Anyone have ideas on ways to anonymously ruin someone’s life? Financially, mentally or whatever

Anyone have ideas on ways to anonymously ruin someone’s life? Financially, mentally or whatever

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Just be yourself and interact with them in any way. That should make their quality of life plummet substantially.

Also preferably in a legal-ish way

Too much work. What else you got?

send them nudes

let the person rape you, then start a me too fake media campaign against the target like all the brainwashed hollywood stars did

Whoo thinks was him..!?!

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Absolutely no one would know if you threw a Molotov cocktail at their house. How the fuck would they have any way of knowing it was you? It would be impossible.

use a payphone to report them to the police for some made up shit

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it depends
do they deserve it?

A little extreme, but you’re not wrong

Yeah, unfortunately they do

how so
what did they do?

Says the beta little bitch asking anons on Sup Forums what to do.

drugs,real magic ,and the true earth is flat

"real magic" Go back to /x/ you superstitious grub.

>get sat next too a overweight cunt in 9th class
>am a quiet kid that doesnt cause any trouble
>get annoyed by her existence
>subscribe her email to a a newsletter of the fascist party
>send them via formular a message with her email that I find it really awesome what they are doing
>write insulting emails to her with a throw away email accojnt
>say under my breath "fat cunt" under fast repetition, so only she can hear it, which gets her really annoyed

Am I a bully and a bad person?

I don't feel any regret and cant even remember her name.

>Am I a bully and a bad person
Just immature

Makes sense, thanks user