad idea.

Not the guy that posted that but yeah, you could get slapped. It’s stupid motherfuckers who read the book “The Game” and think they’ve got the whole system figured out. Don’t get slapped, don’t be an asshole.

early 20s, never actually had sex but done the other things (kiss, fondle). A failed apprentice I guess.
well if you just walk up to some random woman and say that then yes.

Oh, you're one of those. Makes sense now.

What, this sounds completely backwards. I thought people in relationships shared intimate details about their lives. So why would doing that cut off the possibility of a relationship?

yeah, after you're in the relationship then anything goes. I'm talking about in the weeks after you first meet as strangers.

Well, at least you had some fun. And it was consensual. What sleeping pills does she have? I fucking love taking halcion or ambien before sex. If I can get my hands on 2mg Xanax bars, even better. Shit feels so good when you’re like kind of out of it, in a fugue state.

Can you clarify? What does “one of those” mean? I’m far from being a virtuous person, but I uh, have sex. What kind of person am I user? And are you a Chad?

Btw benzos, hypnotics, halcion. I cant remember do any of them cause memory loss of the hour before taking it? I think benzos with alcohol had that effect. Was so long ago I read about them. Whatever info you dont use you forget.

Underage ban please.